Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by mr_trousers

  1. That's certainly the smart way to do it. Unfortunately, we're a bit too far into it now to do it for this playthrough. I'm not too keen on sudden restarts after the hours that have been invested. But definitely if I'm ever starting a game again, I'll make sure all the config is decided ahead of time haha.

    Thanks for the help, all. I imagine I'll just delete and respawn any animals we have problems with, from now on.


  2. Yes, I switched the year length from 96 days to 360 days a couple days after server start. Sounds like that's the problem. Will any thusly affected animals eventually grow up - say, after 12 months for the sheep, since that's its usual juvenile period - or are their internal clocks too messed up that they'll be stuck in a weird perpetual childhood thing, and I should just replace any animals I see affected like that?


  3. An update: I decided to try spawning sheep in and using spawned in shears and stuff to see if my knife was broken or my sheep was broken or something. I spawned in a new TFC sheep, fed it a couple times, and... well it worked, I was able to shear the new sheep. So I guess I somehow found a broken sheep. The only visible difference between the two was that the familiarity icon for the broken sheep I found was unhelpfully mostly hidden inside of the sheep. With the one I spawned in, it was hovering far above him. Dunno if any of that means anything.


  4. If it had been successful, that would have been the fourth or so time I fed them. When I would shift and look at the sheep (who is the one I'd actually been trying to familiarize) the heart was barely filled, not even to the point of the white border, so they're not maxed out.

    However, (and I probably should have mentioned this), this is on a server. When I just got back on, it looks like the familiarity meter has increased significantly since previously, and I can feed them now, so maybe the server was just lagging somehow and those feedings still registered. However, when I first found the sheep, I originally could use a knife on the unfamiliarized sheep and it would tell me that the animal wouldn't let me do that. But by the time I got it back to base and was feeding it, right click with a knife had no effect, like feeding also ended up. Now that feeding is working, shearing is still doing nothing. Maybe I'm just missing something on how shearing works, though.


  5. So this is odd, it was working about half an hour ago but now isn't. I have a pig and a sheep, and barley grain. I go and shift right-click with the grain. Before, it would feed them 5oz and then afterwards, further tries would be greeted with the "the animal won't let you do that" message. But now, neither of these things happen. Shift right-clicking will just make me start eating the grain. When I try while already full so I can't eat it, just nothing happens - no feeding, no "can't do that" message. Any help would be appreciated.


  6. Bit of an odd thing going on here. On my laptop, the hammer which is in its slot in the anvil gui is visible lying flat on the anvil, static. On my desktop, it floats above the anvil, facing the player, and rotates as you move around it. Anyone know why there's a difference?


  7. Thank you for the response. I dunno why I mentioned decay, I'm pretty sure it currently is scaled fairly realistically and it wouldn't make any sense to increase or decrease it, regardless of year length. I've looked through the rest of the config options and it looks like that covers all of the time-related options. Sapling growth being the only one not scaled, I've just increased that to 2 so there's a bit of an increase.


    Thanks very much!


  8. Hellooo. So my friends and I are doing a TFcraft server. We set the year length to 360 days instead of the default 96. But I wasn't sure if we should be correspondingly increasing other values to match. Should I also change the crop growth multiplier to 4, and the same for decay, and so on? I assume none of these are auto-scaled to the year length. What other things ought I to change?

