Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ScribJellyDonut

  1. It's not as if making the hand faster would obsolete the jug. Even if drinking by hand were as fast as the jug, and I'm not implying that it should be, jugs would still be a very useful thing to have - especially when your exploration plans don't involve searching for freshwater sources every five minutes.


  2. I read through most of this and I actually have two simple minor changes that I feel will likely make the torch burnout more viable and enjoyable for everyone.

    Rather than clicking a torch on the wall to light it again, why not have it so if the player is within say, 1 or 2 blocks from an unlit torch with a torch in hand, it will automatically light the torch on the wall. This would make it so that the core concept of torch burnout is preserved, while making it a bit less tedious aiming and clicking every torch.

    I also see a lot of people dislike relighting torches in their house. An easy fix for this is that torches that are in an area where there is currently spawn protection shouldn't burn out. This will make it so that when you are working around your house, you don't have to play the tedious "relight the torches" mini-game every so often. It will also give a sense of occupancy or activity to where players currently are working/residing. The concept of not being able to use torches as a free no-spawn zone will also be preserved since the area already has spawn protection anyhow, and the torches will burn out once spawn protection no longer exists in the area if or when the player leaves.

    As an aside, some players have mentioned that they dislike the lack of a permanent lightsource. Indeed there is a warm and fuzzy feeling of returning from a long journey and seeing your house lit up in the distance. It's inviting. It says you're home. You're safe. However, I recently had a different experience in TerraFirmaCraft that I'm sure others may have had as well that I'd like to briefly share.

    After being gone for more than a month of in-game time, we returned to our house and it felt a bit dangerous. A functional home ready to be used, sure, but perhaps some monsters had taken up residence while we were gone for so long? Indeed this was the case, and we had to reclaim our house from the wild and secure it for ourselves.

    I rather enjoyed that experience, and I think it should be the norm. Nothing is permanent, and if you leave an area unoccupied for too long, it will be returned to the wild. That's how it should be. It makes the game feel more realistic and alive. If you're on a multiplayer server then perhaps that warm and fuzzy may still be possible if you return to have other players invite you back to a well lit shared home or town.

    I'm sure that it's already being planned as such, but as standard boilerplate I will also say that I am in favor of a longer lasting, but not permanent, lightsource. Also, the jackolanterns are silly.


  3. I'm of the opinion that right clicking to drink is much too slow at the moment. I see the jug as a method of drinking water when fresh sources aren't available like in deserts or oceans. It can also simply be a quicker way to quench thirst.

    What makes the thirst mechanic fun is monitoring it and planning around it, especially for long exploratory trips; Not tediously standing in water holding down the mouse button for 2 minutes. Not only can I quench my thirst faster in real life by cupping my hands, but in TerraFirmaCraft timescales this equates to sitting in place and drinking water for a couple of hours - which is just silly.

    I like the incentive to make jugs, and hopefully later on more durable metal or glass drinking vessels, but there is no reason drinking with the hand should take so long unless you're just a masochist. I think that as a starting point it should be about 3 to 5 times faster than it currently is, and maybe tweak it from there.
