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Posts posted by CBro

  1. Your second crash doesn't appear to have anything to do with Ships Mod. The stack trace looks purely vanilla. It doesn't look like it's related to mods at all.


    Your first crash looks like a crash in TFC. I can't do anything about it though unless I can look at the TFC source. I can't seem to find the source online anywhere. I'm guessing it's not open source?


    On the Hub:


    /Deadrik/TFCraft/tree/master/srcis what you are looking for? (Loving the mod btw)


  2. Huge update, 60% of the mods updated including TFC to build 15 (see the home base for the full list/changelog). Unfortunately during this update I had to remove the HQM QB for the time being (the saved quests that is). I'll work on resolving the issue and upload the save as soon as it's fixed. Don't worry I have everyone's quest progression saved and when the QB is fixed I'll upload that back into it.


  3. I would just like to say, we use the best single core processor (within reason of course) on our TFC server you can get and we still run into the issue of the sequoia crashing the server when chopped down. We do have a restart wrapper so it's definitely back up within 1-2 minutes but is still not too fun to deal with from a players perspective. I did remove all the sequoia leaves in the world which stops it from crashing but the forests look ugly! I'll get my dev to take a look at the code for chopping it down in the near-ish future and post up here what we come up with, if we come up with anything at all. Thank you all for this wonderful information.


  4. In addition to the ones above:Donations plugin would be good.Permissions to handle the nodes and groups would be good.

    A random teleport module, maybe a part of the essentials plugin utilizing world border too.Something to better control lag causing issues (NoLagg/ClearLag)Open Inventory (ability to see others' inv in game instead of as NBT)

    An Item Ban Manager (ItemRestrict)

    A scoreboard module system showing server rankings for stats

    Vanish (staff invis for investigating)

    Vault (or currency 'standardizer')




    Posted Image


    I have to point out that we are not whitelisted on MyM, it's an open/public.


    On topic: This is a great discussion and something I have been trying to compile as well, a list of forge utilities to help move out of the bukkit era of 1.7. There are several out there, unfortunately it is limited.


  6. Lots of optimizations done on the server yesterday. It's running significantly better and now our focus is being put towards a new update which will include lots more quests to tie in TFC to other mods as well as lots more balancing scripts being added. Feel free to post more suggestions about the pack or issues with the server here! I appreciate all feedback! :D


  7. I would agree with that, except that the only thing I change is putting build 15 in there and it doesn't work. I did that this morning and immediately put back build 13 and had absoutely zero issues again. I am working on optimizing HQM as it is causing a bit of an issue server side, but it runs just fine with build 13.


  8. Yes 0.79.15 do u have the last update for cauldron? they stop updating, and u cant even download from then anymore. But my server is working fine, no major bugs.


    If by latest update you mean 1236, then yes, I am running that. All my 1.7 servers are running on the 1236 just fine. I'll probably give it a shot again when I'm not in a rush to get it back up so soon.


  9. Hey CBro,


    Just a few things for feedback, if you would like to hear.


    Mod utilization:


    I understand this is a beta pack, but right now the mid-game feels quite awkward. There seems to be a lot of mods, specifically technology mods, that are in the pack but are largely unusable. Many of the recipes are impossible due to the lack of one thing:


    A furnace


    Mods like Electrical Age and Progressive Automation become quite literally useless without the ability to craft smelted items. It really is a shame, for it seems we're (intentionally perhaps?) locked out of a lot of potential content. This makes it very uncertain of where we're supposed to go after we've progressed in TFC. And while TFC is fun, I would like to see the ability to use these technological mods to their full potential.




    Overall, I like the style, especially the challenges, but I also feel that there are too many "hidden" quests. I look at the TFC advanced section and see only 20% complete, but nearly all available quests completed. Perhaps this is personal preference, or popular opinion since most other HQM packs have some degree of transparency, but it would be a lot less frustrating if we had at least some idea of where the quest progression is leading.


    And of course, it may be a consequence of a beta pack, but just to bring it to your attention, some of the quests are flawed, specifically the wrought iron quests. The second part of that quest has literally nothing on it, making the quest impossible to complete.




    Not sure if this is due to server specs or an unoptimized modpack, but there's a lot of lag, to the point where I get disconnected. I'm sure you're aware of this, but just wondering which one it was: resource-heavy modpack, or under-powered server? Maybe a combination of the two?





    Great modpack! For beta, I love the design and concept. Despite the negatives, I still saw it worth exploring. Of course there seem to be parts you have yet to implement, and quests you have yet to create or polish, but I find this very fun and a great challenge! No matter what stage of the game you are in (except for perhaps end-game), there are always threats and danger. The modpack truly lives up to its name.


    Wonder where this is going to go,


    Thank you for the feedback sir! I very much appreciate it!


    As far as the furnace goes, the Questbook directs you the correct direction to making a workable furnace to start, which would be the Infernal Furnace from Thaumcraft, that is the intended first vanilla smelting furnace. Maybe I should rework the quest line to indicate that earlier on to make thaumcraft a higher priority? We have 'mock-ran' through all the other mods with the use of TFC and are satisfied with how they are implemented, we wanted to keep the same idea of TFC throughout the other mods and with the idea of the modpack, insanely difficult, but insanely rewarding upon completing it. Before getting to the infernal furnace, the progressive automation miner is easily reachable making the mining significantly easier. Once you find a Kimberlite deposit and are able to get a few diamonds out of it, a multitude of mods opens up and is really exciting to find your way through it DIE style.


    The Quests I agree, but I am working hard on making those as smooth as possible, it is by far the number one time consumer and most needy part of this pack. Out of the thousand hours I have into it, I have spent probably half those planning, writing, fixing, taking notes, planning quests. The Wrought Iron quests? First time I have heard of that one being an issue, if you could give me more detail I'd love that! I'll put it in my notes for the next update. I have planned the next QB update to be released in the next couple days mostly being a quest book bug fix, with a few more directional quests added once you get to the iron stage of TFC, which is the point PA and others open up. Honestly, if I were to start fresh, diamonds would be my number one priority after a pick since it is the gateway and bottleneck to everything else.


    The server has the best single-core CPU for MC possible, I was unaware of the TPS issue. I have spent hours on the server, so so SO many hours, optimizing being one of the things I did on there, if you have any more detail about this I'd be glad to figure out what's going on there? I am not one to let even a slight TPS drop go unresearched. I had it at a continuous 20 TPS for days and thought it was stable, I'll do some looking around to fix this issue.



    Thank you again for the report, it's truly appreciated! If you have any other things to note, I'd love to hear it, I want it to be perfect and smooth. :D




  10. I am using Cauldron version CauldronInstallerPatch-1.1236.05.212 and aside from some minor bugs we have no major issues. We use a lot of bukkit plugins and of course forge mods as TFC. We use Essentials and Towny, also World Border and groupmanager. We also have prizm and Dynmap. If you need help post a list of the files you are using I may be able to give some advice.

    Great, thanks for affirming it works, you are using this with build 15 I assume too right?


  11. Are you sure that you installed it correctly? I just loaded .15 using forge 1236 in a brand new single player world and everything looks fine. The only time that you would have render issues is if an outdated version of Optifine is also installed. With just forge and TFC, and nothing else, I'm having no issues. It sounds a lot more like you tried to load a TFC world without TFC installed, so only the vanilla blocks were left. Also note that Bukkit is not compatible with forge mods. You cannot have a bukkit server with forge mods unless you use a crossover API like cauldron.


    Edit: You said that both the clients and the servers crashed? Could you please provide the crash logs for both? A pretty standard policy in the modding community in regards to crashes is "logs or it didn't happen"

    Indeed, I have cauldron on my server, but in SP only forge loads. I was in a rush before further testing since I was a day behind updating the server. Definitely no optifine installed. I agree, it felt like vanilla and I got lucky even loading the world. I'll probably try again in the near future to confirm, it was just odd to me that the server loaded it just fine but the exact same build client side caused issues and as soon as I reverted back to the previous build (13), it worked great again. I'm sure I deleted the crash reports at this point in time but I'll give my archives a quick look to see if I have any left ( look through hundreds a day, hence not having them readily available[trust me I understand the no crash log no fix frustration]) with that issue. otherwise I'll keep you updated with my testing when trying to update to 15 again. Thank you again for your time! It's much appreciated.


  12. A legacy build really isn't possible. I have to ask, but have you actually tried running build 15 using 1236? Is there some specific error that makes it crash or something?

     I figured as much and it's no problem. Yeah we did load build 15, there is an error upon rendering. Unfortunately the server loads the world just fine but when a client tried to load into the world it completely crashes both ends. I did finally get a SP world up (just now realizing without bukkit at all, but in pure forge 1236) and it was me floating in a void world with sparse random glowstone blocks and tiny lakes which I assume was hotsprings flowing into the void, nothing more. :(


  13. It's more of an issue with Cauldron and the halt to bukkit builds not having a 1272 version. I'd LOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE to avoid bukkit, more than you know, unfortunately the utilities are very limiting when it comes to mods :( I've never had an issue with world generation, then again, I pre-generate my worlds before opening them up. ;)


    I know it's a selfish request, and like I said I understand if you'd rather not. Either way thanks a bunch for the reply!


  14. Good day! I love the builds 14 and 15 with the changes in animal husbandry and especially the fixes and would love to use these builds on my server, so much. Unfortunately because TFC is compiled on newer forge builds it's incompatible with the 1236 build I am limited to. Typically, devs say it needs the newest build of forge and really it doesn't because it never utilizes the newest parts of the API. I love to see that you do! On that note though, and I know it's a selfish request, is there any chance I could get a compile on forge build 1236? I think I can get build 14 running on 1236 no problem but I'd love it if you could get build 15 in there. It looks as if it will be all future builds for 1.7 at this point since the whole DRM issue is the limiting factor for us.


    If it's too much work or you think I am being to selfish, I totally understand! I respect what you do on a level only people like you and me know. I don't expect anything more than what you are doing now and appreciate all of it! We ALL appreciate all of it. Thanks for the time and consideration, again don't feel obligated, or bad when you say no, I promise I don't hold grudges ;)





  15. Hey been playing for a bit on the server. Me and my friends would like to make use of the clan system if possible. Our clan tag would be Pen.

    Sure thing, feel free. There is no need for verification anymore, I turned that off so you are able to utilize all it has to offer now. Type /clan to see the commands available to you.


    Welcome to the server! :)


  16. broken mod pack for technic and mum won't load it

    Have had lots of people load it no problem from both, are you sure your computer can handle it? It's not just TFC by itself, it does require a bit more RAM than just TFC does. If you could link me your log/crash-report I'd be glad to tell you what the cause is.


    Also, sidenote, the MyM Launcher version includes a resource pack that takes up even a bit more RAM, you can disable that in game before launching a world or connecting to the server, or you can even remove it from your resource folder before launching to help keep some memory clear. Technic launcher on the other hand doesn't include that resource pack.


  17. new realease you say? ah thats great glad to hear it! Im more than happy for you to use my little picture, if there is anything you need hanged/edited on the image let me know. Glad you liked that TFC lantern addon. I was running a small TFC server for me and my gaming community and we used a few extra TFC addons, one popular one on there was the Leather Water Sac  its like carrying two clay water vessels around with you, but doesnt have the % chance of breaking. by the looks of it, it has been updated to take other fluids like the home brewed alcohols and even salt water (drink at your own risk).




    I appreciate hardcore is supposed to be hard, but i was wondering about healing. The terrafirmacraft addon Extrafirma adds an interestig heal mechanic that utilises healing herbs, which have to be ground up in a pestle and then and combined with leather strips, cloth from the loom and string/yarn to make a healing bandage. however the mod was last updated to a 78 version so it may well prove to be incompatable.


    Spice of life Modpack : lunch bag won't accept TFC foods as valid objects.




    Would it be game breaking if the trashcan recipe could be tweaked to use TFC cobble and TFC stone? i just want to throw stuff away rather than /rt place chest full of stange stuff /home!



    The release got pushed off due to you streaming, didn't want you to have to deal with a long downtime! It's all ready to go at this point(including lantern mod), just a matter of rebuilding the server and the several client compiles all around.


    I agree about healing, we tried searching for a bandage style mod to add into the pack to add another use for the wool cloth making the loom significantly more valuable, but we can't find one. Maybe I'll work on building one for the update after this one, wouldn't be too hard to put together a couple tiers of bandages. I liked the ExtraFirma idea early on, but we wanted to use all active mods/devs as we could so we could update with new stable content as the pack progressed and we did notice the same, seems to be outdated. If there was a way to move hot springs earlier in the game that would be helpful too.


    Yeah, definitely, I can tweak it, but absolutely everything has value, I would most DEFINITELY suggest keeping everything, there is a way to 'throw it away' later but still retain it's worth.


  18. That image, wow! That is amazing, thanks a ton for that. This will be the new imagine in the QB with next release (tomorrow). IF that's cool with you, love it!


    The animal husbandry has been worked on for the next update as well, TFC came out with a few fixes which hopefully fixes this very issue.


    Lantern mod shall also be included in tomorrows release, I like it and it fits well. Good call.


    EDIT: I'll look into the armor quests and figure out why those aren't working right for the release too.
