Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by StrayWolfe

  1. 9 hours ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    Cool update and I appreciate the effort you're putting into the mod.

    I would like to ask if the whole "crops have randomly generated tastes" thing will change in the future. Will crops have realistic taste profiles that match their real world counterparts.

    There are ways to change hard-coded things like this but it is currently beyond my knowledge and there are potential problems that can arise from it. Peffern is using this technique to alter hard-coded TFC things in adding crop API support, but it is not something that is currently in the scope of this mod, maybe later.


  2. 7 hours ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    There was no breaking sound. I'm partway through another salad. I'll tell you if I consume the bowl again. If I do, I'd say it's less likely that the bowl is breaking and more likely that it's being consumed. Breaking two bowls in a row when there's supposed to be a 2% chance seems a bit off. Why do you get more full from a salad when there's no grain and just 4 ingredients? Is there more of each thing going into a salad than a sandwich? I got tired of salad a lot faster, too. Nearly filled my hunger all the way just from one and filled myself well with just half of another one later. Seems a bit unrealistic to get full from a salad consisting of onion, celery, green beans, and bell pepper. I know celery takes more energy to digest, but I wouldn't think that'd make it more filling.

    [EDIT] And yes, I consumed the second salad, bowl and all. No breaking sound. Don't think it's the 2% break chance since it happened twice in a row with no sound.

    Good catch with the eating of the bowl. It looks like at some point since salads were added, I had forgot to add the code for bowl return. There is bowl return for everything else with a bowl but somehow I messed salads. 

    Salads fill more than sandwiches because salads weigh 20 oz max and sandwiches weigh 10 oz. Each time you eat either type, you can consume a max of 10 oz per use so you will finish a sandwich before a salad. 

    As for sandwiches, the flavor profiler is giving the same numbers for the same ingredients as the default TFC way of making sandwiches. I was able to make a sandwich that was sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savory granted I cheated in the foods so I avoided the rng factors for the foods to test the mechanics. I would suspect you have just had a limited variety of flavors for foods that are not matching your player flavor profile. Crops have a randomized flavor profile so I cannot tell you if an onion is sour or sweet, you will just need to look at each ingredients' flavor info in the tool tip before you use it to find those that better suit your preferences.


  3. 4 hours ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    Sorry to double post but I just tried a salad and did something quite alarming.

    I ate the bowl.

    At first it's all "Wow! This is quite filling! I like this!" When I didn't get my bowl back I was questioning why it was so filling.

    Did I just eat a ceramic bowl? I can't seem to find it in my inventory anywhere. :/

    I'll look around more and let you know if I find it.

    By default, there is a 2% chance a bowl will break while eating and a sound of a bowl breaking is also played.


  4. 14 minutes ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    Yep. Never fear. It works as described. I was just... ah.. making sure you knew what you were doing! ;)

    I think I was just a bit too impatient to check that I was doing it correctly. I have another question though because I haven't tested it yet (currently on a beach making glass) - Does the mixing bowl have to be on the table to work or can it be on any surface? Also, can you move the clay oven or did everyone decide that was cheaty? If not, mine is now in a really inconvenient location (kinda tucked in a nook outside the castle - didn't think I was that close to building it when I made the oven... woops). How long until it breaks so I can make a new one in my kitchen space?

    Oh! Right! I also wanted to ask if you'd done anything with taste profiles. I'm asking because it doesn't seem to matter what kind of sandwich I make, if I use wheat bread (haven't currently made any other bread but I'm considering it), the sandwich ends up being ridiculously sweet and ridiculously savory. I thought the sweet was from berries, so I omitted them from a sandwich - still sweet. Venison? Omitted it. Still savory. What can I do to change this? I wouldn't think a sandwich composed of green beans, onion, and I think celery would be considered sweet and savory.

    Here are some pics of the aforementioned things:


      Reveal hidden contents





    Thanks again!


    I am glad you are enjoying the mod. To answer your questions:

    The mixing bowl can be placed on any solid surface.

    It seemed unrealistic to be able to "break" a clay oven to move it once the oven has hardened.

    The oven by default can be lit 400 times then there is a 1% chance after that to break.

    I'll look into the sandwich flavor mechanics and make sure they are working right.


  5. 16 hours ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    So I played some TFC today and tried to interact with some of the new features.

    In my travels, I found some celery.



    Looks nice! Can't wait to use it in my sandwiches!

    And then I got caught up making some bismuth tools with an armload of sandwich stuff and remembered the table is supposed to store things. Great! I'll just go and take care of that and..... er...? It won't let me store things! How do you store them? I tried sneak-clicking on both halves of the table, removed the mixing bowl and tried doing that - nothing! Looked in NEI to see if maybe there was a new table, too. How do I store items in the table? *looks at the wiki* well, I also tried removing the knife from my hotbar and right-clicking and sneak-clicking and everything. I might try again later, but huh. Shouldn't require the wiki to figure out. I'll test it more later. For now I've got some IRL potato soup to make.

    I'm glad you like it. Just right-click the top of the table with anything that is not a block item, knife, bread, meat or bowl to create a storage area. Holding shift prevents the creation of a storage surface. Clicking the top of the table with a bread makes a sandwich, a bowl makes a salad and meat  starts meat salting so those items cannot be used to initiate storage. Knives attempt to create a food prep area, which is prevented from happening, so knives do not work for this function. You can store anything but blocks after the storage surfaces has been created by clicking on one of the four areas of the storage surface. Sorry for the confusion.



    So I've just added another update as proof that I'm still alive. This update includes:

    New Crops: Pumpkin/Jack O' Lantern, Watermelon, Brown and Red Mushrooms, Celery and Lettuce

    Prep Table can now hold items place on top of it

    And several bug needed fixes


    I have not added new recipes or cooking mechanics just a new crop system so I can start adding new foods. In the next update, I am looking toward introducing new trees for nuts, condensing the mod by removing old code and possibly ice cream.


  7. On 12/20/2016 at 5:49 PM, ciekma said:

    There is an issue with Barrel.addItemFluidConversion function, for example if sealing is not required, and output item is set to null, fluid is changed but input item is not consumed. 

    In case of sealed recipe, allow any stack flag seems to not working, single item works when full stack is required. If full stack is inserted, recipe is not working.


    On 12/2/2016 at 3:06 PM, vladthemad said:

    If float is in there and doesn't need to be, it's probably because I stole it straight off the wiki for testing in an effort to understand all the variables. I know in the real world, you have to turn bauxite into alumina via some complicated process, then turn alumina into aluminum via another process, but TFC isn't the real world. I had ultimately planned to use the arc furnace for aluminum; this was more my chasing an idea I had and using aluminum as a stand in to run some tests. I had also switched the aluminum ingot out for coal and vanilla stone too if I remember correctly. Neither of those worked either.

    There are about a dozen "ores" in TFC that go unused, half spawn in the world, the other half don't even do that. My point was more about avoiding the need to make a custom item block for every strata of rock that a mod ore would need to spawn in, and all the extra work that requires. I was brainstorming how to use TFC to generate an used TFC ore, and just rename the ore to whatever you need. For the most part it works pretty well. I can rename Jet to ModOre6000 with MineTweaker, maybe change it's texture with a resource pack if the color doesn't match, modify one or two variables in the TFC ore config file, and it's done. Prospector pick works perfectly for it, and mines just like a TFC ore, it looks just like a TFC ore, it generates just like a TFC ore...probably because it is! :) The sticking point I ran into was that converting ModOre6000 into ActualModIngotItemWhatever via TFC's heat/smelt mechanic doesn't seem to work for the unused ores. It's weird, I can get it to smelt anything else into whatever, just not those dang unused ores!

    Unfortunately, some of the anvil and barrel recipes do not provide seamless support with Minetweaker, which to be fair is expected since it is very difficult to provide support for every conceivable condition that Minetweaker could throw. So there will be bugs like these that I can look into but at the current state I can do little to remedy. I believe that the ultimate solution would be to replace the blocks themselves with my own version so I can add extended support and fix little bugs like these that come up along the way. At this point, I am not sure if or when I would be able to fix these problems.


  8. On 12/22/2016 at 3:20 PM, ReignDance said:

    Sounds good. Thanks for the hard work on an interesting mod. Any idea what's to come in the next update?

    Not really sure, it depends on how long it takes to write everything in and test it. However, I have come back to programming so it will be probably a week or two.

    On 1/2/2017 at 9:14 PM, 0999312 said:

    This mod is very interesting and useful(I think)

    I'm from China,It is CAN'T use github except somebody use VPN(Yes,I do),so I think it's too hard to download this mod in China

    I want to upload to Chinese  online disk and make zh_CN.lang(you know,Chinese lang),I will update lang as fast as I can

    Do you agree me?

    and my English is very bad,I think.So if somewhere wrong,please tell me at last

    Thank you for your mods


    On 1/2/2017 at 10:26 PM, 0999312 said:

    OH,I forget something to ask:Would you like add Chinese food in your mod?

    such as  Sour and spicy shredded potatoes , Mapo Tofu...

    these are Delicious!I think.

    If there are any other methods of downloading the mod for users, I would gladly take suggestions and look at making it available. As far as the zh_CN.lang file, the best method of updating it, unfortunately, is to make a push request on Github. I am sorry that I was unaware of Github being banned in China since it is a great resource, but I will do what I can to overcome it.

    As far as foods, I am taking suggestions for foods but I cannot promise if it will be added. My first goal is to add the basic minecraft and TFC foods then start adding new ingredients and meals, including suggested meals like sour and spicy shredded potatoes and mapo tofu.


  9. 21 hours ago, ReignDance said:

    I like the idea of this mod. Has any progress been made on it since November?

    I'm glad you like it. I have not done anything since November on this project. I am taking a break to play games I enjoy in my spare time and regain the drive to continue working on this project. I usually cycle between gaming and programming: I do one until I get burnt out of it, then switch back to the other. I am almost tired of playing 7 Days to Die so I'll be getting back to work on this project soon.


  10. On 11/21/2016 at 2:41 AM, ciekma said:

    I found following issue: when heat recipe is defined, for example

    mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Unshaped:90>, <minecraft:gold_nugget>, 1060, 0.5);

    it will produce liquid metal in mold spawned from thin air, instead of pouring it to existing mold (it will spawn mold even if there is no mold in forge).

    Sorry I have taken so long to respond, I've been busy lately and I needed to figure out what the problem was with the forge to be able to answer the question. Due to the way the forge works, the heated metal needs to have a special class associated with it for the forge to smelt the metal into a mold. There isn't any way that I know of to add a class to an item to allow the forge to properly replicate this behavior.

    The way Minetweaker works, it uses lists to designate which items can interact with an object, so the object, like a forge, determines how it will use an item. TFC uses another method that defines the behavior with the item itself with a special class. So in some mods, if you want to melt an item, you would add the item to a list of meltable items and it would be handled by the machine. In TFC and a few other mods, if you want to melt an item, you would need to create a new instance of that item with the special class associated with it and define the behavior for the item. This is a good method for adding items with code but not good for minetweaker.

    Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do to fix this bug other than creating my own version of the forge.


  11. On 11/3/2016 at 10:24 AM, Narmo said:

    Also have a problem not sure if it is a bug or not. I use ATLauncher with some mods and recently added your mod.  Everything worked fine until suddenly grain stoped working - when I try to refine it and place on hard surface instead gave me back straw and refined grain it returns only grain in exactly same form as I put it on surface.

    That sounds very odd. I might need more details to narrow down what is happening. 

    On 11/3/2016 at 8:47 PM, izzy1488 said:

    So this is a bug report. When you have one of your tables next to one of your ovens, and then place a mixing bowl on the table close to the oven, the oven disappears. It's happened to me twice so far, so I am going to keep the bowls away from the oven. Just thought I would let you know.. I haven't looked through the 9 pages to see if this was already posted.

    My reply to this bug was actually posted in the comment right above yours. This is the same cause as the prior report and the fix will be in the next update. Thanks for the report anyway. In the meantime, use igneous intrusive or extrusive stone to avoid this bug.


    On 10/31/2016 at 6:09 PM, izzy1488 said:

    I love this mod. I like how it adds more depth to the cooking. I was wondering if you planned on adding anything new? Maybe compatibility with the pumpkin/mushroom/pewter addon? Anyways... Good work! can't wait to see more =)

    7 minutes ago, Peffern said:

    I'd be willing to add compatibility on my end if that's necessary.

    I've been on a break for the last month, but I will likely be getting back to work on this mod in a week or two. I've been working on college applications and just have not had the time or motivation to code. The last thing I was working on were pumpkins, melons, mushrooms and jack-o-lanterns. I haven't looked at how to handle compatibility yet and I need to figure out what I am doing with those items before I could approach how to add compatibility. The worst case would be a mod specific  version of each so I don't think it would be a big problem, but I definitely like having inter-mod compatibility. Thanks for offer, Peffern, and I will let you know if there is anything you could do on your end.


  12. 37 minutes ago, ambergem said:

    I have been playing around with all the features of this mod and I'm really liking what I see.  So far I have made broth, soup, salted meat, and bread dough.  However, I can't make sandwiches yet as  I am having trouble with the oven.  I have tried to make the oven four times and have yet to make it far enough to cook any bread.  The first time it was still hardening and I set something next to it, this immediately destroyed it and returned my sand and clay.  So I thought I must have to leave it alone until it hardens.  The next time I destroyed it when I tried to take out the sand but apparently did it the wrong way.  Third time I got the sand out but when I went to put the wood logs inside I built a log pile in front of the oven instead, this also destroyed the oven.  Fourth time I got four wood logs inside and it burned through them all, then I made dough and went to add more wood to the oven but again built a log pile in front of the oven which destroyed it again.  The mistakes were mine however my question is can you never put anything right beside the oven?  If that is so it seems rather unrealistic to me.  If not then does that mean my oven wasn't finished hardening, should I have added more than the original four logs?  I should mention that the oven had no problem being beside things that were already there, it was only affected by placing something next to it after I had begun its construction.

    That is definitely a bug. Early in developing the oven, I wanted the oven to be built on igneous intrusive or extrusive stone. Later, I changed the code to allow it to be built on any stone but I forgot to change a line of code that checks the block under the oven. So the code checks if the block under the oven is either igneous intrusive or extrusive stone and if not, the oven breaks. I have rewritten that line of code and it will be in the next update. For the time being, using an igneous intrusive or extrusive stone to build the oven will avoid this bug.


  13. 12 hours ago, Balgarus said:

    Hello! This looks like a fantastic mod and I can't wait to try it out. Just a quick question though: is this compatible with the cellars add on? I would hate to use all that straw and clay just to find out the cellar is useless...


    Yes, it is compatible with cellars. Although the last time I checked, cellars does not allow meals in the cellar so just keep that in mind.


  14. 4 hours ago, ciekma said:

    I got error

    4 methods available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IIngredient, string, int, int)

    when either .reuse() or .transformDamage(1) method is used on anvil input item, for example <terrafirmacraft:item.Copper Tuyere>.transformDamage(1) - not working.

    Omit the crafting value and it will work. I didn't update the particular methods that uses the crafting value since those methods are obsolete now. The methods that use the crafting value are only there to provide support for old scripts. Specifying the crafting value actually does nothing, that value isn't even passed on to the actual recipe handling.


  15. 2 hours ago, dittoisepic said:

    It is available for download and use, it is in alpha right now. Check back a few pages for more info.

    It might be helpful to edit the original post with the link to the alpha with a warning that it is an alpha and instructions on how you would like for people to report bugs, like crash log, description of behavior, etc.


  16. 2 hours ago, Shurgent said:

    Strangely, I can not reproduce this error.  Can you post your mod list here?

    I took a quick look at the bug since it sounded like a problem I've had in the past with my mods. I filed a bug report with my findings on the issues page of your github with a suggested solution. I also came across another bug  that you will want to fix and filed a report for that one too.


  17. On 8/27/2016 at 7:26 AM, ciekma said:

    Is it possible to add support for reuse and transform damage functions to anvil recipes?

    Currently all input is consumed.

    New Update

    This update adds support for advanced minetweaker functions of the anvil inputs. This has the potential to greatly expand the capabilities of the anvil. The methods that are now supported for the anvil inputs are reuse, transformDamage, transformReplace, noReturn and giveBack.


  18. 7 hours ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    I love the work you have put in this.


    Here is a NEW UPDATE.

    This update includes a new clay oven block and clay oven wall for baking. At the moment, the only thing that can be baked is bread. TFC Whole Grains can be placed once again to be refined into grain. There are also a bunch of bug fixes and optimizations.

    I know this update took a while and that was mainly due to writing new rendering methods to make things look better and run faster. 

    I am in the process of correcting the wiki.


  19. 3 hours ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    No, I was able to make the soup, but only after I had put the ingredients into the pot in the order specified by NEI. No other order worked and I had to remove the ingredients several times before finally getting it right. I'm not sure how else to explain it, except that, for some reason, the tomato soup recipe wouldn't go through until I had inserted the ingredients the way NEI told me to. Garlic before onion? No dice. Salt before everything? No dice, and the broth is gonna take your salt. Once I had it put in as onion, garlic, salt, and tomato it ran. I'm pretty sure I'm running I'll check again to make sure.

    [edit] Yep. It just wouldn't go until it was in the shape specified. I don't know why.

    I've been trying to reproduce this behavior all day and I have had no success. I don't even see how any of this is even possible since the code in no way supports a shaped recipe. I've made a bug report on this, here. If you could report your bugs there, I would be very grateful. Those bug reports are easier to track there and will be better organized than in this forum. If you could tell me what version of forge and java you are using on that bug report, then it might lead me closer to figuring this out.


  20. 30 minutes ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    As far as I know, I'm using the latest version. After I got some broth and a bit of sea salt, I thought I'd finally be on my way to getting some tomato soup (because I can't find carrots anywhere for the other two varieties).

    The first go-round I think I put garlic, then onion, salt, and the tomatoes. That didn't go. Then I somehow thought I had put onion and garlic in but didn't. Instead salt had gone first, and was promptly retrieved by the broth and never seen again. So, for I think the third try, I retrieved my broth, got another bucket of salt water, boiled it again to get more salt going, and put things in in the way NEI said it should be done (2 oz of onion, garlic, and salt and 14 oz of tomato) and then I think I finally got soup.

    Ultimately the whole fiasco wound up requiring 5 or 6 campfires worth of wood because of the need for broth and salt and then the recipes refusing to go.

    There was a bug in the version where cooking pot recipes using salt would not register as valid recipes. The recipe handler was not handling the weight of ore dictionary references, such as "salt", so it required 160 oz instead of 2 oz. I fixed that bug in the latest version,, and recipes with ore dictionary references now work correctly. If this is the bug you are having, then it will not matter the order, you will never be able to make tomato soup or any recipe requiring salt until you update to the latest version.


  21. 5 hours ago, Monarch_of_Gold said:

    Sorry to double post. I've been waiting for answers to my questions. Mainly the one about making recipes "shapeless" because I don't plan to go through that much firewood again. I know you're working hard on features and updates. I just wanted to know if there was a way to make that possible.

    Sorry about not seeing your post until now. Edits do not show up on my alerts.

    It is odd that you are having trouble with the ordering of the recipe for the cooking pot. I completely agree the recipes should be shapeless and as far as all of my tests have gone the cooking pot recipes have always been shapeless. I just tested the last 3 versions of the cooking pot again and other than recipes with salt not registering properly, the recipes work and are shapeless. Which version are you using and which recipe is requiring a shaped recipe? I would love to fix it but I have absolutely no idea how the pot is requiring a shaped recipe when it does not have code to even support that function.
