Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. I only use a single fence without pits and I've never had this issue in over 2 years of playing.  I do give them a lot of room though.  At least 4 blocks per animal.  Perhaps overcrowding is part of the cause?


  2. From the wiki.


    "The color of sheep in TFC is purely aesthetic, and has no affect on the wool obtained from the sheep.

    The majority of sheep are white, with a 81.836% chance of spawning. The light grey, dark grey, and black sheep have an in-the-middle chance of spawning: 5%. Using a spawn egg to get one of these sheep types lies at a reasonable 15%. Brown sheep have an uncommon 3% chance to spawn."


    I believe that the color of lambs born goes by the same rates, no matter what the parents colors are.  Since they all drop white wool, is there some reason you want colored sheep?


  3. Please excuse if this information is already in this thread. I couldn't find it. 


    Is there a way to specify an item other than having one in your hand? For example, I want to buy Kaolinite in my shop, but I don't have any to click on the slot with.  Maybe a way to just enter the ID of the item?




  4. Usually I'll replace it with air, stone or something else. Has always worked for me. Strange.

    I also really don't understand the error you are getting. I've only seen that error with optifine and possibly cauldron/mcpc+/other bukkit forge amalgams.

    Yeah, usually an Open GL issue.


    222 entities seems a bit high for a chunk. 


    @Bunsan  -  Does the meter use entity count in it's equations? Is the meter itself considered an entity block, like armor stands?


  5. Updated to Build 7 of the TerraFirmaPack, which includes the new cavern carving version of Streams.  Re-added Leather water sac by popular demand.  This is a new server types for us, so player feedback is very important to how it's run.  All play styles are welcome.  Play solo or co-op with friends.  It's all up to you.


  6. I expect MS to stop updating Minecraft 1 at some point and come out with Minecraft 2.  Why continue to add new content(DLC) for free when you can charge for a whole new game?  Not sure if they would take the opportunity to switch to another programming language though.  Java's strong point is it's ability to run on just about anything.  If it does happen it's at least a couple of years off anyways. 


  7. Trying to troubleshoot this could take months in a forum setting.  We can't see what you see.  Generally, 9 out of 10 times these things are due to something the user did but either forgot, or doesn't mention because they think it's unrelated.


    My best advice is to copy your important files to the other machine and do a factory reset.  This will wipe the HD and reinstall the system to when you first got it.  You'll have to reinstall all the programs you've added since you bought it, but if you do it one at a time and test it, it should pinpoint what the culprit is. 


    Best of luck.


  8. The page layout in that screen capture looks like an old version of this website.  Your browser cache may be corrupt and displaying an old script.  Flushing it will force the browser to retrieve a new copy of the website.  The Tor browser uses it's own separate cache.


    Link to instructions on clearing browser caches.


    This may or may not be the issue, but I hope it helps.


    Edit: The Tor captcha  problem is a known issue with Cloudflare web hosting.  They may be blocking the IP of your Tor exit node.  


  9. I couldn't find any poll options that fit me, but I think it's a great idea for an app.  This would allow the shopper to buy what's on sale and plan the meal from that.   Which is what I do.


  10. We use the Merchants addon so players are able to create their own Markets as well. Is just the economy part that gets complicated.

    Yeah it does.  ^_^


    One of our admins does a regular assessment and we make adjustments to keep inflation down on the Vanilla MC server.  Kind of like the Federal Reserve.


    We're also using the Merchants addon for the TFC server.  I think if we add a currency, it will be the Merchants coinage instead of a virtual currency.  Better for roleplay, I think. 
