Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. Our vanilla server uses a free market economy.  Players set prices, except for gold, which is bought by our central bank at a fixed rate.  It's worked beautifully over the last 2 years. This is using a dollar currency though.  For TFC, we use ingots as the standard currency.  IE, 4 copper = 1 iron, etc. 


  2. I use a tree stand, just like real life.   I build a 4 high log pole with ladders near water.  I lure them into the water, then use my speed advantage in water to get to and climb the pole. 10-15 stone javelins or half a dozen arrows does the job.  Make sure it's at least 3-4 blocks high.  They can hit a player standing on two blocks.  


    It might take a couple tries, but it works.


  3. UIl2511.jpg


    We are happy to announce the addition of TerraFirmaCraft to the Misfit gaming community.  MisfitMC has been online just over 2 years and we plan on being around for a long time.  We are a mature casual gaming community with 3 active servers with the possiblity of further expansion in the future.  Run by adults, many of whom work in the computer field, we provide a professional drama free environment for you to enjoy your favorite games.


    Our server has no borders.  Explore to your hearts content.

    A custom coded transport plugin allows base to spawn teleport, to encourage trade.  Everywhere else is by foot.

    Grief Prevention plugin to protect your claim.  Claim blocks are added by actively playing on the server.

    Addons such as Streams, Open Graves, Merchants, Cellars, Decorations and Bibliocrat to add to the fun.

    Our own TeamSpeak server with multiple channels.


    Currently, we use TerraFirmaPack Build 7 on the ATLauncher for your convenience. 


    Whitelist applications are currently being taken on our forum.


    Hope to see you there. :)


  4. I don't view TerraFirmaCraft as just a mere "mod".  It's more like a spin-off in both scope and content.  Like New Vegas was for Fallout 3.  I can't imagine the hours upon hours spent on this project, without expectation of payment.  Just for the love of the game. 


    I have every confidence that the new version will be just as enjoyable as the original.  Looking forward to what comes next. :)


  5. Actually if you must know I have Native American ancestry, Is kind of far the grandma of my grandma, but it was a point of pride for our family. If something I said sounded derrogative in anyway please believe me it was not intentional. I use Native Americans as I could have used Australian Aborigines or some tribes in Malaysia or Africa. They are just modern examples of societies that to this day still live in the stone age, they are rare and fewer, but they do exist in remote locations, like in the Amazon. 




  6. Why is it when people start talking about stone age tools, they always bring up American Indians?  Like your ancestors never lived in caves or knapped rocks, but were born with metal tools in their hands?  Holy crap, this thread reeks of cultural arrogance.  <_<


  7. I've played on TFC servers using the PMP mod and find it mostly a distraction.  Only a very few of the plants are actually useful and some, like bamboo are way too OP. 


    It does look rather amazing though. :)


    I do think that something needs to be added to the Oceans, just like in Vanilla MC, it's mostly just wasted space. 


    There are TFC modpacks out there that add some of these features, you just need to look around.  ;)


  8. There are things you can change in the config files to make it a little harder.  Setting the year length to 360 days makes that first year a bit harder and

    the eventual harvest more of an event.  :)

    Turning off ravines makes mining and prospecting a bit harder.  Hardcore Darkness, Stream, Better Foliage and Sound Filters make the game a bit more immersive, but I'm not aware of any that makes the game more realistic(harder/complex).  Most of them add features or make existing features/game mechanics easier.  IE Cellars, WAILA, etc.


  9. Thanks for the change. It will help as a selling point to our admins for adding this mod.  


    The only reason I proposed wild animals, is because they are respawnable.  Yes, bears have large bladders. This is from real life hunting and butchering experience not a wiki.  The meat is very similar to pork, as they are both omnivores, and can be smoked like ham and made into breakfast sausage.  My daughter's personal favorite. :)


  10. Great concept.  It certainly fits the time frame.   Would it be possible though, to give different bladder options in the config?  On an open server, this mod might encourage new players to slaughter sheep on sight.  Maybe substitute something wild like, Bear, Stag, etc. 
