Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. Why is this thread so short?  How long does it take to say a simple thank you?  People have such a feeling of entitlement these days.  You give them something for free and they just demand more or complain about it.  :huh:


    This is the best Minecraft mod I've ever played, and I've tried over a hundred of them.  Thanks.


  2. I feel like a late comer to the party.  Of course I just started playing Minecraft last Spring.  No game, no matter how great will hold one's interest forever.  My personal time frame with even the best games is about 12 to 18 months before boredom or burnout takes hold. The ability to mod a game greatly extends this time of course.  I've found that taking breaks and playing other games helps.  I was hoping to find an active vibrant community here, but all I see are a few newcomers and a couple of old timers, with very little really being said.  Also, there seems to be an unhappy, almost angry mood hanging over the place.  I'm not sure if there is a specific cause or if it's just the continual frustration from having to deal with children or those with a childlike mentality. I'm a 27 year veteran of the Military, so I have very little patience for stupidity, but you can let it get to you or just ignore it.


      I also tend to say what I think and might at times be too blunt.  If so, I apologize.  No harm intended.  I really like what's being done with this mod and if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.  I look forward to seeing what future updates hold. 




  3. The only thing I can think of that might help would be to add a preamble describing the history of each particular metal.  IE, Brass was commonly used as a cheap alternative to gold for decorative purposes, until the Industrial age when it began to have a few practical uses, like bushings, shell casings, etc. However, if the issue is simply that the readers aren't paying attention or not reading at all, then I don't see a solution except to remove it from the game.


  4. Thanks for the welcome everyone.  I'll probably check out the MP servers after I've become more familiar with the game.  I've just hit the copper anvil stage in SP.  Until then I'll hang around here reading and asking questions.


  5. The wiki needs improvements on many pages (updates rather from the previous tfc version). Mulling about on this issue of decorative alloys is not necessary imo. The wiki is clear enough about it and there will always be stupid/stubborn people who will complain.


    Agreed.  Some people just don't pay attention to what they read or they read the first part of a sentence and assume the rest.


    I don't think most people today know what the different metals are and what they are used for.  Most everything is made of plastic now.


  6. Great thread.  I learned a couple of things. Here's one I noticed. 


    Some berry bushes, raspberry and blackberry are two, cause damage when walked into.  Can be used like cactus to injure mobs.


  7. I didn't see a place for introductions so I'll just put this here. 


    I'm Will.  I've been playing Minecraft for about 10 months and love the game but found it too easy after a while.  TFC is more to my liking.  I've just been playing single player so far.  So hard to find a multiplayer that isn't run by idiots, children or both. 


    I've been gaming ever since I walked into a D&D game one night in the barracks back in 1979.  My most recent obsessions are Skyrim and Fallout 3.  Recently retired/disabled, so I have lots of free time to game, go fishing and complain about the government. ;)


    Once I've gotten more familiar with things, I'll try to lend a hand if needed.  Last but not least, thank you for making this incredible mod. 


  8. Otherland series by Tad Williams. Near future where you literally plug your brain in to the Internet and participate in a virtual world where everything feels real.  Mysteriously,. children who are connected begin to go into comas.  One man suspects a conspiracy among the worlds richest and logs in to investigate.


    Very interesting in it's predictions of what the future of social interaction might be like.  The next step to a global consciousness?
