Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by hamcybo

  1. i have found the new way of sea travel it is called Elegant punt this mod, and custom NPC will be add next weekend. ill be posting more info as next weekend gets closer.
  2. [TFC 52e] MultiMine configs for TFC

    Hey flame will your config file still work with build 75 ?
  3. you have been add to the white list. Welcome to the server
  4. i just re posted the vent info
  5. The mods that are 1.4.7 work with 1.4.6 and for working the moding mincraft I suggest toying muitMC it's simple and saves each of your modes mc in one place
  6. you guys have been added to the white list
  7. I just left home but ill add you both to the white list once I get back home.
  8. Try now I just restarted the server
  9. you have been added to the white list
  10. Simple horse's has been installed to the server and here is the link
  11. well guys it looking like i will be add in Simply Horses this weekend. i have no eta for NPC yet
  12. I will be adding both of you tonight after work. Edit you guy's have been added to the white list
  13. As of Jan 28th 2013 the server is White listed from this point you must app to join the server. what i need from you is your Minecraft Name, Age /.group, Time zone, and what you want to bring to the serve. you may post here on this thread or you can sen me a PM.
  14. That was my bad the password is cake
  15. holy can you make me a full set of metal tools. most of my broke last night, the one's that didn't are hanging on my wall's thanks
  16. When you get on next can you make some shears so we don't have to kill sheep.
  17. If we want horse we should do it soon and my idea was to add an exchange npc for the iron and gold with the npc mod. This is a awesome video
  18. hey guys i want to know your thought on the mods listed below. should we add them to the server or not. please wright something about each one. Medical ModSimply HorsesCustom NPC - for npc trader for our city
  19. Beta 75 animals

    I have noticed that in sp and smp the animals will stop moving after a wile. The one time that this is not true is when you go into a new chunck.
  20. Just a few helpful tip spawn is in water, and we are in a very resourcefull area with 3 copper sorces. How I have been marking is 1 rock for tier 1 ores 2 rock for tier 2. So please continue this flormat. My house is not far from spawn. They you will find a bloomery out back next to some clay, there is a charcoal pit build in the clay behind the bloomery. Once we start to gather enough resource to start building a village we will do so. Please note that the server white list is not on yet, but will be turn on the fist full week of February. After that time you will need to fill out an app to join the server with out joing the server for a event. I am hopping to start events on the server by the end of February. Ill be looking for people in the MC and TFC community to do live streaming and LP on the MidnightSun server. Do note that animals seem to be broken they are not moveing around once the area has been load for some time. You should also note that we need to keep 2 a live for breeding. When killing please check that there is one of each sex. Thank you. Hope to see you in game Ham
  21. this is a status update of the midnight Sun server. as of right now i will be updating the server to build 75 by the end of this week. once i have update the server you will have to submit an app you join the server all that have played before may join with out an app. what i am hoping to do is to have open weekend events where new player can join the server and play with us. for those that are still actively play on this server i want to hear for you on this post or in a pm on restart the midnight sun server. (Seed 765762814) why i want to restart is that every one is so far from each other, and that is not want i want with having a server. i will be keeping all the old data for the current server, so if any one want's the files i can email you them. one of the other things i would like to do is to have a LP of the server, if anyone is interested. what i am looking for on the server. Farmer's -Rancher's -Builder's - i don't want to see just 9x9'sLumberjacks -Miners -Blacksmith's -most of all to have fun!
  22. Greenhouse

    before i make a large greenhouse. do they work in TFC?
  23. Charcoal pit -> get the charcoal

    it is multmine i had the same bug. if you can setup a lan the other players can harvest the coal, but you can not.
  24. the server has been update to build 69
  25. i will be backing up the current world, when i start a new world. before i do start a new world i am want to get a few other mods to work with TFC and i my wait till bioxx breaks the worlds gen.