Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by hamcybo

  1. A question, what if we just want to play by ourselves. I mean like what if we go out farther than 200m. Are we aloud to, or do we have to stay close to the town? I ask this because i like getting all the ores by myself. I like to make bases far from people.

    Thank you for reading :)/>

    I believe that is fine as long as you don't completely deface the world in some ugly manner wherever you end up going to.

    Parker, I'm living by myself on the eastern Forest not too far from town. It's good because some Friends always help when in need. I like to have my own stuff too, believe in an economy where nothing is yours is difficult, I'm used to private property. Join me if you want, I'm an elf and roleplay a bit (spontaneously, you know).

    As I was saying. The simple answer is yes, but you need to know that you are not apart of the town so you may no use any of its resources. Unless you are going to replace want you use. As I see it we are a team an if you want to play by yourself you can. Ill post more when I'm not at work.


  2. this is the whatelist as of 04/18/13

    11:12:42 PM


    [iNFO] There are 30 (out of 22 seen) whitelisted players:

    11:12:42 PM


    [iNFO] ado_hoppo, dimondshot, zeri, dranmarth, kyle_mentha, solider1234, gordanball, godofcider, wyatt619, bille318, steastro88, elcallumus, collin145, johanie5, axle54321, araclast, akhammy, jagon_arcur, dradix, garbagepatrol, silleron, akziege, rawe1994, squampapj, formedoubly, gipo839, samario, xxeagle81xx, spekiz and raecouch


  3. hey guys i have update the workshop's rule please read them. i will be added them in a book in-game also, and i will be doing a new workshop tutorial.

    Workshop rules version 2.0

    1. House rule

    2. Ore

    3. Ingot

    4. Smelting

    5. Metal Working

    · Plans

    · Ingot Room’s

    · Anvils’

    1.) House Rules

    The basic rules for the workshop are as follow

    Do not take all of an item without replacing it, like Ceramic molds, charcoal, etc.

    Keep the workshop organized.

    2.) Ore

    Our Town residents share the ore that they find with the community, though the Workshop. How ore storage work’s is there is a single chest on the upper level of the workshop. This is to make it easy on the person smelting the ore into ingot. Now we do have over flow chest setup in the first level of the workshop basement. If there is not an over flow chest setup please make one. Also most of the chest are labeled with either a sign or an item frame.

    3.) Ingot

    Ingot are free to use for any one that is part of the town. So if you are not wanting to join this community please do it yourself. There are two ingot room’s, one is for ingot piles and the other is a metallurgy room with the stone anvil (do not use these anvils). Those anvil are for making higher level metal. So please do not mess with unless you have permission form myself.

    4.) Smelting

    Frist off, you do not have permission to Smelt any ore in the bloomery’s unless I have told you otherwise. There is a few things that you need to know how to do before you can use the bloomeries. There are four bloomeries for making alloy metals easier, also there is a chest next to the bloomery for unfilled unfished ingot, not for unfished ingot.

    5.) Metal Working

    There are a few things you should know about metal working. You will need an ingot heated to a workable state and a tool plan. The tool plans can be found in front of the two anvils. The plan must be returned to that chest. There is not reason you should be keeping the plans. The ingot that you can work with can be found in the ingot storage room, the one with the ingot piles. Do note not all of the ingot are for everyone to use, there will be times that we are storing up a large supplies of ingots. So please refer to the sign in that room. For heating up ingot higher that copper you can use the forges, but only use coal. On a side note refer to the sign on the coal chest to see if you can cook foods. There will be times when you can’t use the forge to cook anything but ingots. The anvils are free to use by anyone that is part of the town. Just note if the hammer inside the anvil is about to die please make another one for the next person.


  4. [in-game name] Dradix

    [Age Group] Teens.

    [Time Zone] Eastern Standard Time

    [read the Rule]Yes I have and I shall follow them.

    Last but not least you must [follow this topic].Yes I did follow this topic

    [Why I want to join] I am a youtuber and looking for a good community to showcase the mod on and play around with it and record, my friend will be making and application as well so we both can start making videos on a great server likes yours. Hope you accept my app and have a good day too you.

    hey i would like to join this server

    my in game name: wyatt619

    age: teens

    time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

    i understand the rules: no greifing no stealing

    you guys have been added to the whitelist

  5. [in-game name] Formedoubly

    [Age Group] Teens

    [Time Zone] EST

    I have read the rules.

    I have followed this topic.

    [in-game name] SquampaPJ

    [Age Group] Teens

    [Time Zone] EST

    I have read the rules.

    I have followed this topic.

    In-Game Name: Bille318

    Age group: Teens

    Time zone: Central pacific

    I have read the rules.

    I have followed this topic.

    You 3 have been added to the whitelist.
