Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by hamcybo

  1. Game name: Spekiz

    I'm 17 years old, consider myself a teen.

    My time zone is GMT -3.

    I have read and understood the rules.

    hello there!

    my IGN is silleron

    i am in my 30's

    my time zone is eastern standard time i have read and understand the rules

    I have followed this topic and can't wait to try out TFC with my friends!

    Hey I would like to apply

    In-Game name - Gipo839

    17 Years old


    Read the rules no greifing, stealing, or cheating.

    you 3 have been added to the whitelist


  2. Hey i would like to apply.

    My in game name is ElCallumus

    Age group is Twenties

    My time zone is +9:30 (Australia)

    Hi, its saying I havent been added to the white list.

    sorry i miss spelled your name.

    [in-game name] Jagon_Arcur

    [Age Group] 20's

    [Time Zone] EST

    [read the Rule] yup.

    Last but not least you must [follow this topic]. This is for two reason. One, to be updated with server changes and server news. <- what's the second reason?

    I'm fairly new to TFC, been playing in SSP on it for only a couple days, but I know how to use a wiki and how to not ask questions explained there. I've got a couple of friends new to TFC as well who are interested in joining, but I'm going to test the waters and see how multiplayer works out. Looking forward to getting my feet wet, and when I get on I'll have some further questions for you.

    and you have been added

  3. Midnight Sun Server.
    Server Info
    Server Host:
    Server IP:
    Backup IP:
    TS3 Server
    TS3 Password: alaska
    IRC: #midnightsungamming

    Hello my name is Ham. I am the admin for the Midnight Sun TFC server. I decide to make my own server with a group of people, to play as a community. To better experience TFC, what we will be looking for is player that are willing to help out others. I am hoping to build a town, for player to trade with other player and even NPC. This does not mean you cannot move away from the town. We would just prefer you to stay with in 200m for your main base. You can make camp’s farther out if you want just please take the time you make them look nice.

    There will be a few jobs that every one dose, but we will be looking for Farmer’s, Rancher’s, Builder’s, Lumberjacks, Miners, and Blacksmith’s. I don’t expect you to just do one of these things, but I would like it if you would help the town in one of these jobs. There will be a job board within the town.

    We will also be using a different seed from the last server reset witch was 765762814. The new seed is 73516337. We will be setting up the town just under 300m east of spawn.

    Appling to the Server

    [in-game name]
    [Age Group] Such as under Ten, Teen’s, Twenties, etc.
    [Time Zone]
    [read the Rule]
    Last but not least you must [follow this topic]. This is for two reason. One, to be updated with server changes and server news.


    No Griefing, Stealing or cheating
    Do not ask us to spawn in item for you. Unless you have a good reason.
    Don’t make me add any more rules
    Workshop Rules

    Workshop rules version 2.0
    1. House rule
    2. Ore
    3. Ingot
    4. Smelting
    5. Metal Working
    · Plans
    · Ingot Room’s
    · Anvils’

    1.) House Rules
    The basic rules for the workshop are as follow
    Do not take all of an item without replacing it, like Ceramic molds, charcoal, etc.
    Keep the workshop organized.

    2.) Ore
    Our Town residents share the ore that they find with the community, though the Workshop. How ore storage work’s is there is a single chest on the upper level of the workshop. This is to make it easy on the person smelting the ore into ingot. Now we do have over flow chest setup in the first level of the workshop basement. If there is not an over flow chest setup please make one. Also most of the chest are labeled with either a sign or an item frame.

    3.) Ingot
    Ingot are free to use for any one that is part of the town. So if you are not wanting to join this community please do it yourself. There are two ingot room’s, one is for ingot piles and the other is a metallurgy room with the stone anvil (do not use these anvils). Those anvil are for making higher level metal. So please do not mess with unless you have permission form myself.
    4.) Smelting
    Frist off, you do not have permission to Smelt any ore in the bloomery’s unless I have told you otherwise. There is a few things that you need to know how to do before you can use the bloomeries. There are four bloomeries for making alloy metals easier, also there is a chest next to the bloomery for unfilled unfished ingot, not for unfished ingot.

    5.) Metal Working
    There are a few things you should know about metal working. You will need an ingot heated to a workable state and a tool plan. The tool plans can be found in front of the two anvils. The plan must be returned to that chest. There is not reason you should be keeping the plans. The ingot that you can work with can be found in the ingot storage room, the one with the ingot piles. Do note not all of the ingot are for everyone to use, there will be times that we are storing up a large supplies of ingots. So please refer to the sign in that room. For heating up ingot higher that copper you can use the forges, but only use coal. On a side note refer to the sign on the coal chest to see if you can cook foods. There will be times when you can’t use the forge to cook anything but ingots. The anvils are free to use by anyone that is part of the town. Just note if the hammer inside the anvil is about to die please make another one for the next person.

    Server admin and Moderators

    Akhammy or 1hamcybo = Admin = Me
    Ado_hoppo = Moderator


    .jar mods

    Minecraft Forge 7.7.1629
    Player API 1.2

    Mods Folder


    TerraFirmaCraft Beta 2 Build 76 bug fix 14
    Smart Moving 13.6
    Custom NPC 1.5.1
    Backpack 1.7.8
    Simple Horses Pre 6.2
    Leather Water Sac Version 1.4.b76 link


    Damage Indicator v2.5.7.1
    Inventory Tweaks
    ZansMiniMap 1.5.1 aka Voxel mini map
    Twitch TV IRC Mod 2.3


    Mod config
    Twitch TV


    TFC Options config

    # Set this to false if your computer has to run in fast mode and you get lag. This setting forces the sides of grass to render when viewing from the inside.

    # Set this to true if you need recipes enabled for conversion from TFC to vanilla items.


    if anyone encounters the problem when items disappear from your inventory when you click on them

    just change file CustomNpcs.cfg in your config directory and set


    Posted Image
    Just note this does not always work.


  4. hey guys the test server is back up but the world has been reset. you will need build 75 bugfix 5 backpack 1.7.8 customNPC 1.5.1 simple horses per6.2 Smart moving , and the barrels mod. the ip you will need to join is

    there are to may bugs to update the live server and ill will be doing test's at a latter date to see if we will be able to use our live world.

    if you find a bug please let me know on the forms or in the Terrafirmacraft chat channel on my TS3 server.

    Have fun


    updated tfc to bug fix 7

  5. hey guys the test server is back up but the world has been reset. you will need build 75 bugfix 5 backpack 1.7.8 customNPC 1.5.1 simple horses per6.2 Smart moving , and the barrels mod. the ip you will need to join is

    there are to may bugs to update the live server and ill will be doing test's at a latter date to see if we will be able to use our live world.

    if you find a bug please let me know on the forms or in the Terrafirmacraft chat channel on my TS3 server.

    Have fun



  6. hey guys the chest in 76 bug fix 5 are bugged item is not rendering right in innovatory and place in world also you can put logs inside.

    this might be a bug from another mod reload my would and now its rendering right but i can still place logs inside the chest


  7. since the server has moved to our new host. we have started using McMyAdmin. one of the new features is Sleep mode.Sleep mode puts the server to sleep after a period of inactivity to reduce resource usage, and wakes it up when a player connects. The server will still respond to query requests in this state. from what i have seen is it will take about 30 sec to wake the server up from sleep mode, and you will have to reconnect to the server.

    as always if you have any problems please let me know and have some fun.

