Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Ok... Here you are.. not sure how Rod will help with the railroad situation... but....
  2. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

  3. Need helping in creating a server.

    Download the minecraft_server.jar Put it in its own folder. Open a NEW file in notepad or notepad++ and paste: java -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jarminecraft_server.jar -o true nogui PAUSE you can delete the "nogui" part if you want the white GUI screen to run for the server.... Save the file as a .bin in the same folder you put the minecraft_server.jar Double click the .bin to run the server or make a shortcut to the .bin that you can double click on your desktop to run the server.... --- 1)Put forge into the server.jar but do not delete META-INF. It will not work if you do. Run the server... 2)Stop the server (type STOP) and put Player API in the server.jar. Run the server. 3) Stop the server and put TFC Build 66 in the Mods folder. Make sure your friends have done the same to their minecraft.jar and put the TFC mod in the mods folder. Remember that the server does not delete the META-INF but client side does.
  4. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    I agree, Renadi. Thousands of players on one server is not going to happen. But even 5 people all mining, smelting, crafting, and working on the same project would make this hurdle easier to overcome. Or.. there is always Howl's Floating Castle!
  5. [B66] Stone not falling bug.

    I have also noticed that when I have placed cobblestone on top of each other, if I put a fence post on top of the blocks, and then take out a block underneath the block upon which the fencepost sits, the block the fencepost sits on will rise up the fencepost instead of falling... weird to say the least. Is it magic I ask!? mmmmMMMMmmmmm?
  6. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Railroads are an awesome and quite useful way to travel in TFC, however thinking on the believability aspect, one person alone doesnt undertake a railway. Just look at the amount of time and resources it takes one person to make a suit of Bismuthine armor... And that is just a suit of armor. Should it cost less in materials and time to span a countryside wih steel and wood? As noted, regardless of machinery, it takes hundreds if not thousands of people working on a line spanning hundreds of km's. Such an undertaking should be a community effort... Say for instance one kingdom and another create a trade route, pool their resources, and build a railroad. As for one person moving his or her chests from one place to another, wouldnt it be cheaper and less time consuming to just use a horse and cart or a boat (these threads have already been started). Or put all that leather to good use and use the BACKPACK mod. It is possible to craft your own railroad, but as has already been pointed out, it will cost one person much much much time and resources. But I think that is the way it should be. But again this is just my opinion.
  7. Writing/Paper/Books/etc.

    I really like this idea. I also like the idea of bookshelves where these books can be stored for display.
  8. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Probably fermented ass
  9. Quick Quesrtion about Hiccups...

    Seeing as how a lot of you guys are computer savvy, I am having a recurring issue some of you might be able to help me with. Every once in a while, my computer hiccups... meaning that the graphics seem to jump backwards a split second, skip, or otherwise driving me flunking insane! Any ideas as to what may be causing this? There are no other programs (that I am aware of) initiated, ie: no updates, no system scans for antivirus, etc... It will sometimes go all day long, no matter how many times I restart the machine, and sometimes (like yesterday) it is fine... I have: Alienware Andromeda_R5 Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.4 Ghz 8.00 GB of Ram Windows 7 64 bit OS NVIDIA GeForce GTX 555 graphics card My monitor is a 42 inch Sanyo Plasma Flatscreen ( in case ). Sorry to not be on topic with TFC, but it is interfering with my TFC game-play, so relevance is somewhat ... on topic. Thank you for any and all suggestions... Menoch PS: I apparently do not know how to spell question. (That is a silent R)
  10. [B66] Stone Anvils

    Way to go, 2mg! for future reference, just by collecting the rocks on the surface, you can see what kind of rock lies below the soil (if'n you didn't already know). Granite is something I almost always run into immediately. But then again every world is different... and I do recall spawning into a world where I couldn't get an ore drop for about an hour till I finally hit the jackpot in a granite laden field. Have fun!
  11. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Right back at ye!
  12. Hello! im new too TF craft

    How about Dick Dickenson! Now there is a name that would send you to therapy if it was yours. Am I right? I've never used my like quota. My likes are like little nuggets of.. like, platinum. I give them out sparingly from my... platinum nugget... box thingy... where I keep them.
  13. feed the beast mod launcher?

    Ok... well... this thread has long since derailed and the train is now taking a boat.... Jale... I'm going to give you a little advice. Take it for what it is worth, and in the end, remember opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink. You have learned a lot, earlier than a lot of people do, that this world can suck, can be a huge pile of dung, and that the animal kingdom and the streets of men are not far apart one from another. there is a food chain in both and the weak get preyed on by the predators. But you, being an individual of accountancy before the eyes of men, have a decision to make. Make an excuse for your shortcomings, and that will be all that lines your pockets in life. However, take those things that have put you where you are today, and make them the fire that fuels your ambition to achieve what you were not privy to growing up. At the end of the day, the only one that will determine whether or not you fail in life is going to be yourself. It is better to fail at something knowing you have tried, than to fail at something you never tried for. We all have our war stories and our tear stained sleeves, EVERYONE. So pick your ass up out of the mud and chin up, little camper. We may seem like a buncha jerks and trolls, and that's because we are! But besides that.. we're not too bad. And remember this as well. too = also For example... I want to go for a ride too. to = an adverb or expression of motion. I went to the fair. or; To = Japanese kana remember 1 "o" more than you need will spread mass confusion and chaos!
  14. feed the beast mod launcher?

    Dude you said Zesty. Word of the day is now ZESTY! Jale. Don't stop playing the mod because we tweaked your giblets. That isn't doing anything other than depriving you of some gaming goodness. For what it's worth I am glad you havent run off crying. You have survived a hazing!
  15. Vertical Windmills Cows in the field? Wind in the mills? How about we leave the wind in the fields and put the cows on the mills? This is doable is it not? And what about cow flop? BTW has doggie poo. Will we get cow flop? But on a serious note. I LOVE the idea of vertical windmills. It is yet another idea that would set TFC apart from the rest of the pack.
  16. Hello! im new too TF craft

    HAHAHA! Yup! If it tastes like Sushi, I'm in!
  17. feed the beast mod launcher?

    But.. what is this? A period AND a comma? All in one post. Jale we only did it to help. It looks like it worked. Listen don't take it personally. If I posted 10 lines without commas and periods and mispelled every third word my ass would be up a flagpole too. It's not you... it's probley your grammar.
  18. Quick Quesrtion about Hiccups...

    Still didn't work. I'm just going to get out a sledge hammer and "fix" it cuz this is driving me stooooopid!
  19. Quick Quesrtion about Hiccups...

    HD 4% fragmented. All cookies, passwords, and cache cleared. Could it be my video card isn't seated tightly? I don't know what else to do.
  20. Quick Quesrtion about Hiccups...

    Yes. Even when nothing is running and I am moving the mouse around....
  21. Quick Quesrtion about Hiccups...

    No it happens when I view the forums, when I am doing whatever on any other program, etc...
  22. Hello! im new too TF craft

    I like Swedish Fish!
  23. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Hey don't forget about NY! We have lotsa women here too! But they are mostly all angry and want your money! And I am proud to be an American! i just wish we had better politicians who actually stood for something other than votes and how soft their toilet paper is!
  24. Hello! im new too TF craft

    HAHAHAHAAA! Oh man you are too much, Dunk! Jale Shadowhunter. Welcome to the TFC Forums, and welcome to the wonderful world that is Terrafirmacraft. May your stay be fun, and full of grammar!
  25. feed the beast mod launcher?

    I second that motion for the love of Pete. And Jas... I'm not raging, Captain Silly-Pants. I think it was the first line you posted that bothered me. I don't think anyone here feels that way about others not being able to hook up TFC the way it has to be done now. The beginning of your post sounded condescending and while people may disagree with the viewpoints of others, I think it is good to agree to disagree and at least keep it polite. I did read your post in its entirety. You made good points. But the first line sucked. When i put in all caps LEARN HOW TO DO IT OR DON'T PLAY IT!!! it was the realization that I had to actually learn how to do something in order to get something. Not yelling at you or others. Just wanted to clarify. I don't rage. It takes up too much energy. SOmething I don't have much of anymore. GAME ON!