Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. Why TFcraft is a mod

    Rome wasn't built in a day, Leo. The mod would still be up and running. But respectfully I do see your points. However, while we speculate and wish for golden eggs, it might not be something Bioxx would want to do. But wouldn't it be cool?!?!?!?
  2. Why TFcraft is a mod

    I would agree with you and do for the most part, except there is already a community started for TFC. Minecraft has been the springboard, as you have pointed out, but has provided the "Swimmies" needed to stay afloat in the pool of indie games out there.
  3. Why TFcraft is a mod

    Lol. Sorry. Just posted it.
  4. Why TFcraft is a mod

    I am willing to bet that a standalone TerrafirmaCraft game would be incredibly successful, but I also think that starting from the ground up would be a lengthy process, time consuming, and would be for nothing, would Mojang turn around and take legal action against such a game if it used the same type of engine and mechanics and wasn't completely different. Would Mojang absolutely do this? Who is to say. But Bethesda tried to go after Notch for using the title "Scrolls" in his new game, and that was just a word! I have often wondered this myself in regards to Bioxx taking TFC off of the Minecraft tether and unleashing it as its own entity. In reality, TFC is INDEED its own animal. It has its own heartbeat, mechanics, physics, feel, play-style... is its own animal... and standing apart from every other mod out there, also has its own Soundtrack (well half of one... the other half and beginnings thereof is still in the studio), and that is quite impressive for a mod in and of itself. The man and his crew have the talent, but monetary backing is part of the equation. The indie market is inundated with a boiling pool of games. Most of which couldn't hold a match to something that TFC could become. However, it is just the market that could make TFC HUGE!!!! I am willing to put all of my talents in Bioxx's ring, and while I am not a rich man by any means, I will try to use my skills to do what I can to help the cause. Please see the thread MUSIC FOR THE CAUSE...
  5. How did you find out about TFC?

    That's awesome, Dunk!!!
  6. [B65] Uplayable Lag Issues in MP

    I actually had to do that today... reinstall Minecraft from scratch, then Forge and Player API. Was getting some funky lag at times. But it is fine now. I also cleared the cache and checked the oil.
  7. How did you find out about TFC?

    A friend told me about TFC after I had been playing vanilla and becoming increasingly bored with the monotony of it all. Grow crops.. of wheat.. mine iron... and more iron... and then eat... build something very square... rinse and repeat. Don't get me wrong. The magic of minecraft didn't spread too thin, but I needed something with more substance. I liked Dwarf Fortress, and being old school (angband, roguehack, etc...) took to it, but when my friend told me about TFC, I had to check it out. And here I am! Getting some TFC straight to the head every day I can!!! There isn't a methadone strong enough to get me off this stuff! I knew that this mod was going to be huge when I started playing, and I have a feeling that we are in for a awesome TFC future!
  8. Underground

    I spawned into a world where the ground began giving way as soon as I was able to move... not under me, fortunately, but close enough to me to make me soil my 16x16 pixel britches! The dirt collapsed into a crevasse so deep that the light from the sun barely hit the bottom. I could make out stalagmite formations on the cavern floor below. I haven't dug around enough in the forums to see a lot of what the future holds for TFC, but I am willing to guess that what we have right now is just the tip of the iceberg! I am excited!
  9. Where is my sock!

  10. Winter in TFC

    Snow would be a fantastic element to re-add to TFC if it were do-able. Also, shrub-land and bushes far north/south of a certain point (aka tundra).
  11. The New Music - Thoughts?

    I have thought about it... doing a sound effect overhaul for Minecraft. I do agree that the new SFX are not only detatched (most of them) but the volume levels just seem off... maybe it is just me, but jumping into water from a cliff face should make more of a splash than what sounds like dropping a wet sponge in the sink. Heheh. I however want to continue working on the TFC soundtrack and square that away. There are currently 5 tracks that Bioxx included in the TFC mod which is a HUUUUUGE honor, I tell ya. My aim is a 13 to 15 track CD with dreamy and earthy tones all completely and totally inspired by the vistas and feel of TFC. I'm currently "crafting" 2 pieces with the 12 string on my "digital forge" but I don't want it to sound too much like Diablo. In all I am so very pleased by the feedback I have been seeing here. It is quite encouraging. And if any more tracks are going to be added, I will make sure to keep the file size in mind so as not to add to the weight of downloading. GAME ON! Menoch
  12. Gems + XP = Idea!

    Hmmm... upon reading my initial post, and having accumulated more and more time in the world of TFC, I have to say that I may just well object to my initial take on flamboyant magic altogether. The theme of TFC, and correct me if I am wrong, is, of course, survival, but I feel in a fashion that is more primal, real (yes I know it is a game ) and earthy than it is Albion-esgue, and Flight-of-Dragons-ish. While I do still believe that magic in the world of TFC would be quite awesome and ala Shamanistic or new age in its approach could add a tad more believability, thusly maintaining its grasp on the gritty and epic. But I am now thinking that the whole "Wizards firing dragons out of their cereal bowls and Necromancers sipping tea while discussing Bob's fantastic reanimation" is maybe too far-fetched for the realm. Again, my opinion. But take for instance crystal magic as it is. An energy (ie: Thaumcraft) does exist. Its essence is in gems, but revealing itself to those who wish to take their time to find it the mechanics therin I am sure will lead to much more discussion here in the forums. But to those with more pressing matters of steel or Agriculture, gems can be used as an alternative form of currency or even decoration, etc... Now that's not to say a ruby in the hilt of a sword couldn't provide fire protection or leave a singe on the flesh when it strikes, or a Diamond ladened helm couldn't impart regeneration. But the strength of magic may just be what it does behind the scenes as opposed to how many craters it can leave in your ass. And I quote "There are many magic rings in this world Mister Frodo, and NONE of them are to be taken lightly." I have read so many wonderful and awesome ideas from the lot of you, from dark and sinister to calculated and thoughtful. I do think magic has a place in TFC... but such mysteries are what make a young world so much more dangerous and heart pounding. After you've run into Derek the Lightning Tosser or Frederick1276 the Bloodsucker 20 times, it kinda loses its "magic". One of the plethora of awesome things about TFC is that there is SOOOO much to do, and the game is still only in Beta, that in another half a year's time or so I wager to bet that SMP will take on a whole new meaning in this game, as it will take a community on a server to unearth and discover all there is to see and do in their ever-changing and dynamic world that is Terrafirmacraft. From Blacksmiths, shopkeepers, hunters, foragers, farmers, chefs, lumberjacks, explorers, alchemists, carpenters and yes, even dabblers of the arcane.... Damn, Bioxx! you better get some rest! There is so much to do And on that note I must ask: Jeffe... do you know what a plethora is?
  13. The New Music - Thoughts?

    It needs to move the player every time they hear it. I'm glad you guys like it. Keep an ear out cuz I plan on doing a whole Terrafirmacraft Soundtrack for Bioxx.. Feedback is appreciated!!!
  14. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Agreed. I had hoped they were going to start utilizing it more when they added the more XP from mining shmeal.
  15. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Your point is understood. But on that note, killing zombies also shouldn't give you the ability to enchant items either, but that is basically all XP orbs are used for. Specialized XP is something that would ROCK! But it would probably be a facet more targeted towards the hardcore RPG gamer. A generalized pool of XP from which you could allocate points into the varying "tiered skills" would probably be a little easier on the casual gamer. But heck, don't get me wrong, I am all for becoming a better hunter if you are killing Cows and Chickens.. a better miner and blacksmith if you are doing that more, etc... Word.
  16. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    1). When is the last time you went underground and mined ore and smelted it into Iron? I know I never have. In fact I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Picking flowers is nice too, but have you ever harvested Hemlock? In what part of the plant would you get the seeds from? You can actually eat a puffer fish... but if you dont know what you are doing you could poison yourself and die. Death is something you or I have not experienced. Otherwise we wouldn't be conversing in this forum . But I would say, for arguments sake, that in a "make believe world" Death should be a (no pun intended) life altering experience. With each death, a part of your memory is lost. I once knew a boy named Hans when I was a child who was a boy scout. He was hit by a car crossing a street in Red Hook NY and it was so bad, he had to learn to speak again, walk again, feed himself, and learn who he and his mother and father were. He didn't die. But it was like he started all over again. Not to be morbid, but you see where I am going with this? 2). Killing zombies is something we see in movies and in video games because, well let's face it, it is not an activity we partake in going to Walmart. Thusly part of this game, which is in fact fantasy. Why is killing any creature in any game going to put more blood in anyone's body (HP) so they can take more of a beating? You lose a lung you lose a lung. I bet it cuts your smoking in half regardless your level. However. Donning a set of Leather Breeches and Hide Tunic and bracers (real ones) is going to alter the way you move, walk, and swing a baseball bat. Now imaging a full set of plate armor. Ever been on the back of a Nisean Horse in metal armor? I would have trouble soiling myself properly in a set of plate armor honestly. It takes work, study, and dedication to not just wear a set of armor, but acclimating oneself to use it in combat (balance, stepping, etc...) This is a game. And what is "learned" in the game is fantasy. See 1). So it wouldn't be just "forgetting how to pick a flower" per say, but appreciating its color, fragrance and essence as if you are seeing it for the first time even though you may have picked it a hundred times, and being able to preserve it long enough to get any value out of it.
  17. Build 55 few creative errors

    I get the same crash: java.lang.ClassCastException: TFC.Blocks.BlockCustomStairs cannot be cast to akw at azd.b( at ayp.a( at ayy.a( at ayt.a( at ayt.b( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J( at at Source) --- END ERROR REPORT 97f15098 ---------- NOTE: I placed ever single type of stair there is in creative mode, but when I place Oak (which htere is a row of about a dozen or so in the block window when I press "E") it crashes. This ONLY happens when placing OAK stairs. Currently running b57
  18. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    HAHAHAHA!!! Because only cool people are devs.
  19. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    The effects of death are ultimately reversible unless PermaDeath is enforced. Therefore "Permanent" penalties aren't really permanent. While I have to say that I disagree wholeheartedly with PermaDeath, the fact that a player should lose something permanently would definitely put the survival feeling into the game. So what to do? Take away his or her favorite mob basher? Rend from them their prized +10 EnderPearls Breast Plate of Fondu Dipping? So this post I guess is an idea wrapped in a suggestion sprinkled with hope... One thing that has bugged me in MC is the lack of use of XP orbs. All mobs drop the chimey little orbs when they die, and the glowing little things seemingly have a mind of their own as they roll and/or float upwards towards you. TFC has so much going for it in the way of activities, time consuming crafts, and hunting/foraging, that making that time and XP precious could be the key. Traits or skills can be used to increase the productivity with tools, firepits, Bloomeries, skinning animals, cooking, magic and alchemy, efficiency with weapons (maybe make aiming with a bow shakey for a noob and not only precise but zoom farther for a marksman..., etc), and even effecting what you can and can not harvest.... yadda yadda yadda. If this is somehow implemented, the loss of trait levels on death would be a strait kick to the HooHa's! If you kicked ass hunting and gathering xp orbs so you could reach a trait level that lets you work Black Steel, I'm willing to bet the baby's diapers that one would think twice before charging headlong into some old ruins, or launching oneself off a cliff because his belly is a-rumblin'. Especially if after losing a level or levels in all traits now makes it impossible to use that armor/gather that resource/use that weapon, harvest that crop... etc... Taking away something that is utterly important to a player puts them in the position to actually use their noodle and make calculated decisions. You could take items away, or make armor suffer 50% of current durability across the board, so on and so forth. But taking away the ability to use something you have worked hard for is an eye opener. Again, this wouldn't be a "Permanent" loss, as the player could reinvest further xp orbs into the trait(s) he/she lost levels in. But it not only makes the traits very important, but all of those XP orbs that burst out of you that aren't yet invested are ultimately a loss of time. So if little Johnny wants to cast himself into the voids of the Nether cuz he is hungry, that's fine. Have fun little Johnny, cuz you will have a hard time facing the night with a cloth bib and wooden sword! LOL. On another note. I absolutely love the idea of losing Protection time in your domicile, making baddies pop in unannounced. That is fiendish! Ok. I am done rambling... for now. Menoch
  20. Perma-death?

    It is, but it is awesome that so many people are posting the bugs (even if posting a new thread about a bug that has already been posted... like I did). It means there is plenty of interest. It is sometimes very easy to lose sight of the Beta part of the game's state and get caught up in it. i know I often do... running into a bug and getting upset. I have to put myself back on track. I'm thankful TFC is happening and it's FREE! How badass is that!?
  21. Internal Server Crash

    Yes indeed. That is what I meant! Excellent work, Bioxx. I am in love with this mod! Lol
  22. Internal Server Crash

    This mod is by far my favorite. Before I post the bug/crash I just want to thank the modder for ALL of the hard work that has gone into creating Terrafirmacraft. I hope you keep up the outstanding work and that the mod grows into something truly incredible (not that it already isnt mind you) Good fortune be yours! That being said, I have no problem hunting and killing mobs. They die as usual, not like some others who fill sheep with javelins and they still stand. However the chickens and sheep do not make noise. My biggest problem thus far is that when I save and quit out of a game, the screen goes to the "dirt" background and it says Shutting Down Internal Server..." and it stays there. If I didn't go into Task Manager and force it to shut down chances are it would sit there all day like that. I let it go for about half an hour like that to see if it really was trying to shut down. Here is my error report of DOOOOM! : --------- 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod FML 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sent event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod FML 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod Forge 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sent event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod Forge 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod TerraFirmaCraft 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sent event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod TerraFirmaCraft 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at bw.b( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at bw.a( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at im.b( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at im.c( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at ge.r( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.k( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at bcb.k( 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at 2012-10-29 08:28:55 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at ---------- I am running this application of Minecraft 1.4.2 with: minecraftforge-universal- (in the .jar file) MC 1.4.2 - Player API universal 1.0 (in the .jar file) TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build55 (in the mods folder) I am not even running Optifine! Any ideas? Insights? I can play, just can't shut down without a crash.... Thank you and happy gaming, Menoch Tried newer version of Forge.. still didn't do it... (read next post)
  23. Internal Server Crash

    Well huzzah, then! Good work. I will crash on until I can get my grubby little digits on build 56.