Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Article Comments posted by Vauthil

  1. Unfortunately, this came as part of a tweet and not a more comprehensive analysis.  The key message to me, though, is that on average SSP play for PC Minecraft players generally tends to be slightly higher rather than the formerly oft-mentioned meme that SMP is the core play style for the PC Minecraft user base and SSP is insignificant in comparison.  This was something the Bukkit community in particular tried to push on us for years on why they were so important and got to have the privilege of treating others as they did, and was at the core of why we have such a stress-filled situation now for server owners wanting servers with Forge-type mods but also Bukkit-type add-ons (which I actually do tend to agree are pretty darn necessary for large pop servers).


    Really it's trivia and it's interesting (to me) but it's only tangentially related to the core topic of this survey. =)


  2. This isn't directly relevant data for TFC itself, but this morning Dinnerbone published an interesting graph detailing Minecraft PC userbase activity for the past month.



    While not as granular as what's being queried here, it was nonetheless interesting to see that on average SSP has 100k more people playing it on any given day (the reality being that SSP and SMP seem to go neck-and-neck in the morning but SSP leaps ahead in the evening).  This is interesting to me because the Bukkit community has tried upselling their importance for a couple years now on the meme that more people play SMP and that since Bukkit is(/was) the premiere way to have large servers with massive player counts, that it was overall super-important because everybody would stop playing Minecraft on PC without it.


    Also, having previously heard some (internal to FTB) metrics bandied around regarding the size of the modded player base, it's more substantial than has been considered previously.  This underestimation was a factor in the poor treatment the Forge/FML developers got from the Bukkit crew (they were flat out told by one mouthy Bukkit-er that modded gameplay had the lower hand to play and was thus not invited to the table to try and make an integrated solution), and is ultimately what made things like MCPC+ and Cauldron turn out to be fragile solutions held together by heroic efforts of third parties.


    Interesting food for thought, even if it isn't in direct application here and doesn't answer any questions on server size/composition as is being asked.
