Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ado_hoppo

  1. I did the hard reset of serverand FYI hamcybo did not post that he had updated TFC to b76hf14, it is just the b76hf12 version (with which i am logged in) I'm on TS if anyone needs some help (i.e. squampas trying to login now unsuccessfuly)
  2. you have been added to the whitelist
  3. man you were making bismuth bronze armor, but when talking to me at the server you (or dradix) said, that you worked it in forge - to get bismuth bronze (you mined yourself) you need to know how to use bloomery and metalurgy table (which I doubt you used, because admin forbidden using his bloomery and you haven't build one yourself - I visited Dradix in his den about hour before banning you two) Dradix is the one that was really fighting about your house for at least 30mins with Rawe, who is a verified player, also Dradix was probably (I'm giving it 95%) trying to put blame on other player - because as Dradix said, that he spied on squampa and seen him hide some stuff in chest underground (it is impossible to know exactly under which block chest was even if spying, because then you see just the nametag, not the position) but suddenly we found stuff stolen from admin exactly where Dradix described it (I repeat you cannot spy somebody to know exact X and Z coords and not be seen)so I guess ban is reasonably pending for both of you and with every post you give more and more evidence (and we have very good admin here, because he lowered your sentence to 2week ban with reaply in case you really want to play) also I guess this strategy you tried on our server work with your parents, but in spite of them I doubted every player in this case (even squampa and rawe to be honest) and didn't take nobody's word for granted - just to be fair (oh, and if you wanna apply with another name I hope, you'll have dyn-pub IP at ISP of yours)
  4. so today happened some banning on our server, last days we've had reports of stuff gone missing (I was on weekend camp so just read the emails from forum I follow) we have banned and probably with permanent validity we restrict acces to axle54321 and dradix (just check their applications in previous pages) Ad1: taking somebody's house: case: these guys claimed the build the house, squampa claimed he build it and they took it my reaction: I remember the house - I checked the insides (it is in main square), but dradix claimed the house was build in last two days (which I was completely cut off from my PC, just mobile for emails) evidence: screen that admin made 5 days ago and linked here in forums - thanks hamcybo for your recordings (well zoom if you need, but the house is already there) image from with marking presence of the house in case resolution: guilty Ad2: taking somebody's property (admin included): case: stuff was reported missing both on forums and on forums and in game, accused guys were making armor from commut my reaction: none uninfluenced evidence: I was shown the chests in house in Ad1 where there were placed most of missing stuff, also I was shown the hidden chest with stuff STOLEN FROM ADMIN resolution: ambiguous (I was shown the chests, not found them by myself - not good enough to be fair) Ad3: ignoring admin's order: case: prohibition from making metal armor from community ingots in hamcybo's workshop my reaction: when axle54321 died from starving (afk) I picked after him (in workshop all around the forge) his stuff which included one finished and one unfinished peace of bism. bronze armor (with one plate to finish it), four ingots of bism. bronze and some unworkable ingots (lead and silver), while the ingot room was totaly empty and we need to make new ingots now evidence: stated in my reaction is eye witnessed evidence of moderator resolution: guilty (only valid for axle54321) this part is written at 22.4.2013 00.15 CEST, I may add some more misbehaviours later (when you remind me some other misbehaviors - I'm tired and pissed because I hate unclever wannabe trolls) total sentence: axle54321 and Dradix are banned and will be unwhitelisted for Ad1 (where Ad3 is not punishable by ban, and Ad2 they are not guilty conclusively, but Ad1 is punishable by ban itself alone) sentence was supported by hamcybo on TS channel about 1hour ago, I banned them and he will unwhitelist them as his agreement with my judgment final message from sleepy moderator: you guys make a great community, where we help each other and accept the rules (which we know are legitimate) and it is great to play with you, so I'm sorry for any recent or future destructive behaviour of individuals having fun from your misery
  5. :D so they haven't fixed the sequoia bug yet this bug was also in b75 world, where when you chop down the biggest version of sequoia you totally crash the server this is the tree I simulated server crashes on it is 14x14 square with corner leaves left out - DON'T CUT THESE DOWN!!!
  6. do you connect every day at the same time? by admin's words it should be connected to daily server reboot feature
  7. you have been added to the whitelist, but don't forget to FOLLOW this topic as whitelisting requires
  8. Hi, I don't use MultiMC but I can help you with the modsin the first post of thread is versions like this: the player API 1.3 and forge (486 works for me fine too) for the other mods you can use the pack I already made for other user - all required mods with working version are there: (just unpack them to mods directory or install in other way)
  9. hi, I'll take the response in steps:1. it is better to write new post than to edit last one, because we are not notified about edit, only new posts 2. we discused the conversion ratio and with sheeps and shears (and 96 day yearspan) it is enough (only pricy compensation for lack of spiders) - we will see how b76 will influence it (hammy - do you know if it will be possible to use shears on sheep?) 3. size of backpacks is also apropriate (when compared to chest size) and if you go at least 500m-700m from our bases, you are free to hunt and take as much leather as possible - also I can give you enough leather and strings for two big backpacks and some unused small ones - this also will change with b76, where possibly some breeding bugs will be fixed (hopefuly) and also the leather products making will change 4. we may not avoid changing the NPC trading - but we are waiting for what changes b76 and fix builds will bring 5. I visited your base and please be careful with sequoia trees - at some point or situation they crash the server! if you need any tools just make them yourself at my house, when you'll start search for gold and silver I'll show you the only mine I've found so far
  10. after todays dunk's b76 video: http-~~-// I would keep the NPC trader definitely, because what he did with leather making is nice, BUT how are we gonna make backpacks now? (even small ones would become too expensive)
  11. I'll be brief:1. removing punts - yes they lag 2. adding factorization for two things - overkill and not neccessary (not definitely no, but the TFC is meant to be difficult survival, not easy and decorative) we could use something, that could help us build fast tunel with horse cariage to the mine sites though still satisfied with your mod choice
  12. Finding Gold!

    Hi, I have found huge vein in previous seed at this server: it was native gold in amount about 500 pcs (+- 200), but it was under water so no direct down hole could help (I did horizontal exploring from emptied copper mine) and I also could remember native silver vein in about 200 pcs
  13. I'll join hamcybo's server picture time (this stuff is a bit old, so something may be newer in our village) So we definitely have funny weather here... Our mobs are friendly ... sometimes ;-) And we are trying to build nice village: And my stone cold house it's ruining all that effort (feel free to visit and use it as safehouse)
  14. Looks like a nice job there! my opinion: 6 or 7 uses and too cheap on leather (compared to other leather made stuff) I also mighty like the use of knife there!
  15. add this to your waypoint file for this map: hammys house:118:154:-11286:true:37BF48
  16. my opinion - only Simply horses (and the must be able to use correct IRON and APPLE items) medical isnt that much needed and we very often use beds, because somebody is in the wild Custom NPC is powerful, but in some way it is just creating the stuff, we haven't found ( though for some decorative purposes I would like the guards and stuff like that )
  17. I would gladly see new seed and join play (I could not find any garnierite for black steel in this old one) and my coop player with be joining sporadicaly tooso you can write down players: - ado_hoppo - esge I do love the idea of one village with some options to trade and help among players, so I'm in for that too (only shame is our GMT+1 timezone shift) EDIT: also could you give some attention to this?
  18. bump and server is running b72 now with 395 build of FML
  19. I disagree to start all over again for the third time but if you choose that anyway, so be it (at least save the world data before generating new seed)
  20. hmm, looking forward to the next update b67 has prety big changes in it - finally I can find out why my crops won't grow
  21. two things I told you about: 1. if, one day, the smaller backpack is possible and you decide to lower the capacity - please give note in advance, because people who play it (me including) may have it full at recent capacity - and I dont want to lose the stuff 2. could you change in game year span? (since b61 it changed from cca 360 ingame days to 96 and made it configurable) something like 2 or 4 IRL days per ingame year (now it is 4/3 ofIRL days per ingame year) one IRL day is 24*3 = 72 (so my suggestion is 144 or 288 days per year, 12 or 24 days per month, from current 8 days per month) thanks
  22. I was griefed - more than once I will provide details (and probably need compensation because I could not play with losing all ingots and ores and charcoals)
  23. yeah, but I can make a pickaxe and go searching for ore, which is useful information even with world reset thx a lot question: do you think b61 would mean world reset? (starting from scratch for third time would suck :/ )
  24. b59 has wrong config file, we need to replace the config file on server and clients (its confirmed bug mentioned in other threads) it has duplicities with making plans on scribing table - I ran a duplicity check in config file with this result: key: 16672; for item: bismuthknifehead; duplicit with item: axeheadplankey: 16685; for item: bucketplan; duplicit with item: bismuthknifekey: 16674; for item: chiselheadplan; duplicit with item: blackbronzeknifeheadkey: 16673; for item: hammerheadplan; duplicit with item: bismuthbronzeknifeheadkey: 16676; for item: maceheadplan; duplicit with item: bluesteelknifeheadkey: 16678; for item: propickheadplan; duplicit with item: copperknifeheadkey: 16680; for item: redsteelknifehead; duplicit with item: chestplateplankey: 16681; for item: rosegoldknifehead; duplicit with item: greavesplankey: 16677; for item: sawbladeplan; duplicit with item: bronzeknifeheadkey: 16682; for item: steelknifehead; duplicit with item: bootsplankey: 16675; for item: swordbladeplan; duplicit with item: blacksteelknifeheadkey: 16683; for item: tinknifehead; duplicit with item: scytheplankey: 16669; for item: woodenbucketempty; duplicit with item: pickaxeheadplankey: 16671; for item: woodenbucketmilk; duplicit with item: hoeheadplankey: 16670; for item: woodenbucketwater; duplicit with item: shovelheadplankey: 16679; for item: wroughtironknifehead; duplicit with item: helmetplankey: 16684; for item: zincknifehead; duplicit with item: knifeplanEDIT: see link: http://terrafirmacra...le-doesnt-work/ EDIT2: I've read the changelog for b60 and it looks like it doesn't require world reset and there are quite big fixes And these bugs already cost me 2 tin, 2 bismuth ingots and some other stuff (until I realized it and read more on forums and TFC site) so I suggest: would you update to b60?
  25. instead of pickaxe head plan I am getting wooden bucket tried to delete TFC configs - isnt there any item ID duplicity on your side?