Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Buczkowski

  1. Easier way of making charcoal?

    so what are the other 21 flavors?
  2. Sewers

    Actually the Romans at least were well aware of leads effect, but lead only effects water though its oxides i belive. I have a book discussing ancient engineering somewhere. But while lead was used for pipes, so was clay. the clay would be shaped as a tube with one end smaller than the other, the pipes were baked and then fit togeather, usualy without adhesive or anything. The primary weakness of pipes was that while they allowed running water uphill, unlike aquaducts, having too steep an ange resulted in tremendous pressure buildup at the bend, causing the pipe to burst. Lead pipes, on the other hand, tended to be triangular in cross section and rather weak, especially if soldered poorly.
  3. Easier way of making charcoal?

    What is that even supposed to mean!
  4. Sewers

    Roman aquaducts tended to be sourced at mountain springs, rather than lakes, and then lead to cities, etc. using rather specific angles. Too sallow and the water flows poorly, too steep and the pressure causes problems. I'm not sure the minecraft engine is exacty capable of doing aquaducts, or even proper pipes justice.
  5. repotting of certain crops/ trees

    It would be nice to have different seed types from different trees. Just so long as the seed types make sense.
  6. Ore Availability: Am I Just Lucky?

    No more stone picks.
  7. repotting of certain crops/ trees

    The primary problem with this is that acorns are from oaks and pretty much nothing else. It might be better to use a mixture of "seed" methods. Acorns for oaks, pinecones fore conifers and, I guess sapling or whatever for the deciduous trees.
  8. Beta 60+ Good Seed Preferably Massive Sequoia Forest.

    I have one that I've been using for a while. Of course build 59 changed the spawn point. The seed is "A" though without the quote marks. In order to get to the pre 59 spawn point you will need to teleport to 3637x 150y -9923z. This is just on the tip of a massive sequoia forest. The rocks present are a mix of basalt and limestone, and there is lots of copper and cassiterite in the area. There is usually quite a bit of clay very near by, but sometimes you get unlucky. Also you need to travle south a ways to find sand, but there should be lots of gravel in the lakes nearby. EDIT: Of course I play single player, and re-reading your post shows you want a mp seed. This still should be fine if you don't mind enabling teleporting as the new spawn point is several kilometers away.
  9. Anvils

    Well, he likely doesn't have a pickaxe yet, having just found his first stone anvil. But soon...
  10. Block Heads [0.79]

    The texture pack?
  11. Block Heads [0.79]

    Hi. The newest updates may have lead you to realise this, but just in case, the 56 version has no textures for water. At all.
  12. Breaking seed...

    I don't know if this works for all seeds, but I found that the main seed I was using before 59 still worked, it just had a radically different spawn point. If you remember the general coordinates of your old spawn point/settled area you should be able to just teleport there. The seed I am useing by the way is "A", that is, just a capital A, no quote marks. typing in /tp [your minecraft name without the brackets] 3637 150 -9923 should bring you to a lovely spot with lots of cassiterite and copper, A massive sequoia forest and 'usually' a ton of clay, though clay availability can vary.