Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by mayaknife

  1. If you didn't know, when you find a surface ore, there are usually another 4-6 nodes ore more, around that area in a sort of circular or square area

    Yeah, I know, and normally it doesn't take me more than a single game day to gather up enough ore for my first pick.

    The problem I had was that my spawn point was in extreme hills. The center of the sphalerite deposit I found was under a big honking mountain. I found two ore on one side of the mountain and one on the other. I crawled around the mountain looking for more but the sides were so sheer and high that they were out of range of the deposit. So three sphalerite was all I could find. Same thing happened with the cassiterite except that it was a different mountain.

    Surrounding the mountains was swampland. There my problem was that the land masses are small and there weren't many stones.

    It wasn't until I got out of the swamp and into some normal hill territory that I could finally get a bunch of surface ore together in the same area.

    Just a combination of unusual circumstances, really. But if it ever happens again I'll be prepared!


  2. I've played TFC with about 8 different seeds now and my most recent one is the first where I couldn't find enough tier 1 surface ore near my spawn point to build a pickaxe and propick. I found lots of copper, but only 3 sphalerite and 5 cassiterite. I explored the rest of the small continent that I was on but didn't improve much on my tally of ore. Eventually I found richer pickings a couple of kilometers to the east and set up my base there.

    It wasn't until just this evening that it occurred to me that I could have used sluices to get the rest of the ore that I needed. I've never had to use sluices before since surface ore has always been plentiful. So I decided to go back to my spawn point and see how sluicing would have worked out for me.

    Using four sluices and feeding them nothing but gravel it took three game days to gather up the 30 small sphalerite I needed for a pickaxe and propick. That's a bit faster than the five days it took me to find to find enough ore through exploration. Mind you, the place I did eventually find had clay and willows nearby, which my spawn point did not, and during my exploration I found a massive peat deposit, which always comes in handy at the start, so I think I'm better off for having gone off adventuring. Still, I'll have to keep sluices in mind the next time I'm having trouble finding enough surface ore for my first pick.


  3. I agree, if they mentally just don't have the capacity to play then maybe the game isn't for them

    For Pete's sake, it's not like everyone who plays TFC is a friggin' genius.

    Welcome, new players. Have fun and don't let the egomaniacs scare you off.


  4. With Hotfix 14, grown tree (not generate when the map is generate) don't render leaves, they're here and can be broke but invisible

    after a few tests, only appear with B:enableInnerGrassFix=false in TFCOPTIONS.CFG

    I've been having this problem as well. Thanks for narrowing it down to the 'enableInnerGrassFix=false' setting as it was driving me crazy. :-)

  5. Started looking for iron today. I'm in the second layer, the tunnels cut right through at levels 99-100.

    That seems a bit high to me. While it's possible to find iron ores at that level I generally see them much lower down.


  6. Some people, mostly outside of Quebec say that Quebec is just sucking other provinces's money, like manaknife said.

    I didn't say that. I noted that Quebec's economy has had its ups and downs. Currently it's a bit down, but then so is Ontario and most of the rest of the country/world.

    Harper's government took Canada out of Kyoto protocol, Quebec asked to stay in. They removed the gun registry, Quebec want to keep the information to have it's own provincial registry. How can we defend out ideology inside of a country who push forward and defend completely different ideas. As far as I know, Alberta is far more conservative. In Quebec, things like abortion and gay marriage are not even a topic we discuss, as most people say it's ok.

    Which is why, if I was forced to choose between Quebec and Alberta I'd keep Quebec and lose Alberta. However I'd really rather we all stayed together since I think we have a cool country here, from the tree-huggers on the west coast to those folks with the funny accents on that rock in the middle of the Atlantic. That's why I want to get rid of Harper. He looks at Canada and sees something awful, something which needs to be made to look more like the US. If I'd wanted to live in the US I would have moved there. I'd prefer it if Harper moved there and gave the rest of us our country back.

    (Note to any Americans reading this: I'm not a USA-basher, I just happen to like my own country better. As I'm sure most of you like yours better.)


  7. In your TFCOptions.cfg file, set 'enableVanillaIronRecipe' and 'enableVanillaRecipes' both to 'true'.

    Now when you place a TFC wrought iron ingot in your crafting table you get a vanilla MC iron ingot back, which you can then use to build a vanilla MC compass and with that a vanilla MC map.


  8. I did a quick search, but didn't find similar thread about the issue.

    I've talked about it in this thread.

    In addition to the ideas mentioned there, it should be noted that in the real world limonite is an important source of nickel, so if we simply wanted to make it easier to get nickel then smelting limonite could be made to produce a bit of nickel as well. However I prefer changes to the game which make more utilization of skill to improve one's chances of finding specific ores.


  9. hrm.

    I don't think Quebec would make it very far from an economical standpoint... You guys spend much more money than you generate, and without the rest of the country, you'd be broke pretty quick.

    You could make the same argument about Ontario at the moment. Since 2009 Ontario has been a net receiver of federal equalization payments.

    Quebec has not always been a net receiver. In general Quebec is more business friendly than the rest of the country (Alberta excepted) and its economy tends to be strong when there's little talk of separatism. Of course the minute the Quebec economy gets strong the separatists start pushing for independence, business flees and the economy tanks. C'est la vie.

    I think the biggest problem facing an independent Quebec would be increased pressure on the very culture that they hope separation would preserve. For example, a lot of foreign firms, particularly American, are willing to put up with the hassle and expense of special dual-language labeling in order to gain access to a market of 33 million people. Far fewer would do so for a market of just 8 million.

    Alberta on the other hand... They could make threats. They're the richest province in the country

    Outside of petrochemicals, Alberta's industry is small and weak, though that is changing. In these days of cheap and easy trade that doesn't have to be a deal killer, but the province's massive reliance on petrochemicals means that if the bottom ever drops out of the market (e.g. cheap power from fusion) then their entire economy would be hosed.


  10. That's a bit wrong, Quebec don't want to join anybody, and I would say especially not France.

    I was taking a bit of artistic license, but there is also some historical context. After De Gaul gave his "Vive le Quebec libre!" speech in 1967 some separatist leaders talked to him about Quebec forming some kind of association with France. De Gaul was aghast at the idea that provincials, with their mangled French, would consider themselves an equal to mighty France. Basically, De Gaul was a bigoted prick, no matter what language you spoke.


  11. It's not more lag, but is locking every 2 seconds! help please.

    Sounds like it might be the autosave, since that kicks in every 2 seconds. If you have optifine installed there is an option to increase the amount of time between autosaves.


  12. What I'm seeing is when walking in a straight line there's a pause of maybe a tenth of a second every two blocks. Sometimes the pause is longer, sometimes shorter, but the net result is that the scene jerks as I move.

    This happens while walking back and forth across the same 30 or so blocks so it shouldn't be chunk loading as the chunks should all be loaded.

    I've set Graphics to Fast, Smooth Lighting to Off, Performance to Max FPS, Advanced OpenGL to OFF, Clouds to OFF, Particles to Minimal and Use VSync to OFF and have turned off BetterGrass and InnerGrassFix in TFCOptions. After all of that the jerkiness seems a little bit less pronounced, but not by much.

    I've yet to try optifine. That's next on my list.


  13. I tought it was us who want to leave you.

    BC wants to quit Canada to form Cascadia. Alberta wants to leave and join the US. Quebec wants to leave and join France. The Maritimes want to leave and...just be the Maritimes, I guess.

    All the different regions of Canada want to leave. It's that shared commonality of purpose which binds us all together.


  14. you want to leave us? :(

    Don't worry. While there is a certain logic behind Cascadia, I prefer to remain yoked to the rest of Canada. Those Americans have some disturbing habits, such as their spelling of "honour" and "flavour".


  15. Smelting is not the same as melting. The metal in ore is (usually) chemically bound to other elements, in particular oxygen. To get the oxygen out you need provide some other element that it will combine with more readily than the metal that you're trying to extract. Pure carbon fits the bill and charcoal is very close to being pure carbon. That's why you dump charcoal into the bloomery along with the ore rather than just feeding it separately as fuel: the charcoal is both fuel and deoxidizing agent.

    That also explains why you cannot use coal in a bloomery: it has too many impurities, some of which will combine the metal you are trying to extract and others of which will combine with the carbon in the coal, thereby preventing it from leeching the oxygen out of the ore.

    If TFC wanted to be realistic (as opposed to believable) then it should be possible to extract all of the "native" ores - native copper, native gold, etc - in a forge since "native" means that the metal is already close to being pure, so all that is required is to melt it out of the ore.


  16. Another nice aspect of the snow is that slows down movement, which finally gives me a reason to put a roof over my head in Peaceful mode!

    I'm wrong about that, it was just chunk load/render lag. Once everything was loaded my movement was unaffected by the snow. Too bad.


  17. mayaknife. Please add me. I don't have any plans for major reno work on the wiki, but I see lots of little errors that could use correction so I might as well fix them when I spot them.

    Hmm. Apparently I never got around to creating an account on the wiki, which would make it kinda hard to whitelist me. :unsure:

    I've now done so and my username there is the same as here in the forums: mayaknife.


  18. Like the fact that we might have donkeys with chests and inventory to do on a mining expedition.

    At the moment donkeys can only be leashed to posts. It would be good to have the ability to leash one donkey to another so that you can have a train of them.
