Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sugar_Fox

  1. Another World

    So these are pretty much my worlds. First is an old one. Save got corrupted after another big update. The second one is the new one, that I'm still working on. How's that? I'll keep updating this. -- --
  2. Another World

    Yeah, i did. I liked this feature at first time, but it's still buggy (torch goes out but it still light the area) and i hate when these graphical bugs occur. I'l turn this feature on again as soon as this graphical bug gets fixed.
  3. Nobody likes Space Whales

    But wat if we no kill 'em butt enslave 'em, so dat spaseships wil' no longer have to have engines. They'l move with help of slave-spacewhales.
  4. Nobody likes Space Whales

    I did. They liked it and called me their king. Then my whole family was killed by sea whales for no reason. Suspecious? Nah, just councidence
  5. My Terrafirmacraft portfolio

    I love this roof
  6. [TFC 0.79.17] Anvil Calculator

    Ive made so many tools now that I remember every single hit. I can make a pickaxe with my eyes closed. And if i change the world, I will be able to start from the red arrow, so that the recepie (for example) for a wrough iron sheet is: Punch; Bend; L.Hit; L.Hit; L.Hit.
  7. Another World

    At the right? You mean that flat area covered with cobblestone? It already is a forestry. I grow trees there. Currently there are 3 trees in use: Pine, Hickory, Birch.
  8. Another World

    Now can take a screenshot off the tower. Looks cool. --
  9. Another World

    I did it! Finally finished my blast furnace! --
  10. [Solved] Smoking

    Oops, sorry, i must have misposted it. My bad. And i did scroll down, how did I not see it? But thanks anyway!
  11. [Solved] Smoking

    Can someone tell me how meat smoking works? Never knew it was actually possible
  12. Another World

    All this torch-highlighted area is going to be built up with all different kinds of structures. Gonna be awesome --
  13. Another World

    Dat terra forming tho --
  14. [0.79.17] TFC Music Resource Pack

    Im lovin it
  15. [Solved] Smoked meat

    I didn't know you can smoke meat until now, lol
  16. Seed request - Graphite

    But I did regenerate a world not that long ago and everything stayed the same. Luck?
  17. Im back. Now I have a crazy achievement: collect Every single ingot in 32 units. Not an easy task.

  18. Seed request - Graphite

    Графит - это боль.Я в своём сейве искал его очень долго, ушёл на 3км во всех направлениях, нашёл только с четвёртой 3-х километровой вылазки. Сид: -2814151744727156551 Каолинит: X: 950 Z: -8062Графит: X: -540 Z: -5164Так же в районе спавна нет флюса, вообще, однако графит находится в мраморе, что по совместительству обеспечит тебя флюсом. Я искал очень долго, таких мучений врагу не пожелаешь.Удачи!----------Graphite is pain.In my save I was searching for it for over a lifetime, finaly found it 3km south from home.Seed:-2814151744727156551Kaolinite: X: 950 Z: -8062Graphite: X: -540 Z: -5164There's also no flux in spawn area, but graphite is spawned in marble, so you'll be able to get some flux as well. Searching for it was horrible.Good luck!
  19. Another World

    Dat feeling when you got out of the mine with a whole load of ore to melt -- --
  20. Looking For New-Small Server

    Try DarkageCraft. People say that it's a good server. I never played there myself though. Give it a try.
  21. gone to Sochi for a week

  22. Seed request - Valley

    Dat's some badass request you've got there. Im pretty sure that if there is such, it's somewere on this forum. If not, good luck finding one yourself then.
  23. me and a friend are looking for a small server

    My friend and I play on a private server that is hosted by me as well. Don't think that playing on a server with some random dudes and TFC mod installed is a good idea. And especially when time pases without you being on the server. Left the game in summer 1002, came back and it's winter 1015.
  24. Looking for a gorgeous texture pack!

    I wouldn't say that it's similar, but cool definetly.
  25. [Solved] Barrels and Temperature

    That was useful. I was just about to create just the same topic.