Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by halfmaster1

  1. I rather like this idea.


    One of the big problems I see is that at the start monsters spawn more often and are very hard to deal with, and late game they barely spawn and are super easy to deal with. I feel it should be a bit less that way, and animals could help solve this.


  2. Tedious tasks are supposed to get easier as you progress, but this mechanic gets harder; at the start it is no big deal to relight 3 torches but once you have lots you need to devote all your time to lighting them. 

    Perhaps increase the time that they stay lit each time you light them? Doesn't really make physical sense but would play a lot better.


  3. Perhaps, instead of having the hunger bar increase when you eat, and decrease over time, their can be a hidden "fullness" bar, which, when you eat, fills up and depletes just like the hunger bar does now. When your fullness is full, your hunger bar goes up and when it is empty, it goes down, all the values in between changing gradually. This would encourage people to eat large meals instead of snacks every once and a while.


  4. Well, aliceingame, when it comes to metalworking, I pretty much have it down for bronze level tools, at least the few that I use. And after making 16 axes in a row all essentially perfect, I have to say that yes, it is boring. And mechanical. And repetitive. And it happened even though I wasn't given the list of perfect strikes to use. That's the problem with the obtuseness, it only makes the game harder the first time. After that, it's busywork. And if I'm going to be playing this game as long as it seems to want me to, a WHOLE LOT of it is going to end up with me knowing exactly what to do and in essentially the same position as if I had been handed it in the beginning. Which, for me, makes me want the info NOW, as opposed to mucking about.

    And in regards to the finding iron advice, I've been doing that. For a while. I got bored after 3 IRL days of near constant mining. And, yes, I was using pretty much exactly the advice you suggested. I found enough copper and tin to never need to look for it ever again, but no iron, which is what I need to progress. So yeah, that part's a bit obtuse. I can only imagine what the other, rarer elements are going to be like to find. On the plus side, by the time I find this stuff, I'll be set on food for life because it's been 2 in game years and my fruit trees and crop rotation system are going to be hitting their stride by next fall. So the hunger bar is another part of the game that's going to be rendered essentially useless, thus defeating any original difficulty.

    Here's my main point. The fun for me is not in the discovery, but in the execution. Withholding information from me does not create fun, it just delays it.

    Ah, so instead of having to work to make metalworking monotonous, you want the information so it can be monotonous right from the start.

    Got it.


  5. No, not really. There is an easy way to render non-cubes in minecraft. Sluices are rendered like that. New ingot in ingot piles are rendered like that.

    There's a whole mod dedicated to adding sloped blocks of all kinds in minecraft.

    Take a look

    Posted Image

    I have seen that mod before but that still makes me want to drink a bucket of milk.


  6. Some important things to know about the ProPick:

    •It gives false negatives A LOT; upwards of 50% of the time. Pick around in a 2x2, it won't really skew your results too much.

    •The pick is best used when used to locate where ore is not

    •Triangulate where ore is not, (I do the Y first, then the X/Z)

    •Dig down and propick on the walls until the reading changes (ie, goes from very large to large), and find the block transition that changes. Once you've found the boundary count up or down 10-15 blocks and start on the X/Z on that Y axis. Do this again for the X/Z and you'll eventually, for sure, run into ore. (it's easy on the propick's durability too)

    I like to do Y last, as the propick has a lower vertical range than horizontal range. Once you find the XZ, then you just dig 6 blocks up and down, and you almost always see it.


  7. The ingots aren't a solid colour. To save time, I render the bricks using the metal block textures already in the texture folder. Because of the way minecraft renders blocks, it looks for a flat picture for each "block", similar to how player skins are set up, with each face of the block layed out flat. The block textures are only 16x16, so to fit all the faces of the block in the same texture, I lowered the resolution. This means that the ingots are at maximum, 8x8, but NOT a solid colour.

    And whats this about minecarts being removed in TFC1? As the only dev, it's a little surprising to learn what I'm apparently going to be implementing.

    The textures just didn't look like the other textures in tic, they sort of stood out. I figured the art people hadn't been let at them yet.

    Also, with the minecarts, I thought I remembered you saying that you were going to remove them. I guess it was someone else.

    Imagine a world where you need gypsum for bloomeries. Think on that for a while.

    Maybe you could make a LOT of mortar with gypsum, and make the other mortar more expensive. This way you can make a bloomery, but you can't make a big brick house until you have gypsum. It would give gypsum a good use and make mining that much more rewarding.

    I'll go fix my post about the minecarts.


  8. I remember someone who succeeded in this task, he could see ore chunks floating in the air, he posted his results because he was explaining how ore veins spawn in different location in a different way from the seed, even recreating the same world didn't assure the same veins in the same spots.. unfortunately i don't remember where is that topic or which mod he was using.. At least now you know that it's possible

    I think that guy just deleted all the stone, the flew around in creative.

    Also, Not enough items is you answer.


  9. We need more to do in TFC, in tech mods, however ridiculous they are, there is always a new/more efficient way to do stuuf. In tfc, at the start it is exciting, but then in just ends. Imma hoping tfc2 fulfils this.


  10. I do not know why that happened, but I can tell you that this is the wrong place for this topic. Use the "Support" Forum in the TFC 1 section, up at the top. Don't worry about this topic though, it is no big deal, I am sure a mod will move it for you.

    Anyways, try cutting down another sequoia, if it doesn't crash, then I wouldn't worry about this too much.


  11. I think there should be blocks that can only be obtained with a certain metal, like bricks are now.

    Other things should also only be obtained with a certain metal, like potions but not, because potions would be stupid for tfc.

    There isn't really any advantage of red steel over iron. The quicker time to mine is completely canceled out by the time to find nickel and the extra time spent smithing.


  12. That looks pretty amazing.

    You may want to put holes in your doors, though, it is very nice to be able to see out before you leave.
