Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Ocellatusa

  1. rather have kangaroos if were going aussie mamals or pouchmouse (cant remeber the right name) actually mice of some sort could be fun they could be a type of animal you would have to secure your food stores from to avoid them stealing bits off food

    right now i just want my chickens to stop derping by blinking from adult to baby when i breed em


  2. walls of text in my opinion are when people write long postst with no spacing between lines and a constant word flow i dont mind gramma not being perfect hell i suck at it too and punctuation and commas i forget also but a little line shift can do wonders still walls of text if interesting ill read em i dont mind it but if there are no spacing no line shift to break it up i will get distracted and not know where i was at also i will tire of reading if i do not have a natural pause like a line shift and that will again make me lose interest and make me stop reading a post now i on purpouse have not made line shifts in this post just to show what i mean i am sure it wouldent qualify as a wall of text just yet but i can continue writing loads of bull shit here and im sure you will end up giving in with out finding the exiting meaning of the post i like pie and we should have more of it in thsi forum also walls of text are very differently percived by different people so when people complain about walls of text it is either they are to bussy reading or they have like me problems concentrating for longer periods of time and if the wall of text they are reading dosent help them with natural pauses or places to see they can start again from they will get frustrated and give up now reading for 20 minutes isent that bad hell i can read a book of 500 pages in a day if it is interesting enough to me same with forum posts if they are interesting enough ill read em how ever long it will take me if they are just rubbish ill not read very far also alot of the walls of text we see here are complaints about this or that and how people want it to be instead so i am guessing people dislike walls of text for this reason aswell good suggestions have been made with out it being walls of text aswell tbh walls of text can be both good and bad im indiferent all i want is a bit of easy reading when i try to understand what a person is writing is that so bad ?

    sorry but this is my example of what i percive as a wall of text if you read it all good god you are tenacious


  3. shampoo sometimes a conditioner when my hair is long like jebs tried having it curled once i dislike it

    i do have a straithener (what ever its called) but thats only for special occasions really dont do much with my hair for a female


  4. i have managed to get 2 pigs to become 25 live ones at the current time on terracraft server i went away thinking nah theyll probably be killed but when i logged in one morning i had alot of pigs some where for some reason invisible untill lured with wheat could that be the issue ?


  5. I like the idea of colder weather making sturdier breeds and i hope that you have looked in to the Tarpan horse as it is the european prehistoric breed for the domesticated horses also sturdy horses are not always big most ancient work horses are of the Fjord horse size and build (also a amazing colour imo) or are we more in the usa type of horses ?

    i know we are not looking at a certain breed but the model can still be compared to it im exited avi is helping you with this as she has made my favourite mod (alpha mod) and you mentioned getting both types and breeding for stronger faster horses would be a good idea

    im gonna have to say faster is not always good when you are trying to get a working horse for this to be beliveable the best thing would be to breed for strenght unless you are refering to those that will want an all rounder horse

    also little ponies have been known to be used for mining as they fit better in the tunnels so a sturdy little horse or pony would be neat

    i know you are stating facts but people are allowed to dream also the cool bloded breeds /Types could be the smaller ones hot bloded breed/ type coule be long legged taller horses just a reference to the cold bloded breed as i see em the hot bloded breeds could be modled like so as i understand it arabians are pretty ancient the nomads and sheiks breed them to be faster from they are today so it would be beliveable that arabian type horses would roam hotter climates and be fast to get to better grasing as there would be waste lands to cross for it

    these are just things i wanted to say youll be doing what you want it is your's and bioxx's mod anyway


  6. I just have to defend the side of the old posters, being one of them. You are completely right, quite honestly; we are usually harsh to newbies, we react violently to some things, we derail a lot (specially me).

    However, we have our reasons to be like that. Firstly, like anyone else, we deal with a lot of shit on our lifes; that's perfectly normal. A lot of the shit we have been through, for us at least, has happened in this forums. And like everyone else, we don't want to have to get through the same problems again; that's why we quickly lose our patience when dealing with something we see a lot (posting without reading, underdeveloped ideas, lists...). We just don't want to see more of that.

    That's also why we derail; derails can help us relax a bit, entertain us. A lot of good ideas have came from derails, actually; for instance, the poisons topics active right now in the suggestion forums. I know it's hard to get through posts and posts of derailment to see if there is anything you should read before replying to that thread. But after all, for the most cases, a thread won't derail if there is actually something important to discuss there; so a derailed thread is, most of the times, a dead one.

    Usually, we will just get harsh on the newbies 'cause we need to probe them. They will have to deal with a lot of shit through their instance in the forums, no matter where they post in the most; If they can't deal with what we give 'em in their first thread (which is in fact kind of soft...), how will they deal with what's coming next?

    First you may have a reason but again new people are not the ones that made the big "problem" back earlier the "shit" in our lives bit ill have to say why bring it to the forums all thou you say it is something that happened here the newly spawns are not the ones that did it and rl problems should not reflect on how you answer a repeated question how ever anoying it might be

    derailmet has happened in several treads i find still relevant and interesting relaxing by derailment i dont really get there is this great off topic area for chit chat like "is that a samurai" and so on

    there should really not be a need to probe new people if people started being polite when posting, shit should fall through the cracks in the floor, also the probing i got made me uneasy as to actually participate at first only after continuing chatting on irc and realising bioxx and others there are actually nice people (yeah he will deny that im sure) did i decide id continue also not everyone that plays tfc are adults with hardened skin

    so im not seeing this behaviour from "old" forum users as needed also it will give newly spawns the wrong impression "hey this is a forum where i can be a dick and get away with it once i have been here long enoug"

    as an example

    still i like the mod ill hang around but people could try to atleast be a little more polite /considerate

    also i revived a tread i found interesting so i wouldent go and make a new tread about the same topic and i got a "just dont be a cunt" see now that i found insulting even if it was not meant as such people are entitled to an opinion and if you dont agree fine lets discuss it as adults with out the personal attacks

    so yes i understand what you are saying JAG but i have to disagree i dont think it is needed


  7. Be polite. It will take more work to be polite on a forum than it does to be polite in a normal conversation. This is largely due to the lack of tone of voice and body language. If you take the time to make sure your post is polite then you will in turn be met with a much more pleasant response.

    gonna add to this tread cause i normally dont complain life is to short but i am human and i might be sencitiver than most some things kinda stick out to me on this forum

    1: the regular people who have been here long are kinda agressive when new people post yes new people fail to search i get it it can be anoying but a attack making people feel shit is usually the first responce not a this has been suggested here here and here redirecting people and suggesting to use the search feature

    2: someone dosent agree agree with a opinion you get going with personal attacks like your stupid or bla bla kiddy behaviours instead of i dont have anything positive to add to this so i shut up and leave it

    3: thinking hard before writing any suggestions is a good idea but yeah not many think that way so they post before thinking it trough and end up sounding silly and ofc they get mocked

    4: there are those who have been here long that seem to go on derailing sprees personally i dont care much but it is hard to read trough a tread to read the good ideas people might have had when there are a ton off "hey i got my cat neutered" posts in between (not sure why i used a cat example)

    5: yeah polite people would not use some words i have seen in a few treads and you never know how the person on the other end of the line will read it and that could end up being a big misunderstanding and insulting conversation ending in someone being hurt (yeah i know the world is big and mean the internet is meaner).

    other than that i agree very much with what you wrote ditto.


  8. Sorry i have to do this .

    Ohhh mighty musical god menoch could you teatch me how to use a chisle and be as awesome as you?

    end praise and humm i seem to be atracting mobs when i stay put that or im to far from my neighbours for them to keep our area protected


  9. Personally i don't have a problem with anvils as they are but maybe if we got placable ingots we could potentially see a multi struckture where you would have to have a welding rod in your hand when placing then or right click with a welding tool to make a stack of ingots weld /form a anvil after using time on this also it could possibly mean that if the anvil is poorly made it will break after a certain amount of usses (a way for old anvils to get removed over time ? instead of recycling) like the tools have at the current time if you are not perfect in the way you hit the rules buttons you get a semi used tool and if its perfect you get a perfect tool that lasts longer

    just my idea not sure if it would even be possible in this way as it would mean placing several ingots in a one block area to build the anvil


  10. Thinking this might be to complex but tame animals are not always Docile male cows "Bulls" usually get very protective of their herds may charge you if you walk in to their field un prepared you could get trampled momma cows will also at times if they are not fearfull of you charge you if they have little kalves to protect

    Pigs this is from my rl experiense as i used to work with these male pigs are usually very inteligent and can become quite dangerous at a weight of 500kg (i do not know the english term for weight so it is in kilo) they can if you are not prepared bite you with 5 - 10 centimeter long tusks (yes tame pigs get tusks) and the momma pigs are no picknic either if they feel you are intruding on their piglets they will turn on you

    Chickens Roosters are rather agressive about their hens and egg's collecting egg's from a hen can net you alot of scratches and a very agressive rooster chasing you some docile hens will ofc be more relaxed unless they are in "breeding mode" its called Skruk in danish where they will never leave the nest and they will attack if you try to force them

    sheep rams if they do not fear you they will charge you ramming you female shee are usually more fearfull and usually more docile and i have not meet one that would ram me but im thinking they would if attacked usually they have a strong prey instinct witch is flee

    the predators im not to certain how this would work but bears are if not provoked to much pretty neutral unless you get to close or they are very hungry atleast thats the bit i know about bears wolfs are already pretty well covered by the rest of you so i dont have much to add

    this is just a few things i have been thinking while reading trough this tread and playing over some time and it only covers domesticated animals more or less bears being an exeption wild animals should either flee or charge you not much else for it but tame animals are not always "safe" to be around so these are my ideas


  11. He is not bad i like most of his videos some seem to end up being rants tho like the Q&A he has nice building skills wouldent have the patience to do the chisling he did on the bridge pillars

    altho he seems to say he is gonna slow down his minecraft videos so that would turn me off from watching since thats what i found interesting somehow mc is more fun to watch on youtube than most other things.


  12. Servers down again and is having issues aswell but the little time i had on the server while it was working today i noticed someone had taken my copper tools of my racks and emtied my meal prep area

    i dislike this mostly since id happily have fixed people up if they had asked just taking stuff is anoying

    was about to look trough my chests when we crashed to see if anything else was missing.


  13. @ Halfmaster you put it up nice and tidy in small chunks of sections witch makes it easy to read i think Dunk is just stating the decission is not based on how much people elaborate on a subject but on if the Dev team find it a good enough idea to implement and also that he prefers right grammar and so on to long texts describing details

    This is just how i read it but i might be wrong i tend to be wrong tho


  14. werent we getting straw from the grain plants at some point ?

    so straw beds would be luxury along with furs/ skins and eventually blanckets made from filting wool

    as a starter bed well a hide on the ground from your first hunt might work gathering leafs for a bed sounds more like a monkey/gorilla thing all thou we are in the stone age from day 1

    so far i dont see an issue with vanilla beds at the current moment other than them being op by letting you avoid monsters fairly easy untill you find a spot to settle


  15. im sure lusewing will build a nice shelter soon she had this awesome little series on a biospere world with BTW in it she does do a nice job was sad when she didnt upload more videos last i saw her channel might resub if she starts doing more tfc


  16. maybe add a fishing meter i know runecraftory mod added something like this where you would have to wait for a fish to bite (it also added fish to all bodys of water) after the fish had hoocked you would need to tighten and release the line to avoid the line to break or the fish to unhoock it self

    might be to much effort to add but it was also fun in that particular mod


  17. how about leather armour adds a pocket just for seeds you could decrease inventory space before armours to make it more Beliveable since basically we all spawn in rags with no pockets (naked?) then you make your spear (javelin) and get some leather for clothing this clothing you snip a few pockets in to with a knife and then it adds more inventory and so you could make it beliveable that you could make a small pouch or pocket just for gathering seeds also since we now have wild plants it is beliveable that you would know what seeds are what and bundle then with a piece of paper folded up (i do this irl when gardening my 1 year plants)

    i think what we are talking about here is not adding lots of bags but a little convenient pouch for just seeds inventory is a big issue when you are trying to find a home and gather materials on the way and seeds are so small they dont really fill up a entire inventory ofc you could just find a spot make a home and then go collecting things but it would still be not as fun to me
