Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by lilmamabear

  1. hi there mr unhandy i think its a good idea i too have thought about restarting up my old world but unsure about it, and yes it seams that alot of folks are shutting theres down due to activity but i think there are still a good handfull of folks that still enjoy tfc and being part of a community! I have recently hosted a pixelmon server with a company called ownage hosting and it was just 10 bucks u.s. currency  a month! as for mods to add in good one would be cellers mod, nei and journey map! but i have been looking for awhile for a server to join and maybe do some recording!


  2. hey folks just wanted to stop by and tell ya that i have shut down the world sorry but i have lost interest and was tring to juggle two worlds at the same time and it was getting to be to much and not fair to both sides! but i have to vanilla side open and it has got a fresh world on it and running the 1.9 snapshot version if yall like to join in that side i will be happy to add you in


  3. For those wanting/needing help with nei or waila here is a list of the versions that work and a link to go get it along with the link for Decorations and a good map mod.


    Must have




    CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- (needed to make nei work)




    Mapping mod



    Waila (What Am I Looking At)


     these are the main things everyone needs to run life on the frontier!



    1 Krayolla

    2  I'm from Iowa, CST is the timezone

    3 Skype is Xattion1

    4 15, but you get an excess

    5 Rather well, I was the bugtester for another TFC pack.

    6 I do not record.

    7 I've always enjoyed a good challenge and TFC provides a great immersion. Plus, seems like a potential place to start up and make some friends.





    1 ScareCrowBSG

    2  Kentucky, EST

    3 Teamspeak

    4 15 with excess

    5 Learning as I go, but I do reference the TFC Wiki

    6 Actually the reason I want to join a server. I can link my channel if needed. (Or you can search it)

    7 I spend my free time at home playing games and TFC has become one of these games. I enjoy making YouTube videos but I miss the community feel of a server. I think what makes Minecraft a truly great game is the open feel of the world along with the collaboration of others on large projects. I think Ursine Nation would make a great new home.



    hi there and welcome to life on the frontier yall have been added to the whitelist come on in and make your selves right at home!




    I have yet to receive the notification containing the IP for your server.  Please let me know if you need any additional information.


    Thanks for your assistance on this matter.



    rffan the ign ya gave me is not working i copied and pasted it in and keep getting error that it could not add you!



    On second note sorry it took me a while to reply to yall i lost my net for about two weeks!


  5. 1:  rffan

    2:  USA, Pacific Time Zone

    3:  I use neither Skype or TeamSpeak.  Is this required?

    4:  (100 x 5) / 35

    5:  Intermediate level.

    6:  I do not record

    7:  I enjoy mods that add realism to minecraft.  As for joining your server, I have only recently tried (vanilla) playing on a server and have enjoyed the experience.


    On a side note, I have requested an account on your website.


    hi rffan no voice chat is not required and i am tring to add you to the whitelist but its not going thru after copy and paste!


  6. 1 aladgil14 (its my username for most things)

    2 I'm from Madison Wisconsin (central time zone)

    3 I use both, however I prefer teamspeak since it is less RAM intensive

    4 15 rich ore, I'm pretty sure

    5 I've never gotten very far because all my friends I play with get bored and I don't want to play alone... so I've only ever gotten to the bronze age.

    6 I do not record

    7 My name is Jonas (yes, like the wheezer song. Or the brothers whichever is easier for you to remember) I play video games every single day and I have gotten bored of the games I have been playing recently so here I am. I am currently a sophomore at an alternative high school and since I don't have homework it gives me a lot of freedom.


    Hi jonas welcome to life on the frontier the teamspeak server is the same as the ip but with out the port number at the moment we are kinda dead and for i my self will be able to play more when my new computer case comes in i play a couple of hours here and there!


  7. I'm interested in joining your server. I got addicted to TFC about a month ago and the FeudalCraft Server has been down for a couple of days. :(


    1. Bobscake


    2. Texas, Central Time Zone - UTM - 0600


    3. I do not currently use either.


    4. 15


    5. I've been playing for about a month, but have learned a lot quickly. LOVE THE SYSTEM!


    6. I do not record.


    7. I'm a dad to 3 children who all love Minecraft. My son is who got me hooked on this mod. I love the survival and advancement development of TFC and the way in compliments online play.

    hi there fellow texan and welcome to life in the frontier just to let ya know we are in a low bit latly everyone has been busy with life and the holidays but come on in make ur self at home!



    1. Exoskeletal


    2. West Coast so Pacific Standard Time,


    3. I use teamspeak :Ex0skeletal


    4. Admittedly, I dont know the answer to this. I never played terrafirmacraft to the point of having rich ore. I dabbled and got to panning for nuggets and its been quite some time since I've played this modpack.


    5. I'm definitely not a pro of this modpack, we played it for a bit, but I ended up moving and having a lot of house projects (irl) and stopped playing. I am a veteran minecraft mod player though. I learn quickly and love diving headfirst into complicated modpacks.


    6. I stream occasionally but not very consistently or often.


    7. Im 27 years old and a CAD draftsman for a construction company based out of the Pacific Northwest. I've been playing minecraft since it was a java applet running in a browser. I've played a variety of modpacks and last year I hosted a sponsored server running resonant rise on ATLauncher. We had a decent playerbase mostly from the PURE community. They can be found at Running the modpack and server was a challenge but very rewarding. I'm a little burned out on being an admin and looking to play on a well managed server that doesnt require me to do any server side work. Ursine Nation looks like it fits the bill.


    exo you are now whitelisted i have allready sent ya a pm of the log in info come  on in and make your selves at home


    I was whitelisted for the old server, but not this one. Do I need to reapply?

    hi stone sorry i havnt seen ya for a long time thought ya left us you are added back on!



    1 CadeFr (I prefer to go by Cade)

    2  New England, USA, Eastern standard time

    3 I use skype very often

    4 15 ore with 25 surplus

    5 iv'e never played it before, I was recommended to this server (ursine Nation Life On The Frontier)and the mod by a friend

    6 sorry i don't record

    7 I'm a seasoned minecraft player and have been playing since early alpha with my friends (one of whom recommended me to this server). I haven't been playing a lot lately so i thought this would be a great way to make the game fresh and fun again! 


    sorry cade please check your notifacation for log in info!


  10. 1. TwistDragon (Preffered nickname: Twist).

    2. Denmark (europe) Central European Time Zone.

    3. I own skype, and have used TS before.

    4. I'm still pretty new to TFC so i actually don't know the answer there, tho should i just write what all the other guys have written?  I'm an old minecraft player btw.

    5. Well i've played it somewhat before, and just got back to it recently.

    6. I don't record.

    7. My name is Kristina and i'm a person who loves to play games and draw, i would like to join the server because i find SP to be a bit hard when you're a noob to TFC XD.



    hi there twist and welcome to life on the frontier you have been whitelisted come on in pawn has been set up for newcomers to grab some bites to eat and have a safe place to stay for the night or how ever long it takes to get ya set up for a adventure! looking forward to seeing ya!


  11. Application

    Ign SoldierofEvil

    2: Born in Georgia Live in Illinois US Central time

    3: I use Skype to communicate (tigerharvey)

    4: answer is 15 plus 25 extra leftover

    5:I have been playing terrafirmacraft since 1.6.4 and have played it through its many changes

    6:no I don't have a YouTube channel to much hassle to manage at the moment.

    7: I'm a 19 year old college student who has experience with minecraft since the 1.5.2 update outside of minecraft I typically read or play Xbox I love terrafirmacraft because the survival aspect of minecraft even with other mods tends to get dull rather quickly but to me terrafirmacraft is different it's more realistic in progression and is challenging and I love it. I also play on two other vanilla servers and I try to split my time between them. Overall I love terrafirmacraft and if I was accepted to the Ursine Nation I would be able to share my love with other like minded players.

    hi there soldier you are now whitelisted come on in and find ya a good spot to hang ur hat



    Hi Lilmamabear, I'm not sure how the best way to word this message since ill be speaking for 2 players but ill try my best we are trying to join a server and if yours is still up we would like to join.
    1. IGNS- TreeHuginHippie and ERROR_OF_RUTO
    2. Timezone- Eastern Standard Time
    3. Skype mostly but a ts or a raidcall would be no problem to install
    4. The answer is i think 15 rich ore with 25 units left over.
    5. We both know tera very well just haven't played since the 2nd to last patch update so we are just trying to get back into since our last server died out due to host leaving and server died out.
    6. We both don't record but having people record doesn't bother us at all we don't type that much mostly talk on Skype.
    7. Well im 23 and ruto would be 25 both live in GA been playing tera for a long time hard to described our "career" in tera we have pretty much done everything under the sun in this MC mod even at 1 point met up with boixx on a server which was awesome if this app grabs your attention in anyway or this server is full drop me a line back when u can thanks and have a good one.


    you both are now whitelisted come on in make ur self at home there should be some food at spawn to get you started and plenty of safe places to stay till you are ready to adventure out!


  13. 1. IGN -> Demonkush

    2. I am from Romania and is UTC +2

    3. I use skype .. never used teamspeak but i can try .

    4. like 15 of thr rich ones but you will have left a 25 surplus...

    5. Lets say the im like 60% of the TFC knowledge but i can't say im a noob or something like that .

    6. I don't record...

    7.Im Demonkush .. i like games and i'm in my 17s and i like TFC and Minecraft HARDCORE servers / DEATHBAN.

    Im form like N Roamania and i mostly stay at home ...exept the scool fact but you get the ideea :) i like to cill and play some gool games and i want to play with you guys on a tfc server just for 2 reasons :

    1. i like TFC 

    2. I like to play with others ...not alone 



    1- NerdAlterna

    2- Brazil, GMT -3

    3- I have skype

    4- 15 rich ores

    5- I know about farming, mining and wood

    6- No 

    7- I like play TFC and Minecraft, i think a prettry game. I'm cool, intelligent and creative.

    hi there nerd i have just tried to add you to the whitelist and i was not able to do it gave me a error!



    IGN: Sammeh48

    Place of Residence: Netherlands, GMT+1

    Communication method: Either TS3 or Skype are fine with me.

    Common math: 15

    Experience: Not very well, but I do love playing it and learning.

    Do you record?: Simply put no I don't

    About myself: Hey, I'm Sam I used to play Minecraft a lot before the private server which I played on with friends, died out ever after that I kinda stepped out the scene and play TFC every now and then however I am not one for playing singeplayer and not for plugins or a lot of mods either.

    I enjoy the native TFC experience, on a private server most.

    I don't really know what to put here but I hope you are oke with what I wrote down so far.


     Since you asked for it: Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier




    1) Hydralyncs

    2) United States EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    3) I don't Skype or Teamspeak

    4) You would need 15 rich ore and you would have 25 units left

    5) I am still relatively new to Terrafirmacraft and I have managed to get to some bronze stuff on a server and have only made charcoal pits and was working on getting a tier 2 anvil and a crucible. So I am pretty new but I have checked the wiki a lot. Oh and I made apple cider. :D

    6) I don't record.

    7) So as I said I am pretty new to TerraFirmaCraft and I recently lost all my stuff on a server due to a glitch. I am looking for a good community and a world that isn't a complete barren wasteland. I like addons but having too much ruins the experience and I think that TFC is really fun.



    1. dagarsword

    2 US (EST)

    3 skype

    4 15

    5 incredibly New Stone Age

    6 yes

    Want top lay wit ppl

    Lol forget about Thelma's one Ursine nation life on the frontier☺️

    everyone else has been added to the whitelist and i have sent out a pm of log in info come on in folks!


  14. 1: _Caim_

    2: England UTC: +0:00


    3: I am capable of using both as I have in the past, I use Skype frequently but our friendship group is quite close knit and so I would likely not make regular appearances on either.


    4: 15 but you'll have some left over.


    5: Relatively new to the mod, I actually had to look up how many units of metal Rich Ores produce.


    6: I do not record.

    7: I am 19 years of age, I have been playing Minecraft for around 4-5 years now. Mainly Tekkit and Vanilla. I generally specialize in machinery and economics in game. Though I have recently come to crave a better MC survival experience, like it was when I first began playing.

    Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier

    I'm looking forward to your response ^ - ^

    P.S I will likely bring at least 4 other people to the server (after they are whitelisted of course) if that's something you would like to know.




    1. Aeriko
    2. Florida, USA. Eastern Time, UTC: -5
    3. I use both Skype and TeamSpeak.
    4. 15 with 25 units remaining. 
    5. Fairly new, but I'll be playing with a group of friends and they're way more experienced.
    6. I don't record.
    7. My name is Lily, I'm 17. I can't wait to play a survival mod for once as I don't usually. I'm so excited and I even convinced my boyfriend to play!!

    Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier

    Signing up for the gf, as she is having trouble with the email verification.

    2-UTC -5
    3-Both but i prefer ts for people i don't know.
    4-15 with some remaining
    5-Very well, i've maxed out a world on it.
    7-My name is Jack, but they be callin me escobar on the the streets nah i mean? I'm 14 and I like realistic survival.

    Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier

    Also signing up for a friend as they too are having trouble posting




    1. Raenax


    2. I am from London and my timezone is UTC 0:00


    3. I run both Skype and Team Speak. 


    4. 15 with 25 units left over.


    5. I am quite new to this, but i would like to start playing with a group of friends.


    6. I do not record. 


    7. I am 16 years of age. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years now. I've played a range of mod-packs from tekkit to FTB. I would like to try this server becuase i have never played a survival minecraft mod before.



    I am associated with Caim, Aeriko and jregepotter and we would very much like to play on Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier with all these people. 


    I am looking forward to hearing your response! 

    hi there caim and friends welcome to Life On the frontier you all have been added to the whitelist come on in and make ur self at home spawn is half setup at the moment to keep ya safe and get setup for travel!


  15. 1. Lax3021

    2. FL EDT

    3. TS, but can use Skype if necessary

    4. 15 with 25units left over

    5. I know TFC pretty well...been playing for about 6 months fairly constantly. I have a SSP world where I've advanced to steel, but am getting tired of the SP experience.

    6. No, but thinking of getting a better PC to maybe start some small videos here and there.

    7. I would like to join Ursine Nation, L.O.T.F. because I've been looking for a SMP server to join with a community based feel to it. I'm 28, a father of 3 girls who enjoys playing vanilla MC with them on the PS3, and an avid PC gamer who has been playing MC for years. Would very much enjoy to be part of a mature TFC multiplayer community.




    1 lovelandmonkey

    2 East Coast EST

    3 I have both but I only give my skype to people I know in person or close friends

    4 15 ingots with 25 left over

    5 I've played it before, however I'll be a little rusty. Luckily a friend of mine is already whitelisted

    6 I do record very rarely, however I probably will just do this for fun

    7 I'm a high schooler who just wants to have a little bit of a challenge in minecraft. My friend told me to come check out this server as well, since he's already signed up and is having a blast


    hi there lax and loveland welcome to ursine nation life on the frontier ya both are now on the whitelist come on in!


  16. 1 Wormdozer

    2 NY, EST

    3.Neither; I have no headset and my room is always noisy

    4 15 nuggets, with a bit of metal excess

    5 I know a little bit about everything. I have practice in locating and mining ores. I know how to refine the ores, and then I know how to make basic tools with the metals. But what I really like about TFC is making and preserving food through pickling and smoking, etc. 

    6 I can't record. Like I said, my room is too noisy (NYC)

    7 I just wanna play some TFC on a basic freedom based server with no additional plugins or addons like towny that creates unnecessary complications. Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier seems to be that kind of server, and I was recommended to it by ChunkHunter on a server request thread. Otherwise, I like to stay as Wormdozer on the internet, and not reveal much more than I live in NYC, if that's alright with you.



    1 ign MrUnhandy

    2  where about are you from and what is the timezone there? I am from The Netherlands and the timezone is CET. (GMT +1)

    3 do you use skype or teamspeak i do run both Yes, I use both.

    4 the answer to number 4 on the rules You would need 15 units of rich ore leaving you with 25 excess units of ore.

    5 how well do you know terrafirmacraft? I have gotten to Red/Blue Steel myself on the technodefirmacraft modpack. I have done a lot of smithing on the way there, and before that I also did a lot of farming. So I know this modpack pretty well.

    6 do you record if not its ok but if ya do then would like to watch what you have done im a major youtuber watcher i treat it as if it was my tv Well, I do record but I don't really do much with it as of yet. :P Haven't really been in the mood of editing lately.

    7 please tell me a little about yourself who are ya and why do ya want to join us on this adventure? My name is Sietse, a.k.a. MrUnhandy and I live in the Netherlands. I'm 18 years old (Turning 19 this november!) and I love to game. I usually play games about 5-8 hours a day and I spend most of it on Minecraft. I might seem like a very sociable person in text, but in reality I am actually quite shy. When I am with a lot of people I usually don't say much, but 1 on 1 I talk a lot. I like to make jokes and I take them pretty good as well. The reason I want to join Ursine Nation is because I have been looking for a good TFC server where I can just enjoy the game with others. I hope this is the right server. Which, looking at all of the whitelist applications and looking at your post, I think it will be a good one. Thank you for reading, hope to speak to you in game soon!




    1: Jazzafritsch

    2: from Australia and the timezone is AEST (Australian eastern standard time)

    3: i use both teamspeak and skype

    4: im pretty sure its 15 unless rich ore isnt 35 units

    5: i know terrafirma pretty well iv probably played a few hours playing it (like 60 hours) iv never gotten past steel level tho so still kinda inexperienced beyond that

    6: no i do not record

    7: im jarrah fritsch a fifteen year old turning 16 in 3-4 months i LOVE science iv been playing minecraft since beta 1.2 or 1.0.2 i cant remember anymore (basically a long time) im terrible at spelling i want to join because i find community based severs more fun and get to make friends plus ursine nation life on the frontier seems like it would have a nice community 



    hi there guys and welcome to season 2 of life on the froniter come on in make ur self at home you all are now whitelisted!

    1. Ign: FallenMoons

    2. Where about are you from and what is the timezone there: USA, East Coast to be specific. EST or -5 GMT

    3. I usually use skype but I have used teamspeak in the past. Usually I use teamspeak for general communication but if i'm playing with someone for an extended period of time then I usually pick skype.

    4. 15? I haven't played in a long time, but if I remember correctly it's 35 units per 1 rich ore and it takes 100 units per ingot? 500/35 = ~15?

    5. Not super well, I haven't played in a long time. However, I am a programmer and have done a lot with minecraft in the past so I think I can figure it out!

    6. I used to, I haven't uploaded in a long time. My most popular video (10K views) was taken down because it was "claiming to teach something it's not" but whatever.

    7. I am 16 and I quit minecraft about two years go. I have decided that I'd like to try it again but I don't really want to play vanilla. Terrafirmacraft I have only played once and it was pretty fun! I just didn't like playing around. I saw your server and it sounds nice to be with some mature people and not a whole bunch of kids. Most of the time that I'm with kids it's either greif-city or just annoying...


    Here's my background check:

    All clean! :)


    Thanks for reading!

    ok fallenmoon you are now on the whitelist come on in!



    1 LittleBlast

    2  Massachusetts, EST.

    3  Both.

    4 ~15

    5 Not Much, But i know a bit.

    6 I do not Record, however want to get into Livestreaming.

    7 I want to join the Ursine Nation Life on the Frontier Server, I'm a highschool Student, Mature, I play multiple other games besides minecraft, including CS:GO, League of Legends, Prison Architect, And Many others. I love gaming, and i have difficulty playing singleplayer MC for some reason, which is why i love Multiplayer MC. I want to join so that i can learn TFC without getting the annoying sense of not wanting to play that i get when i play singleplayer MC. I hope you Accept me, and i promise ill be a good community Member! Thanks, LittleBlast.


    hi blast you are now whitelisted come on in make your self at home we have tons of things going on since the world is still brand new
