Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dodgetrex

  1. Hey!

    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: DutchMitchell, 19, GMT+1 (amsterdam)


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I do not enjoy playing minecraft alone, I like playing with other people, but I don't really like being in villages since i have trust issues lol. I love visiting other's towns though and general chatting.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Ive been playing ever since Etho made a video about it which was...about a year ago i think? I've been taking breaks though.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm from holland and i play TFC on my macbook. I love to build medieval-ish towns and buildings. On the last server I played, I was known for building a huge medieval town which was very popular. I hope to do the same on this server!

    welcome to the server








    I've always found that even with mods the game seems to get boring after a while and I would like to contribute to a community in some way after all its the community that make the game what it is, its always fun to set up a trade system and build other community areas. depending on permissions id also like to record a few videos on the server


    more than 2 years


    I'm a English college student that likes to have fun and help others. I'm learning to code and i'm half way to making a better than wolves style mechanical power add on for tfc (I used to love btw and i feel it would have really fitted in with the tfc feel) also I like to make videos for YouTube :)


    welcome to the server


  3. Ign: Coal_The_Miner


    timezone: central

    Why do you want to play: I want to be a part of a community and play some tfc with others.

    How long have you played TFC: I've played it on and off for a few years. I know a lot about the crop system and food usage. But I'm not that good when it comes to metals and such.

    Something about myself: I'm a fairly average person, I enjoy gaming and playing games such as minecraft, gta 5, and team fortress 2.





    Eastern time zone

    I want to play with others and help each other

    i've been playing for about half a year since i discovered this mod

    I play single player a lot and vanilla with my friends as they don't like TFC as much as I do.

    Welcome to the server



    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: MaxamesTheAwesom 13 CST


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Because i just love tfc and i want to play with a commuinty thats not a dick


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: about maby 5 mouths to like a i dont know how long 


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I like to play with friend and making new friends and relistic survival im bad at spelling as you prob see but im genraly a kind person 




    IGN: falnen


    Age: 19


    Timezone: Eastern US


    Why do you want to play?: I enjoy Small community servers and TFC, The server i played on before has closed down and i'm searching for a new one :)


    How long have you played TFC: Off and on for maybe a year


    Something about yourself: I play lots of minecraft, Mainly modded. All the anime shall be mine to had >: D I like to talk on teamspeak and the like, In tfc my favorite thing is smithing for people :) its lots of fun to make tools and armor for friends or even just random dudes. And regardless of my time zone i play mostly at night so from like 9AM to 6AM.






    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY: it gets relly boring playing singleplayer and multiplayer it gives u  better chance getting help with things Also all of the other servers have age limits and i am only 14 so there arnt many that will let me in.


    HOW LONG HAVE U BEEN PLAYING: not very long about 5 months I know most of the stuff in tfc


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF i like to help new players because i know how it feels when u join a new server and u dont know much about the mod




    Goodfell0w ,23 , GMT +2


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Because i search a small server with a good community to play tfc vanilla with no bugs and a challenge




    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm from Germany and love playing games and doing sports.





    IGN,AGE,TIMEZONE: charlotterose23, 25, GMT/UK


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY: Looking for other mature people to play TFC with


    HOW LONG HAVE U BEEN PLAYING: I've been playing Minecraft for 4 years. I've played TFC a year or so ago and just recently got into it again.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I live in Scotland, but I was born/lived in England until last year.




    IGN: The0newithnogame (same as this user name)


    AGE: 23




    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: looking for a server with people so i can open a blacksmith shop


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Ive done it all and I'm master smith.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: expert smith, vary communality based but i like to build simple houses (for some reason that drives people nuts)

    Welcome to the Server


  5. Posted Image

    They definitely weren't kidding

    when they said "Small" community...

    I haven't seen many players online yet.

    Yea Its hard to find dedicated players for TFC


  6. IGN: bert2211

     AGE: 17

    TIMEZONE: Central


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Playing solo is fun but it does tend to get boring rather quickly.  Having a small community to interact with makes the game far more interesting.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: I’ve been playing TFC since build 77.0, I was very active on a small community server until its unfortunate demise.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I enjoy rebuilding villages, mining, prospecting, and general farming.




    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE:  SubZeroCro - 13, CET


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I really love tfc, and i really need someone to play with. I played on another server about 2 years ago but that server was closed due to inactivity of players.




    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I love playing games, C can put alot of time into them, and i love teaming up with someone.








    Posted Image

    My IGN is NordinTheLich,

    I am seventeen years-old,

    nearly eighteen, and my

    timezone is EST.




    Posted Image

    I've been having a really

    tough time finding a good,

    new, server to check out,

    and this seems like it might

    be quite promising.




    Posted Image

    I've been playing TFC for at

    least a year and a half; possibly

    even two years, by now. I

    really enjoy the mod, and the

    level of realism it adds!




    Posted Image

    I'm not really sure what I should

    put here, so I'll include a few

    things. For starters, I was raised

    in Japan; I go really in depth with

    my towns in TFC, to the point of

    even using book & quills to keep

    records of sorts, and in case you

    somehow missed it: I have this

    awesome and unique little visual

    novel style of typing out forum posts.

    Welcome to the server



    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: D3emonic; 25; UTC +1


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Cause while I like to play mostly by myself I find interactions like trading enjoyable... and it's no fun in SSP when you can't boast xD


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: A couple of weeks.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I hate overcrowded words. Small friendly communities are more like it. A server where I can play mostly alone, but chat with other players and occasionaly trade or visit is something I would really like :)







    IGN - Sir_Vesanus


    AGE - 20 Years old




    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I would love to play some TFC again and this server looks promising. I don't like to play alone and it is always nice to trade with other players.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Few days, actually I'm hoping to become someone's apprentice (like a blacksmith).


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: Eager to learn, quite a good builder, friendly merchant.





    IGN :  Fallendemon13AGE : 22TIMEZONE :  Central Time Zone


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I want to hang out with people online. I enjoy nearly any mod so long as I have someone else to enjoy it with.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: I haven't played much, only a few hours on a different server.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I love survival games, and struggling to survive, even if things get frustrating for beating my head against a wall repeatedly. Overall, I usually go for the bare necessities, before I go for anything more complicated. I hate pvp, and prefer the idea of everyone working together to a common goal.


    Welcome to the server


  8. Hello


    IGN: manbeast36


    Age: 14 


    Timezone: Eastern


    Why I want to play?: I love the idea of being in a small community unlike the larger servers with immature players who like to destroy other players property "for fun". I also love building up my own town with minimal help from other players, it beats playing alone on single player.


    How long have you played?: I have played an average of about two years on this mod. I know almost everything about this mod.


    Something about yourself.: I strongly dislike it when other players ruin a players good time on a server, I will help any other player if it means me working on some long project just to make them happy and have a good time. I love to help people as much as I can.



    IGN: Hells_Malice

    Age: 23

    Timezone: PST/PDT


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I find TFC to be incredibly fun, but minecraft alone is super boring for me.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: I played for a few month, though I haven't for a while


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: Hm. Well i'm late for work typing up this application, lol. No but uh, been looking for a new minecraft community for years after my original server/community died. It's fun to meet and play with new people.

    Welcome to the server.


  9. IGN: akushner11AGE:18TIME ZONE: UKWHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I love TFC, however playing in your own is very boring, I used to be in a community before, but the server shut down.HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?:I've played TFC for around a year now.SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: Love the summer!



    IGN: hecrim3

    Age 18

    timezone UTC +8h


    I want to play because none of my friends enjoy hardcore and realistic survival like terrafirmacraft can offer, and my computer is too old for starting a server anyways, plus I want to meet some new friends who like terrafirmacraft, so yeah.


    About half a year ago I played for 3 months or so, so my knowledge about terrafirmacraft is pretty much rusting right now, but I wish to brush it up by joining your server.


    Well my name is hecrim, I am from hong kong and I am a science student studying in university. I am quite outgoing and enjoy making friends. Always available since I am having my holiday




    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: XristiEno, 24, Central USA


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I enjoy the variety and creativity with the realistic survival. I also like the tight-nit community that can develop in TFC


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Played it on and off for a year. 


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a college grad. do 3d animation and drawings. enjoy other minecraft mods along with TFC. been a minecraft player now for 5 years now. tend to have too much free time @.x


    Welcome to the server



    IGN :  ThiiefAGE : 14TIMEZONE : EST 


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I have always had an interest in Terrafirmacraft mostly because of the intense hardcore atmosphere. Normally I play mine craft with others, but this time I am looking to try it by myself with a small community that can help me when I need it or be there to talk to. Not only that, but I have always been attracted to small communities mostly because of the charm it has. I would love to make a small town, or be apart of one. 


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: I used to play it with my IRL friend Adam before I became a freshmen in Highschool and the server was having problems. See...The thing is, for the majority of the time I've played mods Ive always been so lost in all the mechanics and if I wasn't interested I wouldn't learn. I want to play by myself this time to see if I can do it..To prove to myself that I am not useless at mods like this. Thats off topic, isn't it? Like I said, I used to play it for a couple of months before things went downhill..I don't remember much of when I played, honestly. There is probably the raw basics I know of.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a artist! I do art online and I actually role-play on a Deviantart group called The-Golden-Butterfly..Which is a pretty esteemed writing group if I do say so myself. I am a rather impatient being mostly due to the fact that when I focus on something I don't do anything else. This is where I want to spread my community outwards and become more invested in other things.




    IGN: woodchopper3000

    AGE: 16

    TIMEZONE: eastern standard

    why: i want to play with other people.

    i love to be a rancher/farmer in minecraft and i have allot of cool ideas 




    IGN, philipg716 AGE,16 TIMEZONE:EST 



    i love tfc and the idea of a community were everyone helps everyone out sounds just amazing!


    3 months


    i like cooking farming mining in game

    good sence of humor

    great house mate fun to live with





    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE:   NoahHix, 25, EST Play early morning when i'm working. I work 3rd shift


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: im bored in single player and even though i have made it to red steel never did get that blue though. I would really enjoy playing and building with a community.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: played a little less then a year on a single world then had to reset and haven't got back into it until now. TFC has recently sparked my interest again though.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF:  I love the way you craft your tools. I also love collecting and exploring for resources.




    Will keep it short and simple


    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: nexuss666 17 +3 utc


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?:Replay the mod,have fun with strangers,make them not strangers.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?:2 months with a mont pause


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF:Cooperative,loyal if trust earned,sometimes stubborn.

    Time is kinda limited,nearing exams.




    Welcome to the server



    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: Kickersub, 18, Mountain Standard


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I want to play with my peers on this server, it is rather boring playing by yourself. I like to enjoy what others have to offer and give what I can.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Almost a year


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm the Band President at my school and I like to both lead and follow. I enjoy exploring minecraft and just having a good time.





    IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: Gazguy, 17, GMT


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I'm quite new to TFC and would love to be around people with probably quite a bit more knowledge than me and become part of a small community.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: Really not long; started <1 month ago but have been ill so not got much game time.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: Currently in my last year of High School, next year I will be studying Aerospace Engineering. Outwith academia I spend some time programming however I am primarily a Kayaker however I do also Hill Walk and Rock Climb here in Scotland. As I result I have done more than my fair share of real life survival training; perhaps the knowledge will transfer? I somewhat doubt it. Oh and of-course I play Video Games...


    welcome to the server


  12. IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE:   Awkward001, 33+ , Pacific


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?:  It gets boring in sp and I really enjoy building up a town for all to enjoy.


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: over a year, I play almost daily once I have found a cool world.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF:  I am more of an explorer/builder and especially like to build inns, wayposts and other community buildings.  I also love to just explore the world for those special, incredibly beautiful spots

    Welcome to the server


  13. IGN: DrDr9, AGE: 40+, TIMEZONE: CEST (Europe)


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Like to play and evolve in TFC




    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: team player, like to build nice structures in town, good in agriculture and not so good in metal works above moulds and pitkiln :-)



    IGN: Weras AGE: 20 TIMEZONE: GMT+2


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: Because you actually need to survive and cooperate with people to make something happen rather than sololing


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: i played 2 months when this mod was was in mid of starting just came back and writing this app i can use wiki and all that stuff


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: pretty laid back, can take a joke even if its a dark one, more of a team or group person, i talk A LOT



    IGN: supermarioaymond


    time zone: pacific standerd West coast U.S california

    I have played TFC for over a year

    i want to play because i like smithing and working with metals in this mod and love to teach people about it.

    I am a senior in highschool getting close to graduating. i work with metals in real life which is why this mod is one of my favorites. it is almost impossible to offend me and i will be surprised if anyone can achieve it.

    Welcome to the server


  14. Snprook, Age:23, Eastern Time Zone (on computer later afternoon due to work)


    Why Play?  I have the minecraft itch again and multiplayer TFC is my favorite way to scratch it.


    How Long?  Off and on for 2 years


    Myself:  I enjoy large underground caverns and constructions.  What is life without !FUN! threatening to fall on your head at any given time :) 

    Welcome to the server


  15. IGN: AntiMatter_


    TIMEZONE: Eastern Standard :P


    WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: because i like small community server and i like TFC its fun and i want a new tfc server that is hopefully a good time


    HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: about a year but i still sometimes have to look things up on the wiki


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I consider my self as funny and im interesting i hopefully look forward to playing with you!



    IGN: Bob_Saget54

    AGE: 16

    TIMEZONE: EST (Eastern Standard Time)


    WHY?: Playing on a server with other people is more fun than just playing alone, and I love server playing but can't seem to find a good server so far.


    HOW LONG?: I've been playing for about a year now, but still concider myself a noob at the game.


    SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I feel that I am the type of guy to try and bring people together and make friends/humor in the server.

    Welcome to the server


  16. IGN: earlyshooter Age: 15 Timezone: Pacific time


    Why?:  Playing on a server with other people may help me learn how to play TFC. Of course I won't be begging 

    but assistance from the outside world would help. Also I think it would be a lot of fun trading with other people.


    Me: I'm a freshman in highschool who likes to play video games. I play the viola as well. hey what do

    expect  out of a 15 year old :P

    Welcome to the Server


  17. Hey

    IGN: ChrismasBlend

    Age: 15 - Mature for my age

    Timezone: EST

    Why I want to play: I would like to experience this excellent modpack in a small community setting. (This seems perfect)

    How Long I have been playing: Im new, but have picked up the learning curve enough to understand game mechanics while playing singe player.

    Me: I love hiking and primitive survival in real life. This mod brings my interests to Minecraft.

    Hope i can join the server!

    welcome to the server


  18. IGN, AGE, TIMEZONE: Mario647, 19, PacificWHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?: I have been getting tired of just playing single player and would like to join a small multiplayer community.HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED TFC?: I've been playing for several months now.SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm a mature person and like working with others ^^ I am also available most days.

    Welcome to the server


  19. Hello ^. ^ 

    IGN: DeadPrince

    Age: 15

    Timezone: Central >.<


    Why? I want to play because playing by myself gets rather boring honestly..


    How long? Not for very long, but I know how to start off for a while. I'm a fairly quick learner..


    Me? I'm actually very mature for my age, if I say so myself. I like weird moosic.... Alternative, I believe you'd call it e.e.... I'm usually available... Anything else you'd like to know please message me ♥


    PM sent
