Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Really weird :(

    Maybe you just don't notice that, or maybe you don't use shift click as much as I do.

    If you don't mind try checking from time to time if you didn't smelted an infinite stack (pick it and right click it on an empty slot).

    As I said before I have clean installation and it happens both now and in an yearly version 0.5 year ago, so I'm sure it has to do with the mod it self.


  2. The bug works as follows: (same way it did back then)

    Similar to items with more then max stack amount, you can duplicate them by right clicking them (and I guess the amount is now something like -1 or 256) and create how much you want.

    for axes: when axe break while cutting a tree it remains in the inventory with full durability, and this new axe is infinite.

    for molds and ores: when creating a mold or liquid ingot, I'm shift clicking it to get it but it still remains in the fire/forge, and again the new one seams to be infinite.

    Also there this weird effect when you shift click stuff into fire/forge, the item mover into/out of the fire/forge but it also remains in the inventory, once you're trying to pick it up it disappears.

    This is exactly the same bug that happens back then (0.5 year ago) and I did clean installation in both times.

    This bug is critical and should be put as a high priority.


  3. This change was made to make the game harder and more believable, because the propick is not the best tool for scanning ores in real life.

    Also if you want to change it, this topic will probably be closed because Bioxx made a topic, in the suggestion section I think, where he says that.

    I was just wondering the change (I post it in Discussion on purpose). So that's explains it.

    I have another question about the "mastery". When getting the output of the prospector's pick in an area with multiple ores, do I know what ore is in the output refers to ? (closest, biggest or random)

    No such thing mentioned in the wiki, and unless the "mastery" refers to the admins I would like to know the secret of the prospector's pick output message, Thanks :)


  4. Prospector's pick is plenty accurate if you have any clue waht you're doing. Don't complain about it, it's not being changed.


    Yes I have a clue, don't worry..


  5. From what I know the prospector's pick once was 25x25x13 and people was complaining it was too hard so now it's 25x25x25. I'm not sure but now it's even more harder to look for ores, every time I get to find something there are other ores messing up because of it's HUGE range, and also if once I could stay on one layer and look for ores (I can dig 6 ores up and down with ease) now I need to do a lot of up down digging.

    Since the prospector's pick is so wide ranged now maybe it will be good to make it more specific, maybe sense up to two ores at once, maybe have mods like for chisel.

    Unless the point was to make it harder, I don't understand the change. Anyone?

    I read this long ago (0.5+ year ago), so why did it changed in the end?


  6. Now there I'm further into the game and smelting.. EVERYTHING is duplicating it self: axes when cutting trees, ores when smelting, mold and maybe more, every time I'm creating something I have to choose if I want more for free. It's not about being honest to yourself but guiding the game to how it should work (no, now you should give me 3 not infinite), and since it's happens so frequently it's really annoying.


  7. Yeah, thanks. Didn't notice the "small" in front of the ore name which explains it.

    I played the mod about a 1-0.5 year ago and there was a lot of duplication bugs so it was hard to play fair. I did cause a duplication of molds, but I can't seem to repeat it, does anyone else is able to duplicate items? Maybe it's just very rare? Only molds maybe?


  8. Is there still the problem with duplicating item? I managed to get an infinite amount of empty molds, does this happens with ingots too?

    I found some zinc ores and hopped it will be enough for an ingot but turns out each ore filled only 0.1 of the mold. Is that a bug or the other ores are 10 : 1 ore ingot ration too?
