Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. So back when I was starting the game I remember a salad of 20oz was enough for 1 day.

    This days, being an expert cook and making an amazing sandwich with all 5 types of nutrition, and 3 perfect tastes and the 4th being (+-5),

    still requires me to eat 2 of them each day..


    So why did I even bother?


    And another thing is it should matter if you are sitting around doing nothing or running around, you can't consume the same at both.. you will get fat ;)


  2. I'm sorry, but where does it say I will close your thread if you answer no? The exact quote from the template is:

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes-No*If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.

    The whole point of this question is to make sure that you deleted your config files, because before this part was added to the template, there were a bunch of bug reports that were solved simply by me telling the person to delete their config files. That was a waste of my time, and happened commonly enough that I added the question to the template.


    If you ever come across a weird bug, the very first thing you should do is delete your config files. Then you can go back to playing normally, and if you ever come across the bug again, and you haven't edited your config files since you deleted them, then you can make the report with an answer of "Yes." You can also answer yes to the question if you delete your config files every single time you update, and don't edit your config files after you updated.

    It's just that it states that you should answer "yes" here.. and since not following the template rules your thread is going to be closes => answering no is going to get it closed. Sorry if being too mathematical here.

    Maybe you should split the question into two separate questions:

    1) have you deleted the config?

    2) can you reproduce the bug?

    2++) [if you answered "yes" on the last two questions] can you reproduce the bug after you deleted the config?


  3. I used MCEdit to see if there is a graphite in the area I was looking in and guess what, since I was using the surface method the program found that:

    ~10000 chunks of gneiss stone from height 256 - 144 (you have to be at least at 156 to check there)

    contained only 2 graphite..

    in my entire world, which is 117000 chunks, 350mb save file, there is still only 2 graphite from height 256 - 144


    Conclusion: don't look for graphite on surface..


  4. I see where you are comming from, but as it works atm the crucible spends a fixed amount of stored heat for every piece.

    While it is annoying for large quantities i don't really see it as an issue since (regular) coal is available in huge quantities, i tend to just use multible forges/crucibles with bellows to speed them up.


    I has nothing to do with coal. The metal temperature stored in the crucible itself is falling when adding a new ore, so smelting nickel takes very long, since the ore only melts when the crucible is higher then the melting temperature, so even when having 80 already smelted nickel at a white temperature, after adding another ore it drops below the melting temperature and it takes a minute to climb up again.

    Without bellow at takes 4 minutes to smelt one nickel bar..


    Obviously it's not a world's first problem, but still would be nice to have a better mechanics.


    For example:

    you put X ores in a crucible, so it heats according to have much ore it have (the more ore the slower), and once it's over melting temperature all the X ores melts at once.


  5. It is really annoying and anti realistic, after smelting 80 ores and heating the whole mass to 4 bars heat, adding the 81 ore drops the whole mass to 3 bars heat.

    After adding 1 cold ore to a 80 ore heated metal, it should only go down less then 1/80 of the temperature.

    I guess it's a known issue, so is this going to change?


  6. Still, since you don't seem to be the only one experiencing this, it clearly is a bug, and the support forum is where those are collected together for the devs and where they are properly acknowlegded by them.As for the bug report template - it really is not that complicated.Give them some version numbers and just answer the reproducing part with "no" and be done with it :)

    Sure but after reading the "if you write no here expect you thread to be closed" I see no point..


  7. I have wondered the same thing when reading the change log ... I really hope it's the latter![Edit:] Shouldn't this thread be in the support forum?

    Me too, too bad it's not going to to affect my explored world.. Have hundred squared kilometer explored with 500 rainfall :( 


  8. For example my world (1862218310) has like 20+ lava pools and hundreds of hot water pools around the spawn point, I guess it's the Yellowstone of tfc.


    Also I found like 10 donkeys near spawn + 10 after that. Maybe donkeys like seismically active regions.


  9. And you missed the changelog

    I always forget to check there.. since I have a wiki

    Also I was sure that NEI is connected to the game live, so no way it can miss a new recipe.. I was wrong


  10. New change log: "Fixed fruit trees spawning in rainfall values higher than 500, instead of at least 500."


    I don't get it, they were spawning at rainfall values higher than 500 so what the fix does?


    Or is it "Fixed: [insert bug here]"

    where the bug is "fruit trees spawning in rainfall values higher than 500, instead of at least 500".


    So which one is it?


  11. I am following the wiki but I can't seem to make vinegar:

    "Vinegar is made by resealing an alcohol barrel and waiting 12 in-game hours for it to finish processing"

    I created all the alcohol types except rum, tried it with each one and nothing happen.

    I know rum was the only alcohol that worked a while ago, does it still apply? Can you make the vinegar from rum only?

    I shows up just fine in NEI recipes.. So what am I doing wrong? 


  12. Graphite is not an ore but a mineral, as far as I know, so you'll never find small graphite rocks on the surface in form of small rocks or nuggets, only if you are extremely lucky and come about exposed veins like Elagn said ...

    I know.. I did mention using 8 pro picks didn't I?


  13. Since the wiki lied to me about the 500+ rain fruit trees I question everything the wiki says. Currently my question is as titled.

    I'm asking because I walked a huge amount of Gneiss land while using a pro pick and couldn't find any Graphite...

    From the config there is an ore rarity which is:

    sphalerite - 100

    silver - 100

    tetrahedrite - 120

    galena - 100

    graphite - 100

    which are the ores that spawn in gneiss rock, so I guess graphite should be no more rare then silver, but guess what:

    while I used 6 copper pro picks and 2 iron ones here is what I found:


    sphalerite - over 30 viens (I didn't even count.. they are everywhere)

    silver - about 10 viens (I have 7 of them marked)

    tetrahedrite - over 30 viens (I didn't even count.. they are everywhere)

    galena - 10-15 or so

    graphite - 0 (do they exist?)


    Which is way over ridiculous (which is my favorite taste in tfc :P)

    So unless I'm missing something, or someone can explain, I'm on my way to mcedit to confirm my findings.


  14. Same thing happen to me again. Got 4 horses, familiarized them all, choose one I like, the next day I can't ride it anymore, and it has that saddle multiplication bug.


  15. Isn't it too much how the crops spawn everywhere? I left my base for a month and when I came back there were more newly spawned tomatoes around my house then my farm produced at the same time..

    What's the point of having a farm when I can just walk around for a day, and have a full inventory of crops?

    That also make the agriculture skill useless for seeds. I am now 2 years in game and I almost have 64 seeds of each type without even trying.


    So how about lowering the number of spawned crops? Like instead of a 20 newly spawned tomatoes, just 1-2 would be enough. since you can't lose seeds, they should be more rare.


    Bottom line is getting into food abundant now is way too easy.


  16. I ignored it up till now but the white skeletons are different in 79.9, they don't shot and they run very fast.

    Is this intended? Somehow it feels that the zombie baby AI was placed inside the white skeleton..


  17. maybe there are some other conditions involved... temperature? EVT?

    500 being the minimum only implies that there will be no fruit trees if you have less than 500. It does not mean that there will always be fruit trees if you have 500 or more - there is some randomness involved.


    Anyway, I agree that 50km is a lot without any fruit tree - can you post the seed and the coordinates so I can have a look at it?

    Sure here is the seed: 1862218310

    you spawn at: -63 -11857

    and the first fruit tree I've found is at: -1063 -6700 (there are 10+ at this area)


  18. I guess the wiki is incorrect or it's a bug. In the wiki I read that 500 rain is the minimum for a fruit tree, but traveling 50km at 500 rain didn't get me a single fruit tree, but once I finally got to a rain 1000 biome.. right away I found more then 10 fruit trees one right after the other..

    So either it's an extremely rare case, or fruit trees spawn on 1000+ rain only.


  19. So I have been flying forever in every direction, most of which was 500+ rain, and I haven't seen a single fruit tree. What is going on, I have traveled about 30km from cold to hot areas, from dry to rainy, and never seen a single fruit tree.. Is that just me? Can anybody confirm fruit trees in 79.9?
