Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. I know that it's probably was made on purpose but it looks like a bug to me, when putting an ingot inside a mold it losses it's temperature and same vise versa.Just disable that you won't be able to get a liquid ingot and all fine.Also another thing, when drinking from a jug or taking an ingot from a mold, the mold/jug sometimes disappearing.. is this a bug or are they like breaking from over usage?


  2. I put 11 raw hide in a barrel and got back 11 soaked hide and the original 11 raw back.The barrel wasn't full to start with, and the water level is now 0 it's not even a water barrel anymore.


  3. So I haven't played tfc for almost an year.. I know the game is hard and all, but this:
    Posted Image
    it's just an overkill!!
    What am i suppose to prepare 100 axes for my first night? (each zombie takes at least 2 axes to kill)


  4. Posted Image

    But when you are further away the only thing that can make you recognize the depth are the weird patterns on the leaves.

    Posted Image

    Yeah, now I see what you mean.

    All I can suggest, is that the antialiasing in MC is horrible, so from far every thing looks bad, and since the leafs are small to start with, from far they aren't leafs at all, just random pixels.

    You can notice the same with any other block, bricks or wood for example, from far you still can see what it is, but only a little.


    I found a solution!! (for some people, for some problems)

    So like I've said MC antialiasing is horrible (not sure it's even exist), so I've found this tutorial how to enable antialiasing in MC


    Now my MC looks WAY WAY BETTER!! :D

    Try it :)

    Bricks before:

    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    I also tried Optifine now. It's really great.

    Have many graphics options too.

    If you have chunk flickering when using optifine, try disabling "threaded optimization" in your video card settings.


  5. I was wondering, anyone knows about Ludum Dare 48h?

    Anyone on this forums is entering? What time?

    What is Ludum Dare:

    It's a game making competition, a theme is chosen and each competitor have 48 hours to create a game from scratch and submit it. After that the competitors playing each other games and the winner is chosen.


  6. When ever you hit a block or an entity, it requests the strength and durability from the tool. Normally this is done with an enum, but you'd have to add a calculation to it as well, which just slows things down. It might not be noticeable for most players but it's a road we don't want to go down.

    "might not be noticeable for most players" - you mean all of them?

    I see you're writing nonsense so here: (no idea how much you are serious about programming/modding)

    I'll make it short, you don't seam to know much about complexity (or minecraft is awkwardly wrong, but I don't care then..) 1SAN - you too btw (judging from your post),

    FYI, removing 1 line from major algorithms like movement equals thousands of lines in block hitting code. (an overkill but still..)

    I strongly suggest you to read about "Complexity", so you won't worry about such things.

    If you interested in more (I assume you don't know much beyond the syntax)

    1) Pointers, memory management and garbage collector.

    2) Some basic algorithms (search algorithms, graph algorithms, their complexities and how to use them)

    3) bonus++: Complexity classes, P, NP (only if really bored)

    4) this list can go forever.. maybe design patterns

    I understand the MC code is really really really bad and horrible.. no other ways to explain it's slowness, memory eating and the updates fix:bug ratio (1:10)

    And that is why I'm against modding minecraft, but if you "have no choice" then knowing the stuff should really help.

    It's like workout, you can't progress if you don't do it right. (maybe only really slow)

    P.S sorry, just couldn't ignore it, it may help

    I HATE MY BROWSER (always deleting my posts)


  7. ok thanks for that, should make it a bit easier for me now :)


    1) it has 50% false negatives returns. (nothing, when there is actually something)

    2) when there is more then one ore type in range, for example two, the return splits between the ores: 50% false, 25% ore1 and 25% ore2, and there size as always.

    that way, if you have a huge vein of ore1, and one block of ore2 in the middle, you will still get ore2 50% of time (even though it's size is so small in compare)


  8. I threw down some cassiterite down a bloomery, like usually with a bit of coal, however nothing's happening, the coal gets accepted and goes into the charcoal slot in the bloomery however the cassiterite just lays there on the fire block.

    Make sure it's not a "small" or "nugget" ores, bloomeries does not accept them as far as I know.

    I may be confusing you.


  9. Not having data hard coded into the tools makes everything that much slower. You'd have to be getting and calculating the damage, strength and durability constantly.

    Are you serious?

    Sure I never saw what minecraft source code looks like, but still.. WTF??

    With that information.. no wonder this idea was dumped, too hard.

    Only one question bothers me:

    how does TFC still runs?

    (unicorns and rainbows?)

    P.S. even if you have no choice but to calculate.. you shouldn't worry about it, this still doesn't affect the complexity, but who knows.. maybe you can still make it happen :D

    P.S.S no offense


  10. I know that the developers usually get many cries of "minerals are too hard to find" and "make them more abundant." However, I understand that that would remove the challenge of finding ore. It is really hard to find the deep ores at this point with just a prospector pick. I was thinking about "bog iron" like that which is found in Scandinavia that counts as iron ore small stones, and by More Minerals/Biome Sharing that veins of the same mineral should be found close to or near each other, because where there's one vein, there should be another.


    Sorry for not reading the rest, but this "minerals are too hard to find" is a lie.

    I hope they would be more hard to find, so hard, that I would never find them, and find ores instead :P


  11. I would like to ask you to, in real life, take an axe and "accidentaly" hit the wall with it. Then come here and tell me your walls shouldn't get cracked.

    I would like to see you, in real life, take a pickaxe, and hit the wall until nothing left, then show me the block of wall you got.

    This cracks are just the progress of removal, and should disappear after a few seconds, and not stay as a permanent crack.


  12. Why do you think you should only get one? There's no reason that it should only yield one... to pick up on what renadi said, you get a lot more corn cobs than you do those other grains (by volume) in the same amount of crop land. It makes perfect sense.

    Also the number you get is a bit random. Sometimes you get one, sometimes you get two.

    I'm not saying anything.. I'm quoting the wiki (again):

    "Maize will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

    Same as cabbage, or wheat:

    "A cabbage will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

    "Wheat will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

    Crops that yield more then 1 drop are carrot for example:

    "1-3 carrots will drop from harvesting a fully mature crop"

    So maybe the wiki got it wrong..
