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Posts posted by Kill3rCat

  1. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): 
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    So, it seems strange, but in the current build of TFC almost every single 'sea' I have found has turned out to just be an enormous lake. Simple question: is this normal?


    In vanilla Minecraft, there seems to be no shortage of enormous empty oceans. Have I just been incredibly unlucky?


  2. Yes, it indeed equals 100.4%. The .4% is the 15 units left over, which is discarded because 15 units is useless.


    Unfortunately due to a slight lapse in intelligence, I forgot to realise that 20.1 > 20% and 30.3 > 30%. The alloy recipe was therefore incorrect and I had to adjust the recipe, and refire the ceramic vessel full of ore. Oh well. I got it so damn close the first time, I felt kind of proud... *duh*


  3. Ok, so after a short mining haul I came back with plenty of Bismuthinite, Sphalerite and Malachite (these conveniently happened to be one of several ore veins in my vicinity in my SSP world).


    I have enough to fill 6 ceramic vessels (with a lot left over, could probably fill another 1 or 2 vessels) like:




    [14 rich sphalerite]           [13 bismuthinite]




    [16 malachite       ]            [16 malachite     ]




    This translates to:


    800 copper (50%)

    325 bismuth (20.1%)

    490 zinc (30.3%)




    In total, that is 1615 units per vessel, and 9690 units total.


    Now, a Bismuth Bronze anvil will take 1400 units, while a bloomery takes 3200. That still leaves me 5000 units spare (discarding the useless 90).


    What the hell am I to do with 50 ingots of Bismuth Bronze? That is almost enough to make 4 of each tool (most tools I don't even bother using, anyway). And I don't even know how or why I'd want to store 4 of each tool. Not to mention that I'd hate to have to gather 480 clay, and enough wood to burn 24 pit kilns. Fortunately, I probably have enough straw lying around as waste from my grain farms to make straw a non-issue.


    I've played lots of TFC before, but never ended up with this much of any metal.


    Any suggestions, folks? (short of mass-dumping half of the metal in the sea)


  4. Yeah, I know. I was just wondering if there was a bit of code in the current-build firepit which started a 'real' fire, similar to how it worked in the good old days of firepits in the middle of charpits.


    @Bunsan - Gotcha. Thanks.


  5. Ok, thanks. But then again, that is the floor, not the walls or ceiling. A torch seperated from the wooden floor by a single block would be unlikely to affect it (though I doubt torches are a threat anyway), and a forge surrounded by stone (as is the requirement) would be fine anyway. Ditto with the bloomery. I think the only real threat would be firepits (especially since they set things alight a few patches ago). All of my firepits I light on the upper deck with but the sky above them, and a block of basalt cobble seperating the firepit from the wooden floor.


    Therefore, I think I am quite safe. Nonetheless, thought I'd make a quick post just to make sure. Wouldn't like my progress on my current SSP world to go up in smoke. Cheers! :)


  6. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): 
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    It feels like I may be posting this in the wrong subforum, if so, sorry. It did include 'questions about TFC' in the description. This is not a bug report or anything of the sort. With that said, let's begin:


    I just wanted to know exactly what the current situation is regarding fires and fire hazards in the latest TFC build. I mean, I know firepits will burn you and any unfortunate mobs, but more of a concern to me, is can torches, firepits, forges, etc. cause wooden buildings to burn down?


  7. I was wondering, what do the different values in the 'cave-ins' options mean? I was going to decrease the chance of cave-ins, since they seem pretty ridiculous right now. A 1x2 (1-wide, 2-high) corridor of stone, with a few turns and twists in it will almost immediately cave in on itself. It seems also rather strange that a thin wooden support does a better job of holding up stone than... a block of stone. Huh?


    Edit: You know, nevermind. I think I was just rather unlucky. Cave-ins still happen but they're rather small and don't tend to kill me too often. They don't seem to happen as frequently now, fortunately. In fact, there are times when it feels there should be cave-ins but the game couldn't care less because psuedo-random chance says 'no cave in, matey'.


  8. That would be a seismically active area. If you dislike them, there's a config option to change how often they spawn.


    Ah, great! My problem was it made ores way too easy to find, I managed to find a bismuth vein, two coal veins, two copper veins and a magnetite vein exposed due to fissures and 'ravines'. Cheers!


  9. Also, another thing though I don't want to make another thread, but fissures in the landscape, ravines and lava pools seem far too common as well. Is it just that the region of the world I spawned in happens to be extremely volcanic, or is it more a world generation issue?


    Edit: Ah, sorry. I usually search thread titles, I don't have time to go through every page of every thread looking for something vaguely similar to my post. Sorry.


  10. That's primarily because if the area isn't loaded during freezing temperatures, the old ones don't die when the new ones pop up in the spring. This has already been fixed for .25




    So, when's .25 rolling out? :D


    I miss the days when if you found wild crops, you felt like a god.


  11. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): 
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    So, they seem a little common, yes?


    This is less a suggestion, and more me begging on my knees. Decrease the spawn rate of wild crops, please! In the current build, agriculture is pretty much obsolete because nature has handed us a lifetime of green munchies on a plate. Yummy. I am not sure how common they would be in real life, in wild land, but I think in both terms of believability and gameplay, the current figure is way off the mark.


    That's pretty much all there is to say. Thoughts?


  12. Can I just point out that this topic has taken a complete 180 flip and gone from discussing making stone tools more efficient, to making them less efficient?


    The OP was never about efficiency, only their durability. I think we're all in agreement that decreasing the durability any further would be ridiculous, but there are other ways to make stone tools seem less attractive, and metal ones more without changing durability.


  13. This just isn't true. I personally have never made a metal knife. I'll also use stone shovels for clearing projects. I almost never bother with a metal hoe unless I absolutely need the nutrient mode, but due to the agriculture skill restriction on that, it doesn't happen for a long time. If I'm clearing out an area of forest and am not strapped for logs/charcoal, I'll just use a stone axe. My smithing area usually just has a few tool racks of stone hammers, and won't make a metal one unless I'm doing an excessively massive batch of smithing and haven't mastered the perfect combo of moves yet.


    Well, stone tools will always be a pain in the rectum when it comes to balance, I am sure. The only tools I usually bother making metal parts for are axes, maces, saws, propicks, picks and hammers. I occasionally make chisels if I am feeling creative, and hoes if I decide I need the nutrient mode (since you don't really use the hoe enough for durability to be a huge concern). Metal scythes, knives, javelins and swords are almost unheard of in my Survival games, as is armour.


    I think I better understand now your reluctance to increase the durability of stone tools.


  14. Be polite in your conversation. Both of you.

    Well, we tried. :)


    Considering that there have been multiple versions where we specifically nerfed the durability and efficiency of stone tools explicitly because before doing so, players never bothered switching to metal, I'm going to say the chance of this suggestion being added is very unlikely. There's also the fact that there are a great many things you can't do with stone tools to discourage you from using them as well. Even when there is a stone version of a tool, its functionality is still limited (e.g. no nutrient mode on hoes, only 90% log drop rate for axes).


    As for the durability differences between the different stone types, that was added more as an "oh that's neat" kind of Easter egg, and we don't actually expect players to explicitly go out of their way to take advantage of it.


    Basically, if you dislike the grind of stone tools so much, then we've balanced it exactly as intended, and you should work a bit harder to get metal tools.


    -changelog snippety snip-


    Well, when you put it like that... I suppose there's a fairly valid reason. I'd have thought speed, durability and efficiency would be good enough reasons to upgrade to metal. And as you point out, there are certain things which you cannot do with stone, and metal-exclusive features. I'd have thought that would be reason enough, but apparently not for some players.


    Is there any chance you could allow us to make these modifications ourselves (preferrably not involving us leaping into the source code)? It'd be nice to be able to make some tweaks, to enjoy private multiplayer or singleplayer experiences in a way more tailored to our own desires and/or needs.


    As I believe I said, I don't see this as a huge, gamebreaking problem, but rather something that doesn't make too much sense and isn't too much enjoyable. Perhaps there would be some other way, in the long run (not suggesting huge code changes here, don't worry) to encourage the use of metal tools without enforcing the upgrade through means of early game tedium?


  15. TFC to me seems like a very mountainous landscape, therefore I apply that it must have had glaciers at one point or another, so there would be a lot of rocks both on the ground and in it.  That's just my opinion, however.  You may continue with your suggestion, and I await the comments of the devs.


    Given your arguments (relating to a lot of the TFC world being rather mountainous), the realisation dawns that my own argument may be a tad flimsy. Nonetheless, I still think the abundance of stones in say, swamp or plains biomes (which were the main object and cause for my suggestion), or any region that isn't vaguely hilly is still rather silly. On that subject, I don't think I remember seeing many swamps in TFC.


    I am aware that more mountainous landscapes tend to be more rocky in nature (hence why I made a slight jab relating to you perhaps living in Scotland), but extending this to the entire TFC world is one step too far. Regardless, the rate at which stone tools break does just add annoyance rather than gameplay value. For me, anyway. Perhaps some modifier options would be possible, further down the line (or even in TFC2). Alas, I digress.


  16. "specific, localized region"


    You mean, all of Washington State and the majority of the Pacific Northwest of the United States?  Yeah, that's localized.


    You're trying to tell me that almost half the U.S. is completely awash with loose rock? More like, these parts of the U.S. have specific locations where loose rocks are more abundant and higher in concentration, and 'normal' areas of significantly lower concentration. Also, the U.S. does not represent the entire world no matter how much the yanks would love to think it does. Obviously now, this is not a phenomenon unique to the United States, but you cannot apply this (glacial till) to the entire world, much less every single biome in TFC.


    It would make sense for some biomes to have more loose rock than others, but TFC kind of goes overboard.


  17. I don't know where on earth you live (edit: Scotland? Even so, the density of loose rocks is lower than TFC), but the chances are that walking around your property is not representative, at all, of wild land.


    It gives you something to do at night... assuming you're just sitting inside. There's plenty more to do at night, the most productive of which would simply be leaving your shelter, going further afield, scouting the area a few km around your base for surface ores, loose rocks, herds, crops, etc. while staying mobile. Even if you want to stay in your shelter, you can still cook food, smith tools (later in the game), shape clay and/or make pottery or knap out more disposable things like javelin heads. If you don't like the night, there's always a bed (though this does have the prerequisite of the ability to make planks).


    If anything, forcing the player to perform the same repetetive task (knapping the same shape over and over) just makes the game more tedious.


  18. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): 
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    Och aye.




    So, I love TFC and have been playing it for a long while. Something that always bothered me was that the stone age felt like a bit too much of a grind. Stone tools breaking easily adds value to metal tools, and a strong incentive to produce metal tools, and I love that.


    However, the current durability of stone tools is a little silly. I propose the following simple changes: Increase the durability of stone tools by, say, a factor of 3. To balance this, decrease the number of loose rocks on the surface by the same amount.


    This will also have two side effects:


    Stone as a building material will be slightly harder to attain, (currently, you can easily build a cosy 4x4 house with a 1-block high lower wall of cobblestone, and another 1-block high wall of logs on top of that - it's a bit too easy). A wooden shack will be a much more appropriate and feasible temporary shelter during the early game, and stone as a building material will become more practical in the later game, once metal tools have been made. This is more believable and makes more sense from a gameplay perspective... though of course it's still possible to run around for a few hundred metres picking up loose rocks to build your house with... To properly tackle this, greater and different changes would have to be made, but that's a topic for another... topic.


    Secondly, if the durability of all stone tools is increased by the same factor, then the durability difference between tool heads made from different rock types will become slightly more profound. This makes sense logically, realistically and in terms of gameplay.


  19. Some very nice ideas, although I imagine some of them would be difficult to implement without unbalancing the game (e.g. we should have to work to some extent to acquire our first set of armour). Adding new features

    to give stone-age players more assets to play with such as storage and easy tanning might be realistic in a way, but at the same time it removes the incentive to upgrade. To be fair, other features suggested here do balance this out however I, as a player, want the stone age to be an infuriating and primitive experience, which is why getting your first ingot is such a big deal.


    I am not a developer, and my opinions do not in any way reflect those of the developers, but I am a very opinionated person and I believe that what the players want to see is what is important. Of course, if I am outvoted here then fair enough.
