Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by meltafire

  1. That idea of meteoric iron has no go. Meteoric iron IRL: not smeltable and not forgable material (by economic means, you will need too much heat). Just imagine all things that iron goes through. Even inferno of atmosphere reentry do nothing to that material. And then you find it and place it to cooking pot and place it to campfire(firepit)? LOL.


  2. "Hello world!"

    That's my first original programming on Java. So may be some mistakes in coding was made. Please be patient and write about it.


    This mod is all about refining gold and silver by metalurgy.


    More info:


    In two words:

    All TFC methods to acquire gold/silver are untouched.


    "TFC gold/silver" in fact isn't the purest gold 999. It's dirty gold with another elements. Just look at picture of gold ore.

    To get rid of this elements you must melt gold with lead. By the way that "dirty elements" do contain particles of gold too. So lead will help with extraction too.

    Lead is less dense then gold/silver and should go to the top of melted solution with all dirt.

    When  dirty lead is above you can move it.

    Then solution will become the purest melted gold/silver.

    But the cleanest gold/silver isn't too nice material to work with.

    So add some coper/platinum to melted solution and it will be still gold/still just another sampling.

    Platinum has crazy melt temp but easy disolves with melted gold/silver.


    coper/platinum + purest gold/silver = "TFC gold/silver"


    :lol: That's alchemy! Lead to gold! inquisition is near! Run!!! :D


    TFC API don't provide all necesary features so that's what I come with.



    Mod adds an item called "Cupelling Mixture".

    Recipe works only with ingots! Place above Lead ingot and Platinum/Coper Ingot below. 

    Notice. By ingame mechanics it's a metal so you can pour melted mixture from crucible to ingot mold. Mixture does not stack on ground! So be careful. Store your materials separately! Don't cheat!

    Posted Image


    Add to Crucible: 1x Cupelling Mixture, 9x Silver Ingots (!!! or 9 Gold Ingots). !!! Don't try to add Lead and Coper/Platinum separately!!! You'll get unknown metal!!!

    That's why i created so called "mixture". It's beter be one ingot in terms of crucible overall output.


    Posted Image


    Result 10 Silver/Gold Ingots.





    Instalation: Install TFC. Place this .jar to /mods.


    Have fun!!! 


  3. If anyone want to create new mod on new TFC 79.20 following Bletch instructions. Please do read this. May be it'll save you time.


    You downloaded 79.20 zip. Do all preps as instruction says. On run debug Eclipse will throw you a windows "Select an mcp config dir for the deobfuscator".


    Go to your project folder "runClientconfig" i.e.:



    There will be empty file named.




    I don't know why exactly it's empty.


    Fill it with this. Don't forget to change disk name and user if required. Then save it and debug TFC project again.


    #CodeChickenLib development configuration file.

    #Path to directory holding packaged.srg, fields.csv and methods.csv for mcp remapping

  4. I had already looked into that file and hadn't seen any issues, I spent a semester doing java...but I have a bad habit of skimming through walls of text :P

    Ok. Just by fat chance.


    Recheck all params in class.



  5. I made it!!! :lol:






    I would just like to say that it is quite a huge task getting the environment working when you are new to it all. I myself had a lot of problem and received no help at all when asked. The problems I had did not concern TFC but to the lwjgl library.


    Anyway, I have created a document and a template project that you can use to start your development. I have constructed the document in order for me to setup new add-ons when needed. The template project is empty except some main java classes.


    Document Link - here

    Template Link - here


    Let me know how you go with it.


    Thank you very much! And can you teach me how exactly did you create "template mod". Yoy know TFC will be updated from time to time. So we in deep need to keep our mods up to date against main TFC mod. TY once more. :rolleyes:




    Ok new problem now...I have changed the name as suggested by the guide to match the name of my addon, however I get a crash when I run it now (TFC Addon Client). I think it has to do with the name change based on what the crash log says. But, I have no errors showing up and I don't know where the problem is.


    cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: tfctemplatemod.core.ModClientProxy


    Good man. I had the same issue. I'm studying the java just about month. But even for me it's very clear where to look at. Just suggestion... But may be you should learn some more about java: packages, debuging, stacktrace? Belive me it's totaly worth it and it will take only couple of weeks. 
