Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Grizly007

  1. 1 grizly007

    2 California, PDT (-08:00 UTC)

    3 I use both
    4 I'm not actually very experienced in the mineral yields yet, but according to the others in the Ursine of Nation Life On The Frontier community server thread, you need 2 more than there are vowels in the server name, and it would yield 25 extra units.

    5 Ive played for about two weeks with one experienced player, and a little longer single player

    6 I don't record either, I just play with friends

    7 Im looking for a server that doesn't constantly rubber-band while trying to start from humble beginning with friends due to 3+ people whipping their animals across 8000 tiles of Deep Ocean like jet skies via vanilla boat and lead. (Im not salty I promise) Once I see that the server runs pretty well when we play, I'll have them apply as well.  ^_^


  2. Minecraft user name: Grizly007

    Your Age: 25 in 7 days

    Your Time Zone: PDT (UTC -8:00)

    Location Country and State: United States, California

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I've played a bit of TFC with friends of mine from a Spacestation 13 RP server, I love the mod and enjoy contributing to a community on Minecraft servers. None have really held my interest quite as well a TFC has. I enjoy the Souls series, competitive games like CS:GO, TF2, LoL, and others in those genres. I'm a pretty good pilot on Guns of Icarus as well if I do say so myself. Very calm and mannered person, never banned from a server in my life.

    How can you help us: I am looking for a place to play regularly. I enjoy the 'Frontier' experience of TFC in small-medium size groups. I'm apparently pretty handy as a forge-hand, and can make cost efficient yet pretty to look at perimeters while using stone-age gathering until an aide is needed in either mining or food production. I'd like to learn more about barrels and pickling from a person rather than a wiki.


  3. IGN: Grizly007

    Age: 25 in 7 days!

    What are you good at in TFC, or what skill do you wish to focus in? I've been pretty good at establishing and developing relatively cost effective yet pleasant to look at walls. Mostly stone-age material gathering until aides are needed for mining or food production. I'm pretty handy as a forge hand as well.

    I would like to join a town, though I think I'd prefer a more "Frontier" experience than the main town. We'll see, I'll go off of who is most active.

    Skype(optional): I'll provide my Skype name in PM.

