Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sda215

  1. I'm Back!

    As long as you don't dig too close to the river, you should be fine. Here's some advice: -Dig a 3x3 downwards staircase. -Do the same thing on the exposed layer with a 3x3 upwards staircase. -Once accomplished, place the dig-designation cursor (The yellow X) at the middle of the wall of the staircase (the direction of your choice), hold shift, and designate a hallway that leads straight. Make sure it is at least twenty-tiles long (Holding shift will jump the cursor to eleven tiles per move, but as long as the cursor is on an exposed wall, you should be fine with getting ten tiles per move).
  2. Last comment wins

    *Destroys bunker walls, enters into conflict, suddenly, US and Imperial forces agree to a temporary truce and began attacking Enthrall-Undead Sda209. -The flying bullet hits you in the *whatever it hits*, but the attack bounces off!- 11242123123x -You punch the US Soldier in the torso, shattering the ribcage and puncturing the lungs and heart!- -The US Soldier has trouble breathing!- -You punch the Imperial Shocktrooper in the head, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing it!- -Imperial Shocktrooper has been struck down.-
  3. I'm Back!

    Isthe "water"a river, or a lake? I recommend digging a 1-wide hall for now, for defensive purposes, so when you build traps (assuming you have a mechanic), all enemies entering in will have to enter single-file, which is good since they have no way of evading traps (unless their tag says they can).
  4. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    But what happened to the Empire's emperor? The Eastern Autocratic Europan Imperial Alliance is known to be a monarchy, not facism. Did they change their entire system overnight? Also, there is a much bigger war going on; the Second Europan War; the Empire has put the Atlantic Federation (Europa is based loosely on Europe) on the defensive, and that caused them to arrive here. What's going on? I was here on a simple "What If?" mission, until the entire history is being rewritten completely by everything that has happened?! Did the portal somehow activated and let Evil came in here?
  5. I'm Back!

    That's the Embark Screen you're talking about. What I am talking about is when you arrive at the embark location, what is the first thing you usually do?
  6. Last comment wins

    -Kimbblesrath loses hold of the Uranium-Doped Chips.- -The Enthralled-Undead Sda209 punches Kimbblesrath in the left upper arm, and the severed part flies off in an arc!-
  7. I'm Back!

    Oh, well then, whatis the first thingyou usually do when you arrive at embark (A good area with plenty of trees, deep soil, and shallow and deep metals(Shallow and Deep metal means there is only one type found, the ones with "metals" means there is more than one type))?
  8. Last comment wins

    *Tries it. Dies, turns into an enthralled-undead Sda209. -The Enthralled Undead Sda209punchesYou in the torso, and the severed part flies off in an arc!- -Kimbblesrath has been struck down-
  9. I'm Back!

    Man... All of my fortresses losses are from me trying to destroy it out of boredom... What do you not know about Dwarf Fortress yet?
  10. Last comment wins

    *Decides to try Uranium-Doped chip.*
  11. I'm Back!

    I am watching it, from episode 1 to all the way to episode 30-something, I guess? I do not remember... curse my iffy memory On the topic of Dwarf Fortress, how many fortresses did you lost? Also, please state the cause of death.
  12. Last comment wins

    *Plays Resonance by T.M. Revolution as US and Imperial forces clash in a massive fight.
  13. I'm Back!

    WELCOME BACK, KIMBBLESRATH!!! Yes, it is unfortunate you will have to reload a new world, but it is going to be fun... as soon as I can figure out how to install mods using new procedures (which I gravely dislike). We have a new Roleplay thread in the Off-Topic sub-forum (I created it), there is also some concern with TFC's end, and there are some things that other members might be able to recall. Oh, and I also watched FMA:B, and I finished the episode where Dracma begins their attack on Fort Briggs at the episode's end. I watched the firsttwo episodes of Fairy Tale. And I watched some more animes. Regardless, it is good to have you back, Kimbblesrath. -Sda209
  14. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    *Passes out bayonets to all of Squad 8. Attaches to Gallian-3. Squad 8, CHARGE!!!! *The entire militia, and Gen. Damon's army unit (disobeying orders to pull back) charged with Killster against the shocked Imperial Army. Gen. Jaeger was observing the Gallian fighters from his prized tank. "Hm... Gallia has some formidable fighters, and we haven't even reached the first month. Lieutenant! Send word that I will be resigning from my military duties." "Yes sir! May the Valkyrur be with you, General!" *Jaeger drives off from Vasel with his tank to his homeland to help fight against the Imperials. "The Imperials will have a difficult time trying to destroy Gallia's finest. Looks like they've already lost the moment those two extraordinary strangers arrived. Strange, how did thirty Valkyrur showed up when Selvaria is the only known Valkyrur we have in our disposal? They disappeared mysteriously thousands of years after the Darcsens were defeated and became scapegoats for being the ones to conquer Europa, maybe we had more? Oh well, none of that matters anymore. I am going to help my people fight for their independence from the Empire, and since the only reason I joined the Gallian Invasion is dead, I guess I'll have to return to my kingdom."
  15. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    *Conveniently, Killster landed upon an awning and fell on a cart of cabbages. *Selvaria breaks free, and growls at Dukejuke. "I will slay you as well!" *Aims lance at Dukejuke and fires a powerful beam of blue fire at him. (Btw, since I have been watching more FMA:B, I assume you are RPing as Pride, aren't you?)
  16. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Selvaria the Valkyrur and servant of the Prince Maximillian leading the Gallian invasion rose from the river and onto the bridge, wet, lightly injured, flames around her, and VERY PISSED!!! "You foolish swordsman; I will NOT be beaten by a mere mortal with a powerful sword of its own! I shall strike you down with the lance of Valkyria!" She screamed vehemently. She raised her lance and aimed at the unconscious Killster as ten full companies of Imperial soldiers and five full armored columns of Imperial tanks arrived behind her. The Squads that were on the Vasel Bridge's other side has retreated back to the other side before Selvaria could attack earlier, with the Gallian Army finally arriving. This is not good... KILLSTER!
  17. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    "Major Richard, we have an incoming transmission from Lt. Jerry of Squad 3." An engineer said. "Get it on the line." Everyone... you're not going to believe this... the Imps have a Valkyrur on their side! I repeat, they- oh no, fall back! FALL BA- The line died. Killster, I hope your blades can cut through forged ragnite... It seems the Empire's Valkyrur has arrived much earlier than what History has intended. They are very, very, VERY powerful and dangerous. Their advanced ragnite technology is too great even for our most advanced weapons. You can identify them by their crimson irises, silver hair, and the diamond-blue flame surrounding them. *Sees a large energy blast of flame cutting through several Gallian light tanks. Oh shit... God help us all...
  18. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Alright, I will follow. *Walks up to Seras Victoria, not looking at her in the eye. Excuse me, Miss Victoria, would youmindto leave this city? This is a combat zone, and it would not be good for a person like yourself to join with Alucard in these conditions. *Hopes for the best.
  19. Last comment wins

    *Deceptively calls the Imperial 34th Corp. to combat US forces. Watches the carnage unfold from the bunker.
  20. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Alright. Squad 8 and Dukejuke, you're with me - we're going to cross the Great Vasel Bridge and help Lt. Gunther and Lt. Landzaat hold the bridge until the Army arrives. And no, she is already with me. *Turns to Naoto, dressed in a Gallian Militia uniform and holding a Gallian-2 Rifle with her signature detective's hat still on. Naoto, join up with my squad and help defend the area. *Shows her how to hold and reload the rifle. Got it? Now, go! I need to reason with this "Seras Victoria".
  21. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Wait Killster, I don't think that's an Elite; look at the texture of that blue object - looks likeleather dyed inblue. That could be an Imperial spy! Wells, Marie, Jack, and Ed, storm that house, I think there's an Imperial spy eavesdropping on us. Be cautious; he or she may be armed. Killster, how can we defeat Alucard if bullets or shells won't kill him? We cannot pull out now, Lt. Landzaat from Squad 1 reported a full Imperial company heading towards our position- "Incoming transmission from Lt. Landzaat, sir!" An engineer manning a radio says. To all squads in the area, I spottedfive companies of Imperial soldiers and an entire armored column of tanks heading our way. We have orders to hold the bridge until the Gallian Army can commence Operation Cloudstrife and reinforcements arrive. I repeat- *Lt. Landzaat repeats orders. Damn it! That Gen. Damon is leaving us with no support again? Argh... Killster, you watch over Alucard while Squad 8 and I will join up with Squad 7 to help prepare for an Imperial counterattack, think you can do that? Oh, and I forgot to tell you that planes haven't been invented yet in this world, and we have an important mineral called "ragnite" in place of petroleum; everything is ragnite-powered, just like back in our world. And for the tanks, look for the glowing-blue radiators at their rears (the back of them) - that's their weakness. *The four shocktroopers bring in Naoto, handcuffed and her weapon confiscated. Huh, Naoto? What are doing here misplaced from Persona 4- Never mind that, give her back her pistol and issue her a uniform and rifle; sorry for the briefmeeting, cousin, but we're in a middle of a war here. I will explain everything later. The rest of you, assume your orders!
  22. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    But we need to retake the Great Vasel Bridge, Killster! Squad 7 is on the other side, trying to retake it, somehow- *Sees the bridge folding up, with Imperial soldiers and tanks falling into the river. *Many Gallian militia men and women began cheering. Holy cow, Lt. Gunther did it... that bastard did it! Yes, the 7's had recaptured the bridge! *Spots a glimpse of blue at a window of an abandoned house. Hey, I think I saw someone up there, at the house thirty meters East of us. Oh, and Killster, you don't suppose that Alucard might join the Empire to conquer Gallia?
  23. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    I see an armored column of tanks heading your way, stranger! What's worse is that they comprise of medium and heavy tanks; pull out from the Vasel Bridge unless you wanna get blown to bits! My lancers will cover you!
  24. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Something went wrong! While we were fighting one of the bosses, it began to cast something, a very powerful spell of some sort. I could not evade it in time; I thought I was deceased. Until I heard choruses of gun fire. I immediately awoken and soon found out I was in a raging battle. What was strange were the architecture and the militaries that were warring with each other. It seems the area I am in must be around post-WWI. The confusing part focuses on the militaries and their arsenal. Both sides had tanks with radiators that glow blue in their rears. The ones in armor seems to be a trained military force, the latter might be a militia or rebel force of some accord. I do not think I am in Sword Art Online anymore, Kirito-san; that boss must have cast a teleportation spell on me. Currently, I am taking shelter in a residential structure near the conflict, still trying to figure out my location. Somehow, this radio is keeping contact between us. I will see if anything else happens in the course of the battle. Shirogane out.
  25. God-tier songs