Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by GnomeKnight

  1. 22 hours ago, Bunsan said:

    The move rules are always the same, but the target arrow is unique for each world (not seed) and each material. So the target arrow for wrought iron pick axe will be in a different spot than the bronze pick axe. So although your last three moves are the same, but moves to get there are different.

    So that means i have to start over the combination sheet? well, off to the blacksmith again.


  2. So i went entered the iron age, wrought iron to be exact. And when i made my wrought iron anvil and tried to make a pickaxe it didn't seem to work. Or to be exact i have a paper in which i put all the combinations of tools. And i all of those were bronze not wrought iron, so that clear now. When i make the pickaxe combination using a wrought iron ingot it doesn't seem to work. So i was wondering do different tiers of anvil change the way you make a tool?


  3. Can i download Bibliocraft TFC addon even if it's lower like 0.23? also if not can you show me some pictures of TFC furniture using a chisel.


  4. (Sorry if this is just short)

    Hey guys, so what i've found which might help expanding tree farms and more income of wood. So if you play Minecraft non modded if you want to make big trees you have to make a cross shaped pattern if you don't know it look it up (I don't know how to make a picture)

    So actually you can use this to make chestnut, maple, hickory, and etc that have the same leaf pattern. It might take some time but at least you can get enough leaves to get saplings which in turn expand your tree farm. And a bonus because a big tree is large you can make another one just 6 blocks away and it connects.

    (Well this is just what i've discovered)




  5. On 10/24/2016 at 4:00 PM, Bunsan said:

    Edit, bah stupid thing.

    In your launcher at the bottom there is a spot for jvm arguments. This is where you put it.

    (Haven't seen you awhile)

    So the string in the performance optimization on the wiki the JVM arguments. Have the garbage collection? hm, that explains it.


  6. So i'm trying to make TFC gameplay alot smoother, it's smooth now but i wan't to maximize the FPS. So while i was reading the performances optimization in the TFC wiki. I couldn't get my head around by garbage collection, not the text. But where should i put the text for the garbage collection, i'm a little bit confused. 

    (Should i put in Java, or in the minecraft launcher?)


  7. I found a bug when using TerraFirmaStuff with mods listed below


    TFC pewter

    TFC Cellars Addon






    The bug was when i was smoothing stone for the quern it didn't let me make smooth stone. I had hammer and chisel and i was trying to smooth stone, by the way awesome mod definitely like this! :D:D:D


  8. I found a bug when using TerraFirmaStuff with mods listed below


    TFC pewter

    TFC Cellars Addon






    The bug was when i was smoothing stone for the quern it didn't let me make smooth stone. I had hammer and chisel and i was trying to smooth stone, by the way awesome mod definitely like this! :D:D:D


  9. On 10/17/2016 at 7:48 AM, Bunsan said:

    The topic should be fine and not need to be deleted. 

    Not sure what you want me to PM you. You'll need to find the information in the code base. 

    Where is the code base exactly? can you PM me, i'm a little lost. 

    (I guess i shouldn't delete this topic but, i don't want people who haven't tried smiting do this before actually doing this)


  10. 26 minutes ago, Bunsan said:

    You can find the code at In general exact numbers aren't posted on forum. All you'll be able to get from the code though is the exact amount the various hits, bends etc. move the arrow in the GUI. The location of the target arrow is modified by the seed and a bunch of other variables to make the position unique each time a world is created.

    Oh, thank you can you please PM me instead, i gotta delete this topic (How do i delete it though?) And also how do i find it?


  11. So um, in my world i'm trying to do a method for long term in smiting ( Is this topic, illegal? i don't know) But i need to understand the code of the anvil or how it works, can i have a look? (I still don't know if this topic is illegal or not)


  12. Hmm... i would have to suggest the mod better foliage gives the leaves and every foliage a better look. And also shaders although shaders needs a beefy computer for that. That's all i have to suggest though, good luck! :D


  13. So i was wondering does temperature affect the temperature of ingots like if the temperature is like 30 will it cool slowly or just the same? Also if it is does this also affect double ingots, sheets, double sheets. And also does this affect other forging materials?


  14. So after reading previous post about tree farming, and the way the sapling grows. I have questions about it how do saplings grow? (I need at least minimum information just enough to understand it) Also is it not possible to make a wall of trees anymore? and last question do i have to be in a loaded chunk. So i can make the saplings grow in the chunk when the time is right? 


  15. So a while back i watched a video showing that growing crops in row (To the right and left there a two different plants or crops), actually make it faster. Than not making it a row with different crops on the left and right. So i wondered is this thing still possible in TFC?. (You can check the video)


  16. So i'm almost finish with my barn, so as i was trying to make details on it. I found that you can't make slabs nor stairs, using the vanilla crafting. I tried to use the chisel for slabs, it works, but the stairs are dark when i use to chisel chunks of it. How do i make stairs, also is there an efficient way to make slabs, because currently chiseling it takes time.


  17. So i was building in TFC a barn and it was very huge, because the temperature was below 20 i couldn't plant douglas fir, not pine. And i read some post about tree farming and it said that you can't make a wall of trees anymore. And the sapling growing checks the block before it grows. My question is how do i make a updated effective douglas fir, pine, and birch farm?


  18. So i went into bronze age and i felt the need to make a house, so i checked the wiki for wood. And what i found very suitable was birch it was fast, and the planks fit the color i need. But i don't know where to find it, so i checked the wiki and it said it spawns -10 to 12. I don't know how high is the latitude to find it, can you please help me. And also if you have time can you show the latitudes of all the trees? (But it isn't necessary at all just the birch)
