Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by CrumpetTaco

  1. Cubik Pro... sure it cost $11 USD. but I use it. its features surpass that of mrcrayfish's [free vs paid mind you] and is how I was going to create my TFC2 mod-pack addon [once I have seen what the default mod contains of course.] plus it stays updated [for now...] 


  2. while I'm unaware of the newer versions of minecraft. I have indeed in the past run TFC and the small boats mod together on multiplayer without an ounce of issue [older version of TFC, don't know about the newer versions.] 


    I have thought of some ideas on this subject. mainly how to keep smaller in-land boats and larger sea going boats out of each others way and to their respective areas. I'm not sure how the newer TFC2 handles water, but if its at least kept to the basic "fresh water" "sea water" stance. I could possibly see a way, to have smaller inland boats be able to be placed only on fresh water sources and move around on them..


    also in another example. fresh water boats can be moved around VIA the player [one river to another?] but once sea going boats where created they can only be de-constructed. neither would have player collision affect the actual movement. and for the smaller freshwater stuff lillys wouldn't clip the boat, you could just float through them. but Ice would effect the boats, and with some "specialized" slots [using metal] outfitted to a larger ship, you could smash through the ice, but lose like %85 of you speed while traveling through it. 


  3. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): yes
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.

    So this is based off of TFC as we know it, I know the wood types changed and as I continue to update the information and change things I'll replace the current wood types with the new ones. but I would like to get this out there now! This is a GUI thing because I couldn't think of a good way to make this happen in open world. but hopefully it has enough detail.

    >Shavehorse >wooden planks >bow

    >tiller >string >finished bow --depending on bow crafting skill your bow may fail/break on this step. how this would be calculated is not yet figured out.
    >Anvil >Recipe >Drawknife 
    Backing Items can be either. Leather, Sinew, cane, or horn.
    Where to get backing items** Leather default. Sinew has a small chance being dropped by cows or deer. cane default river cane. Horn has a super small chance being droped by male sheep. Sinew and horn are effected by butcher skill.
    Leather, Dura 5%/ -15% speed /:/ 
    Sinew, Dura 10%, +20% speed, +10% strength /:/ +10% drawspeed
    Cane, +10% speed +10%strength +10% drawspeed /:/ -15% dura
    Horn, Dura 30%, +30% strength /:/ +50% drawspeed
    Hardwood /:/ Dura ; Strenght ; Speed ; Drawspeed [seconds]
    Ash** /:/ 400 ; 600 ; 30 m/s ; 3s
    Acacia* /:/ 200 ; 700 ; 15 m/s ; 3.2s
    Birch* /:/ 200 ; 400 ; 21 m/s ; 2s
    Chestnut*** /:/ 600 ; 800 ; 42m/s ; 3s
    Hickory**** /:/ 1000 ; 700 ; 78m/s ; 3.8s
    Kapok** /:/ 600 ; 400 ; 32 m/s ; 2.2s
    Maple** /:/ 500 ; 700 ; 29 m/s ; 1.3s
    Oak**** /:/ 1000 ; 900 ; 60 m/s ; 4s
    Sequoia*** /:/ 800 ; 800 ; 48 m/s ; 3.5s
    Softwood /:/ 
    douglas fir
    White cedar

    I would also like to add there are glues planned to be added. but not sure how I want to go by adding them. I will also add how the GUI should look. and the model for the shavehorse and tiller.

  4. i thought you could extract the fibres by picking it, bashing it then soaking in (running)  water...

    Never heard of this method. There is a method of using spanishmoss and retting it for horse blankets. assuming you're talking about retting it, it doesn't work, seems to destroy the fibers I've tried. but spanishmoss would be easy to add to the game and add another fabric type.. but to ret spanish moss packed black trash bag it takes a year to do.. 


    I'm talking about the cork layer.


    I think we can extract fibers from cat tails by hand with the help of a knife.

    if you can find some more information like a web link or something let me know, I'm interested.  


  5. Bark is weak, the cambium layer is stonk.


    As for cattails. the Fuzz from the seeds is great insulation material I actually still use it while sewing some types of blankets. but I've yet to ever figure out how the fibers from the stalks where extracted in a non modern way


  6. I have been trying to get back on since I died horribly and dropped a bunch of good stuff right where I wanted to build my permanent home but I've been stupid busy and getting treatment for my back. Maybe later today. I'll b e back with a vengeance soon but the last few days have been too booked for me. 

    well currently the server is magically down. I was gone for two hours, came back and blamo servers down.. ill give it 24 hours. hopefully its back up tomorrow. 


    Plus... H&Hs new version comes out in like 3 days!!! and I know thats gonna suck up my time a lot. 


  7. I'll go ahead and confirm that there WILL be more of an emphasis on fantasy aspects this time around. That said, the term believable is still in play with TFC2. I want a world that feels legit, but has room for fantastical aspects. My hope is that I can find a way to introduce these features in a way to meshes well with the rest of the mod. TFC2 is not TFC1. I want a bit more freedom this time around, but I'm trying to be mindful of the long time fans that have come to expect things a certain way. Hopefully I can find the balance.

    as long as the crafting element is there and adventure/exploring, long time fans will be here. Realistically I don't see TFC1 as a "survival" game. But more of an advanced crafting game. [and that I like, more creative freedoms.]  

    As to the OP's response. there needs to be a way to make magic less OP. armor/anti magic clothing. Look at any game with mods that adds magic. Magic always becomes the "go to" because it becomes OP quickly. as long as it can be balanced properly. [you know, a magic caster can shoot fireballs faster then I can shoot arrows, also doing x2 the damage... kinda OP.] 


  8. DOWNLOAD NEWEST, v1.7.10

    Added 4 more trees, One "large" Slash medium. Two Small, and one more medium. All chestnut still, I would like to get some variety since they are all schematic based. Plus, I mean, chestnut reasons.... lol 

    the large is another one of my "artistic" takes. Its basically a large tree that got the top knocked off due to diease, but wasn't dead so started sprouting again, inside is hollow somewhat, but all the blocks should be connected still. not much useable wood, so it can't be abused due to its large base.



  9. Real-life stone axes are more akin to a hammer then to a metal axe. I have a Native American stone axe artifact, and it's basically a sledge-hammer with a slightly sharper end. With stone axes, you're basically beating through the tree using blunt force. Whereas with a metal one, you're actually cutting it. Stone and metal axes are almost completely different tools. 

    Not to argue with you or anything, but just because you have something that's old, and mind you, weathered doesn't mean that's how it always looked.. I'm a knapper myself... I'm also a wood worker using a combination of traditional and new tools [because power tools just make things more EFFICIENT. as such the meaning of a tool to begin with.] but I could show you how to split a log with nothing but a rock, and some sticks... I'll even make a you tube video. 


  10. Love the idea of having trees producing seeds instead of saplings. It would be great if it was season dependent. So finding a tree does not mean getting the seeds, unless is the right season.

    Also it would be great if chopping down a tree would bring the branches/leaves down so you would still need to break the leaves to get the sticks. 

    I was thinking of using the seeds more as a food source for some trees. such as chestnuts. and acorns. [you can actually eat acorns if you boil all the tannins out.] you can also make an acorn flour. but it works better with traditional flour added. But yeah. lets save this space as to not anger the all mighty bioxx with our awesome ideas. [maybe create a different bread?] 




    @CrumpetTaco - Your trees look good but the trunks are far too large, I'll have to edit them down a bit. 5x5 area for the trunk should be the absolute max for large trees and 3x3 for Normal and Small. Some of your leaf areas are also lacking nearby branches. Leaves really shouldn't exceed 3 blocks from a log. Thanks for the help.

    My trees are designed in a way where it left open possibility's. like possible "branch blocks" basically leafs with branches going through them, when knocked allowed for that block to drop branches [instead of being random, and would make more trees have more usable branches then others.]  Also root blocks.. that spawn with trees. but that's deserving of thread in itself, I also figured the "large" trees where far and few in between realistically for chestnut, that this big ol' tree would be more "rare" to spawn/show up in the world. so finding one you could reap the benefit of cutting it down, or leaving it up and using it to build around. maybe if you cut these big trees down, regular smaller trees will no longer grow around that area? Dunno if that's even an easy possibility. 


    also I didn't know there was a limit on trunk size. In my defense the medium tree in the back was suppose to look like two trees that had grown together. and the big tree is an "artistic render" for possibility and had limiting "branch" logs for two factors. first being that cutting it down would make it little less "OP" in terms of wood output. and the second is if you look at a real chestnut tree, there's not much use able lumber based off the branches. 

    Basically new block types [i guess this could be a suggestion]


    Branch blocks [Looks like leafs, but drops branches between 2 or 5 sticks]  

    Root blocks. Soil and roots combined. takes x3 amount of time to dig up as normal dirt. are left behind even after the tree is cut down. No ability to hew the soil for farming on, so you can no longer burn down jungles and start planting massive farms in their place. 

    Use able "logs" standard. assuming its staying sorta the same as TFC1


    and of course leaf blocks again as before.


    and possibility to have wild tree blocks, basically trees that produce nuts, the outer layers, and bottom have nut producing boxes, that work based off seasons like the fruit trees. This can work with some roots too, like spruce roots to make cordage. 


  12. Just a note, this recipe would require an expanded crafting grid to make, since you are limited to one item per slot.

    To have 4 clay balls 1 sand block, and 1 dirt block? that's only 3 squares on the starting grid out of 9? the clay balls are stack able still I was assuming. 


  13. Okay, maybe I'm throwing the dead horse off a cliff face... Wattle and Daub being my first building material I would like to see. Lets see if I can explain this in a do-able way. 


    You have daub; 4 clay balls, 1 sand, and 1 dirt block. = 2 Daub balls. 


    One daub ball can "fill in" 1 wattle block.


    Wattle can be 12 sticks Per square. With a shovel and 10 sticks in your inventory right clicking* with the sticks will put down 1 wattle block. Block is now half finished* and mobs can see through it like branches, but cannot walk through it. To finish the block, you just walk up to it and with 1 daub or more, and right click the block. The block is no longer see through by mobs, and it gets full durability. *If that later part is going to cause lag and performance issues [kinda like how gobs of chiseled blocks and planks do.] Then having 12 sticks and 1 daub ball with a shovel, allows you to just instantly place a W&B block. This will give you a blank slightly brown colored building material.

    You could have an alternative block if you have 2 extra items on you. Lye and a "brush" A brush could be made from either a group of feathers, some string, and a knife in a crafting square. OR have a place able "Brush makers" table where it acts as a crafting grid in itself. but for only making brushes. of course that might be a far stretch as there would be no other real uses for brushes.but the two extra materials will allow the blocks to be white washed when placed. I'm not sure if this is do-able. but its worth the thought. *****************************-------***************************** 

    Space for more ideas. 


  14. Chestnut. only an hours worth of work. 

    Each area for each tree is 15^2

    I will finish up with the planned last 4 some other time, my creative steam was running out, and I was getting bored. 
    the trees where based off of oldworld growth pictures I could find across the internet.



    AS far as everyone else wanting a "blue" wood. Purple heart, poplar, and even ebony can all have a natural blue coloring, I've seen them in person in lumber stores. The poplar I saw in a lowes actually. 



  15. killerbee5661 has been accepted, have fun!



    Crumpettaco, they destroyed everything, you don't think that's enough for a reset?

    well the current map really sucks. terrible spawn, and you already know my issue with the chunks loading... also nobody's getting on because of the reset now. and who destroyed all the stuff? Why not do a roll back. all those hourly resets had to be good for something... 
