Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bob

  1. Yorigin pauldefaire Welcome to Roanoke
  2. I just got to work. Give me a few and I'll take a look. Bob
  3. Yes, The node our server is on is down. The host company is aware and are currently addressing the problem. There is currently no ETA. But I will keep watch. Bob Many players are in our irc chat while we wait. #TFCRoanoke
  4. Welcome to Roanoke Your ign "_Foohy" was giving me a fit...let me know if you cant get in Bob
  5. Daftlad2003 Andrea_2 bob561 - still on the list Welcome to Roanoke
  6. Hmmm, Im sorry you don't care for the direction that we are going with Roanoke and you feel that you have wasted time with the server. Not all the quests are designed to be done solo. I'm not sure which quest you were working through or why you died so many times. But if you feel the quest is flawed, please let us know so we can asses and address the percieved imbalance. If you deside to stay with us, please contact me and we will sort out your spawn issue. If you deside to move on, I wish you luck finding your perfect server! Be well, Bob
  7. We talked about a mod pack. But I would need to chase down every author and get permission, then have to mod my mod much work for now.
  8. Yea, a cut and paste error. Give me a minute...
  9. myundietalk Alcarnus Haradian xOxyliquie Welcome to Roanoke.
  10. Bamfigms Welcome to Roanoke
  11. aria230 mandofett25 cwsager profaith frightmare44 Welcome to Roanoke
  12. I asked Josh and Cannon to grab the top spots so stuff they are working on will always have top billing. That is a great mod. Is that the map one that messes with existing maps though? We'll have to test and see. (because they're not craftable.... right?) I'm not telling. I do add recipes to the server though for people to find if they experiment. And talk to Cannon about quests.
  13. I am on call this weekend and its been busy. But I will attempt to get to the application tonight. Bob
  14. Thanks aero, Your quite correct. It will be added soonish. That was the plan all along. Recipes, common questions, ect. will be added.
  15. Sorry to see you go and thanks for the complaments. Whats your internet connection like? Do you lag on other servers? what times where you playing? Did your FPS drop after we added a mod? If so, which? Are you running other internet apps in the background? Help me figure out why your fps were so poor. Thanks in advance, Bob
  16. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Please use our NEW THREAD. Thank you! Bob Roanoke A white listed, PvE, Modified, TFC server. Roanoke is a non PVP, community oriented server with an active population and an organically growing gem based economy. At this time there are at least 6 growing player built villages and an entire world to explore. Our admin team strives to add TFC flavored content regularly including new and exciting mods, quests, and events. If you would like to join us, please post up a request in the forum. Include your IGN and why you feel you would be a positive addition to our community. If I am on the fence about adding you to the server, please know that a well written and properly punctuated post will count in your favor. Just posting "pls add IGN XXX" will no longer prompt me to start your background check. I will check you out as soon as I'm able and if you pass the litmus test, I'll add you to the list. If you do join us you are expected to follow these simple rules: No stealingNo griefingBe respectfulKnow that cheating and hacking will get you removed from the white list."If it remotely feels like cheating or hacking, than it is, common sense" ~Holy_ShieldOur server originally opened November 29th 2012. On 12/18/2012 a new world was generated to combat griefer damage and bring map up to the current TFC version. Our server is stable and 99% of the time, lag free. 24/7 (excluding maintenance)Hosted with MPSERV.3 gigs of ram20 slotsWe are currently running:MC 1.4.6TFC: B75FORGE:Build 489PLAYER API: 1.7Minecraft 1.4.6 http://assets.minecr...6/minecraft.jarForge Universal 489 Player api 1.5 for 1.4.6 http://www.mediafire...zehwdxe3era3wps Smart Moving 11.12.1 for 1.4.6 http://www.mediafire...kepn8pu79m6e52n And the following mods which you will need to download and place in your mods folder. Smart Moving 11.12.1 with set to trueCustom NPC's The Lanterns Mod The Medicine ModSimply HorsesNew mods as of 2/7/13Boats! http://www.minecraft...-punt-sailboat/ Download the 1.4.7 version of the Punt (add to mods folder) Trains! Latest version! Needed config for traincraft! (replace yours in configs with this one!) In Roanoke you can purchase your own lands, which you will have complete control over, with gems. (YAY! Finally, a use for Gems!) Current rates for 1 chunk of land are as follows: 1 Exquisite Gem2 Flawless Gems4 Normal Gems8 Flawed Gems16 Chipped Gems**Gems need to be of the same type**Diamonds count double.Magic Items are worth 3 chunks.Players have access to the following after they are granted a chunk/lot./chunk gives information about the chunk you are standing on. /chunk claim lets you claim the chunk you are standing on. /chunk unclaim makes it public again. /chunk add [player1] [player2] .. adds players that are allowed to build in this chunk. /chunk remove [player1] [player2] .. will remove players from the list. *Chunks will automatically be unclaimed after 7 days of not being visited by their owner.* Images from Roanoke you and "Welcome to Roanoke"Bob Roanoke server maintenance fund: Grief and you will be banned. Current ban list posted here as a tool for other non white listed server operators t3h_d00d Djy1991 ath3na mendelevius Gmodcinematic aovnick acer_11 CatCooL2 MajorScumbag
  17. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Please use our NEW THREAD. Thank you! Bob
  18. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Welcome to Roanoke
  19. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    approx 14900 -13000
  20. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Welcome to Roanoke
  21. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    You dont have bans listed on any of the ban lists. However I did receive this: "before whitelisting bro918 i just want you to know he was banned on terrakingdoms for stealing a steel anvil along with other items," I need to look a little closer. I'll communicate with the TerraKingdoms owner before adding you to Roanoke's list. ​Yes, server owners generally like and speak with each other... Bob EDIT: Bro918 were going to pass on you at this time. Best of luck finding a server to enjoy.
  22. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Wikoli Welcome to Roanoke
  23. The OLD Roanoke Thread Clear that up or PM me about it. But I personally have 0 tolerance for the reason given.