Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bob

  1. When i go to the modpack website (, it says i dont have access. I think this server looks great, and i really want to get back into TFC. Any help would be appreciated. 

    You must register on the site to gain access.


    If you have registered and still do not have access, you need to post in the Roanoke forums on the same site.




  2. IGN: SteAStro88

    I think i would be a positive addition to the server because i'm not miser, if i can help someone or team up with him/her i will do it, also i'm searching for a stable 27/4 server because i really can't get rid of LSOD which ruin my SP games since i've upgraded to b76, i'm also fit to most of the works in TFC and a good smith.. One only thing, i tend to lose interest in playing if players had too much impact on the environment and they are really advanced in technology from me, because i consider that in that case most of the challenge has gone, in this case i will move on to create my own settlement, and depending on how far is the ideal land where i want to settle i will travel really far from the community, i tend to do this even if players do something that i don't like, as moving on to another place when before they were teaming up with me :) but you will surely know that will be respectful to other players properties :)

    P.S. if you will add me to whitelist, may i know where to find terra mobs mod? i can't find it

    Edit: for the previous post, "bigbrother stick plugin" that is damn awesome, i've never heard of it.. the only thing to do to avoid ban is not looting and griefing anything, as you can't be sure 100% that a place is definitely abandoned..

    SteAStro88, Welcome to Roanoke.

    The link to Terra mobs can be found in the welcome post here:

    If you haven't yet, please register on that site as well.



  3. i had joined this tekkit server 10 months ago. i joined a town, built a cool looking mining facility, got friends and stuff, later i was exploring the areas around the town an found several half built/ griefed / already looted houses. they all had nothing in them. in the server it dad say looting was allowed if the house was abandoned. further along during my ezploration i found a cube shaped neatherrack building on the coast. i had never seen anyone pass by that area in the time ive been on the server so i assumed it was abandoned. so i swam down to where there was a window underwater and i broke in. i repaired the window to the best of my ability (1 glas and a piece f sand) i then explored the building to find a bunch of random machines, a giant basement that was full of trees, several broken redstone contraptions and what looked like half exploded structures. seeing the badly griefed basement i was now certain the place was abandoned so i started going around and looting chests gatherreing ores, woods, machine parts, and some tools. afterwards i left the building, returned to my home and logged out. 2 days later when i tried to log back in i was banned and i had no idea why. so i went to there forums and asked about it and thy informed me i had looted a house that was actually "inhabited" and they showed me screenshots with "bigbrother stick plugin" commands showing when and where i had broken the window to get in "the grief" and the chests i had oppened to get the stuff (the theft) and thus they decided to never un-ban me from the server dispite how i tried to explane the situation. sence then the server has closed down. and 10 monthse later here we are now.

    Welcome to Roanoke,

    If you haven't yet, be sure to register on the server website.



  4. ign: lakeel

    i am on the hunt for a 24/7 server to join after my 3 month break from terrafirmacraft :3 only ever been banned once (10 months ago.... for breaking into what i though was an abandoned house. turns out it wasnt abandoned at all) so i dont think that will be a problem. im looking for a great community that can appreciate my building capabilities, redneck enginuity, many great features :D

    im good at building, smithing, and...lets just say im jack of all trades :3 id love to live in a village populated by regular players that r nice :) in my list of accomplishment i did spend 4 months (minecraft beta 1.7.3 to 1.9 i think) building a city by hand in survival mode. (with 2 emotional break downs in the process f making it) anyways i look foward to seeing what this server has to offer :) *free hugz*

    Tell me about this:


  5. IGN: DonatoXIII (those are i's not L's)

    New to Minecraft, bought it for the TFC mod alone. So far I've been messing around in the stone-age and gotten as far as starting a mine in Single player. Wouldn't mind trying out the server.

    Edit: One more thing. Can we maybe get links to the mods needed? I have some basic mods (smartmove, REI minimap, simplyhorses) but I couldnt even find some of the mods like Terra Mobs.

    Welcome to Roanoke.

    If you have not visited yet, please check out and register here:

    I'll get you whitelisted asap.



  6. -- Head --


    at jds.bibliocraft.rendering.TileEntityArmorStandRenderer.func_76894_a(

    Biblio craft needs forge 631+

    (We have another mod that needs 639)

    Update your client with a newer forge, and this issue will go away.

    I personally am running forge 650 with no issues.


    edit---silly laggy double post...

    Edit 2--- Razzy P, if your using it yet, I suggest you visit


  7. Thats an easy one!

    at jds.bibliocraft.rendering.TileEntityArmorStandRenderer.func_76894_a(

    Biobliocraft requires forge 631+, Your probably running 629 like is suggested in the TFC download section.

    You simply need to update your forge. I know that forge 650 runs just fine.



  8. Perhaps you could enhance damage a bit, or make the arrows retrievable though? Arrows are now a bit expensive, and I find that it takes a bit to kill a single animal already. Could you perhaps make it similar to how javelins behave in that the arrows would be retrievable after attacking?

    There are at least 3 ways to configure damage. You can also adjust how many arrow heads are created by knapping and smithing. You can also retrieve some arows.


  9. Hi, my IGN is Aydanman and the reason i think i would be a good player on the server is even though i'm not a very expirenced Terrafirmacrafter (i think i would be able to improve with some help :D) i like to build cool things, if i can help people and jsut over all be a nive guy ;)

    Welcome to Roanoke.

    Be sure to visit and get registered on the main server website and keep up to date with everything.



  10. So from a modder standpoint, how does this work?

    Each mint is different and unique to the server (damage value metadata?) And makes coins with the same metadata?

    If you use every ingot for quarters and coins and want unique currency, you need 22x3=66 items per unique mint.

    Can you layer graphics dependent on metadata? I.e. one set if base coin images, with a layered graphic designatior tied to the mint?

    Would coins from mint 1 stack with mint 2? Could coins from different mints be melted back into ingots together?

    Sorry for the disjointed post, its just precoffee musings.

