Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Posts posted by Bob

  1. i can't get on, i know there are people on, but i keep getting a bad login when i try

    Please define "a bad login" please.

    What exactly is the message your getting?

    Your forum name is on the whitelist.



  2. We are haveing some small server load issues. We have made some adjustments but for now we are not adding new people. This will allow us to gadge the effectiveness of the changes.

    So the line is drawn here.

    We'll get everyone before this post sorted out, but it will be several days before we open back up.

    We strive to insure a wonderful lag free game experience for our players and hope you understand the necessity of this action.



  3. I think you didnt see this.... (or we need to write some more xD)

    We are really interested in join your server . We played Terrafirmacraft in a home server some months ago and now we want to start to play with more people and enjoy this awesome mod. We have been looking for servers in this page and we believe that this server fits us.

    We are very friendly and we can contribute with our enthusiasm and our "square" hands.

    Thank you for advantage, I hope we will see this afternoon in the server.

    Welcome to Roanoke

    I'll get you listed this morning.



  4. I can confirm that you are not alone. We have had this happen on our server as well.

    I think it has to do with the axe not having the durability to fall the complete tree.



  5. dodgersfan2134

    I would really like to join your server. I'm pretty friendly, and like to help out, and build nice things to look at. Ive played on a few TFC servers before. These mods look sick.


    :huh:I'm gonna say a little more about my play style. I like to go out exploring and surviving by myself. I've never joined a town group before, but I'm open to it. At least to build some art. I like to draw out my buildings and structures before I start, and usually implement some symbolism. I wan't to try out some statues with the new chisel.

    Welcome to Roanoke!


  6. IGN: holeintheground

    I'm more or less an internet hermit so I created this IGN to apply for whitelisting. Otherwise, I am new to Terrafirma and just got to the bronze age on single player. I know there's little on me to do your litmus test and I understand the risk. During my time on Haven and Hearth awhile back, the small town I was in was destroyed after our chieftain added new players without rigorous background tests. Despite that I hope you will consider letting me join.

    I don't plan to join a city right off the bat since I hope to enjoy the survival aspect a bit and get some experience/resources to contribute later. In short, I am the complete opposite of a leech and will join the group that requires my services. I have no preference on jobs but I am borderline OCD on some things so expect regular patterns and strategies emphasizing efficiency (i.e. don't expect me to build pretty buildings because I'm artistically retarded).

    Also what versions of the mod should I be installing? Custom NPCs and Simply Horses have the latest version for 1.6.7 so which old version do I use? TFC, Forge, and Player API are obvious. SmartMoving, Lanterns, and Medical have only one choice so no trouble with those.


    Welcome to Roanoke.

    If you really want a wild start it may take a little traveling. Or... don't use the button in the spawn temple and strike out on your own.

    Good luck!


  7. IGN: holeintheground

    I'm more or less an internet hermit so I created this IGN to apply for whitelisting. Otherwise, I am new to Terrafirma and just got to the bronze age on single player. I know there's little on me to do your litmus test and I understand the risk. During my time on Haven and Hearth awhile back, the small town I was in was destroyed after our chieftain added new players without rigorous background tests. Despite that I hope you will consider letting me join.

    I don't plan to join a city right off the bat since I hope to enjoy the survival aspect a bit and get some experience/resources to contribute later. In short, I am the complete opposite of a leech and will join the group that requires my services. I have no preference on jobs but I am borderline OCD on some things so expect regular patterns and strategies emphasizing efficiency (i.e. don't expect me to build pretty buildings because I'm artistically retarded).

    Also what versions of the mod should I be installing? Custom NPCs and Simply Horses have the latest version for 1.6.7 so which old version do I use? TFC, Forge, and Player API are obvious. SmartMoving, Lanterns, and Medical have only one choice so no trouble with those.

    I think that any 1.4.7 versions will work with 1.4.6.


  8. There are a lot of applications to go through, please be patient. I'll get to them.

    holeintheground will get attention first as he obviously read the application suggestions on the first post...



  9. haha yeah I looked at Custom NPC and it boggled my mind and I'm still getting my head round scripting the quests properly (had to toatally re-design my dialogue flow due to a mis-understanding)

    Didn't see anything about custom items there though (goes to check again)

    PS: Love your quest so far, searching for Naga's at the moment =p

    Someone has cheated stage 1 though with the cinnabar quest (tunneld direct to boss)

    You may want to chunk protect the quest zone =p

    Its in the global section under recipes.

    You cant add blocks, but you can use any item any mod has added.

    Thanks for teh heads up on the quest zone as well.



  10. Server Down?

    it was with this:

    2013-01-30 03:39:33 [sEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception NoClassDefFoundError

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: l

    at a.<init>(

    at a.a(

    at yc.m(

    at yc.h(

    at yc.f(

    at yc.e(

    at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs(

    at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs(

    at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs(

    at TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs(

    same one as before, no error report generated.

    It happens,



  11. Hi,

    I'd like to join the ranks of your server. :)

    I've been busy with university stuff for a while and wasn't really in the mood to play TFC.

    Decided to hop in again, only to find that my old server has shut down.

    Well after reading several Server descriptions, I think that your server seems to be the one I would like to play on.

    About my Ingame behaviour:

    I'm mainly a builder.

    I enjoy good looking buildings and the making of these and only do the most necessary mining and the likes.

    Therefore I like to rely on a group to be provided with the essentials and in accept and complete any building request

    the settlement has.

    You can have a look at some of my previous works through my posts in this forum (mostly the chisel creations thread).

    IGN is Kwink007.

    Thanks :)

    Welcome to Roanoke.

    I'll get you on the list asap,



  12. maybe the person who made the horses mod can make it so we can mount dragons

    lol...I cant have my airplane, but you can fly a dragon. :D

    Glad the server is back up.

    I'll get to the whitelist after my project here is done.

    Building garden boxes in real life, I keep rt clicking the saw, it wrrrrrrrrsssss, but the boards just lay there.

    My back yard must be laggy.

