Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. [Solved] I Can't Install TFC anymore?!

    The mods folder is in my .minecraft, I manually created the mods folder too. I've tested with other mods, none appear to be loading.
  2. Howdy! I'm looking for a simple seed with a sequoia forest. I would like it if there was a nice variety of trees between the sequoias, but not required. A lake in the sequoia forest would be nice as well. Some ores in the area is always wanted ( Copper, Bismuth, Sphalerite, Garnierite, graphite etc.) rock preferably: Basalt, dolomite, andesite or gabbro. Though I would like rock salt nearby, but not required. I would like the area to be around the Z coordinate -12000 to -16000, I HATE the south, and refuse to go to the Equator. TFC version: 79.18+. If you have a seed that meets at least a few of the requirements, please tell me . (I've searched for a long time, and have not found a good enough forest.)
  3. Water damage!

    I think the game could be more challenging if the player to damage in water, like on land. Even if you jump into deep ocean, you still take damage, in real life this would hurt or kill you depending on height. Also, if water falls on you from a height it deals damage depending on the height of the source block to your head. This would make things more interesting.
  4. Water damage!

    I kinda forgot about this post.... Anyway, i just think since the mod wants to be believable, it should be added, it might be hard to add, i don't know. It doesn't seem very realistic to jump from 100 meters (blocks) into a 1 block water source and be ok.
  5. Tornado mod with TFC?

    Alright, thanks for he replies! Once the pc is fixed ill try to do it!
  6. Tornado mod with TFC?

    Alright, do i change the cloud height in the config files? Also, do the tornadoes work well with the TFC blocks?
  7. How can i get Ethos TFC seed?

    Ok, i have wanted to have Ethos seed for a VERY long time now... i know it is not in build 79, i use two worlds one in 79 one soon to be in 78. I would like to know if there is ANY way i could get Ethos seed, i have googled, looked on youtube and found nothing. One of my friends said that crash reports have the seed in them, but i have yet to find one of Ethos crash reports. (I know he has crashed before in TFC, he said in a video.) Please help!
  8. How can i get Ethos TFC seed?

    I said this in in my post, i have two different worlds, one in build 79, and another in build 78. I want Ethos seed for my build 78 world. Noname_42 thanks for trying at least, let me know if he responds
  9. How can i get Ethos TFC seed?

    Darn, well i can't ask him as i don't know how... too bad. D:
  10. Seed Request: Scenic Sequoia forest. 79.18+

    I just love the north, to me the south is ugly, i dont like the jungles at all. The challenge of living up north makes the game more fun, and i love the winter and snow. To me, the south is useless and barren, except for chickens. The sequoia forests are my favorite biomes, which is the reason for my name.
  11. Seed Request: Scenic Sequoia forest. 79.18+

    Very nice seed, I think i'll use it as it has very cool areas. Thanks!