Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Sequoia

  1. Is that where the water block IDs are? I have freshwater already configured, i just need the IDs for streams water. I read he faq on the first post, does not make much sense to me because this is my first time using config.


  2. Hi all, I have installed sildurs Lite shaders with TFC. it does not lag too much for me, but is there anything I can do in the shader config/ TFC config to make it lag a little less? I disabled the waving grass/leaves already, any help welcome! 


  3. Hi, in my world i found a gold deposit, and my prospecting level is novice. I decide to try and spam the propick on a block that reads very large sample of native gold, and after about 15 minutes and a few bronze propicks i was at master propick skill. I just left a rock on the right click button on my mouse, did something else and came back to change picks. I'm now at master skill, so should this be a thing? Or is this a bug?


  4. Howdy, in my current world i have recently created red steel, using a beautiful seed suggested to me earlier. I'm looking for a new one, with a northern climate around negative 16000. I'm looking for more of a challenge this time. Trees preferably a dense sequoia forest with pine hickory birch or chestnut. Rock type of basalt, andesite, schist, or dacite. All the good ores spawn in those. Having a large freshwater lake nearby is required, i will also be using the Streams mod, so if the forest is near an ocean that would be very nice. A few hills in the area would be nice, but are not required. :D

    Have a gneiss day, Lol.


  5. The Streams mod works very well with TFC, I've tested it on new worlds and works great! Just not on worlds generated before the Streams mod has been installed. It works for the latest version of TFC.


  6. Hi, i am an experienced player of TFC, and I'm looking to join a small server that does not have other mods, addons or towny. Just TFC multiplayer pretty much, i would like it if pvp, griefing and stealing is NOT allowed. Some mods i tolerate, like streams, localized weather and minimaps, just not mods that add useless (in my opinion) junk. Please tell me if you know a server like this! :D


  7. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes

    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.

    I know in real life it is hard to shovel snow with a spade, and in TFC that seems to also be the case. Maybe a special snow shovel made out of copper bronze iron etc. Could this be added? In the winter i always have to punch the snow, and it takes a long time to get rid of a lot of it. Th snow shovel could instantly remove it and drop snowballs.


  8. Hi, I'm trying to install minimap so i can set waypoints and teleport to them. (I keep losing the important ore deposits) but when i put it in the mod folder and load up TFC, it does not work, it's like forge does not see it or something, TFC, works fine but minimap doesn't. Please help! I've tried and tried but it won't work.


  9. Hi, my computer had to be wiped after a windows 10 issue (bad_system_config_info) so all my files were gone, I re installed minecraft forge 1.7.10, I created a new mods folder, but when I put TFC 79.23 in and loaded minecraft with forge, it did not show up on the main menu! it said 3 mods loaded (the normal forge things) but not 4 mods (TFC)! before this issue, it worked fine... so I don't know whats happening! Someone please help me!!
