Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by JoeCallahan37

  1. Experience is shared in your tribe. Every tribe have a god. When two tribes follow the same god, they automatically become allies. NPCs Tribes are also a suggestion. The tribes differ by their colors. Flags and shields have a symbol. This symbol represents the god of the tribe, containing their colors as well. The system shields is the same to make armor. When an animal is killed, it will spawn a corpse to be butchered to get meat, bones and leather. You can get an animal skull to make a Shaman's Helmet. It has two types of Shamans, carnivores and herbivores. The helmet of each is made of a different material. Carnivores use skull animals as herbivores use huge wooden masks with feathers or leaves.


  2. The banners are for decoration for homes and is also cool for war servers. Something like the Craft Heraldy Mod, but totally made with TFC resources. You will use cloth to make the tissue for the banner. Banners to put in the ground and in the buildings. Shields are just a simple suggestion, I know that someone had make this suggestion.




  3. I would like that added Totems, which besides being a decorative object for TFC tribes would be something like a Low Tier Beacon. You would any ritual, dance or something for Totem and gain a little Buff, such as speed, regeneration or stem for a short time. It would be nice we can also be a Shaman, which uses a mask and a staff that serve to give Buffs for friends who are close to the Shaman. (If in a TFC teams, the Shaman can only give buffs to those in his team)


  4. -Palm trees with Coconuts-Crabs that spawn on the beach and drop small peace of meat

    -Logs infested with edible Termites

    -Improved Fishing Pole, needing a Iron Nugget in the recipe to craft it and needing Worms, that are dropped from digging dirt

    Not Survival Suggestions:

    -Flags, just for decoration


  5. It would be nice if we could make dyes from flower petals (With the addition of new flowers) and some ingredients to put in leather armor and we paint our buildings to make them as kingdoms or different teams. What inspired me to make this topic was the color differentiation from Age Of Empires. It would be nice to do something so that the battles between villages or tribes more fun. It would be nice to add capes and Spartan helmets, complete with coloring the pieces of tissue.


