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Posts posted by vladthemad

  1. On 11/6/2016 at 7:51 AM, Jas02 said:

    This is needed really. It would make farms easyer

    Unless you live in a arid region you don't really need to "water" your crops. I'm not even sure you need them in an arid region, but I haven't built in one so I couldn't say for certain.



    On 11/6/2016 at 9:38 PM, Peffern said:

    The goal of this is to allow players to not necessarily build adjacent to a body of water. I'm on a server right now and we found a great valley to build a base in, but there isn't water for a decent distance, and it occurred to me that this should exist.

    Not trying to bash on your efforts, but a little bit of ingenuity or TFC game mechanics can solve this problem.

    Red steel buckets can carry water source blocks, so you could use those to just make a well. Design it similar to the vanilla desert wells, and you can always draw water from the center. If you aren't at that level, you could always ask another player on the server to help out with their red steel bucket, maybe trade him/her some work for the effort. Gather logs for them or something.

    Barrels collect rain if you leave them out and unsealed. This is how I collect all my water in the game personally. When they are full, you seal them up and they will keep their contents if you break them and place them elsewhere, like your wine cellar.

    If you don't want to make friends, and putting out barrels in the rain isn't hardcore enough for you, build an aquaduct from that water that's a decent distance away. Wooden buckets don't need a water source block to gather water, they work on flowing water too. It'd be pretty cool too if you ask me, running an underground stream to your base. Of course that would depend on how far away that water really is. Now that I thought of it though, I might try this some time! Hah.


  2. I've found the best way to capture them is to find one, dig a 2 deep hole, and knock them into it. If it doesn't kill you first that is! As far as benefits, you have a tamed bear, do you really need more?! If playing SMP other players may think twice about raiding your base if you have bears wandering around in it, they will eat all your smelly fish for you, they will butcher your livestock for you (maybe), they make cool bear noises to sing you to sleep. The list of benefits is endless! ;)

    There are baby bears in the game, but I've never seen one spawn naturally. In creative if you click on a bear with a bear spawn egg it will make a baby instead of an adult. From what I remember reading on the wiki the breeding mechanic is there, there's just no item set to cause them to breed.

    Come to think of it...someone should fix that with a mod...


  3. On 11/4/2016 at 2:18 PM, ciekma said:

    Is it possible to use TFC textures as a base for painting own textures within modpack? (modpack is under GNU licence).

    I want to add some new ores, while it is not possible to make them transparent, I would like to paint them at the TFC sone canvas (and configure ore generator to spawn them only within certain stone type).

    Why isn't it possible to make them transparent? I just asked a similar question and was going to start playing with it myself.


  4. Wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this, but I didn't think it fit in with addons or support all that well either. I've been checking out modding TFC a bit, just to add immersive engineering. I know I can easily add the bauxite ore to generate, but I would prefer it spawned more like TFC ore....where it's a layer over an existing stone block instead of a new block itself. This is purely for aesthetic purposes, but spawning in immersive engineering's ore block with it's ore over vanilla stone texture is unsightly when you run into it.

    Can this be done? If I use the custom items mod to make the ore overlay and surface items, what else would I need to do besides adding it to the ore config to get them to work if anything?

    Barring that, I suppose I could make a separate ore block for each type of TFC stone with custom items, but this would require a lot more items to be generated, so I'd prefer the first method if possible.


  5. Well dangit, I'm working on something very similar for personal use on a private server. I think the other packs add TOO much to be honest. Why have 120 mods when you only want to use a tenth of them? Your list pretty much matches my own with few exceptions.

    Mind if I pick your brain about a few issues I'm having in a PM?

    I saw you had Rail of War as something you want to add. I've looked at it a number of times, but apart from cool transportation it doesn't seem that useful. It looked like that automation addon isn't going to be updated anymore I thought I'd point out that Traincraft has (finally!) been case you wanted to add that ;) All it's rolling stock is usable to transport items and liquids for the most part.


  6. *facepalm* You know, when you first posted this, and the few times I've looked at it since, I kept thinking "...but in my configs it's not set to SEVERE", and I could never figure out what to set it to so it wouldn't spam the logs. It just dawned on me after all this time that you probably mean I should set it to severe, correct? :/

    Edit: Welp, that didn't work either. It keeps spamming the server logs with stuff like this:

    [11:43:35] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]:     ** found smallboat 5d47e0a3-2d7a-450b-aaad-a2856b82b577
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/TRACE] [FML/]: server: connecting to parent 5d47e0a3-2d7a-450b-aaad-a2856b82b577
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [awger.AwgerLogger:log:13]: server.addPart(1)
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -6, y == 142, z== -15000
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -6, y == 142, z== -14999
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -6, y == 142, z== -14998
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -6, y == 142, z== -14997
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -6, y == 142, z== -14996
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -5, y == 142, z== -15000
    [11:43:35] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ** empty x == -5, y == 142, z== -14999
    ...and gigs and gigs of the same if the boat is left out.

    Those locations are where the boat is bobbing around in the test I just ran after setting all the log settings to SEVERE. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated, as I removed the mod as it crashed my remote server a few times when it filled up all my allotted disk space!

    Double Edit: Disregard, I saw on your modpack that you abandoned small boats because of bugginess.


  7. I've been running into some problems with a small pack I'm making for myself. I've noticed that TFC buckets and bottles won't hold any liquids from other mods, but the barrels will. Is there any way to use TFC buckets and bottles with liquids from other mods? I couldn't see anything in minetweaker or the tfc addon. I could use custom items to make the actual full bucket and bottle items, but how would I then get them to transfer fluids?


  8. On Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 7:06 AM, Bletch said:

    I have released a new version of my bridging mod with some bug fixes and changes.

    Anyone have a current link to this mod, or care to share a copy? The forum link Bletch posted Is dead and I cant seem to find It anywhere. Its mentioned on openeye, thats about It. Doesnt look like bletch has been active for a few months either.




  9. On 6/5/2016 at 0:10 AM, thechap909 said:

    Can't seem to get the bellows to work. I've got everything set up, but upon hitting the lever at 1 second activation, nothing happens.

    I'm having the same issue. I've been playing for weeks with this mod installed, but only now managed to find redstone! What version of TFC are you running? I wonder if it's not compatible with the latest and greatest? The kiln works fine though, so it's possible it's user error too. :/ Can anyone else confirm that the automated bellows works properly with .79.29?


  10. On 5/10/2016 at 10:10 AM, OneWolfe said:

    It is called Just Another Spawner (JAS) there are a few details in a previous post just a few pages back.

    Really? Weird, I couldn't get JAS to work, and like I noted I didn't see it in your modpack. I guess I'll have to dig back into it and take a second...well, by now a twelfth...look!

    Also, sorry for taking a bit to get back to respond. I've been busy with a cross country move. Anyway, thanks for the prompt reply.


  11. 17 hours ago, ChunkHunter said:

    Not 'my thread' about moving animals ;) , but I do believe that the log spamming is caused by the fact that by default the logging is on maximum - simple config change to fix it.

    Yeah, tried that, didn't work as I recall. :/

    9 hours ago, InsaneJ said:

    The longest lasting TFC servers seem to only run TFC. The TFC servers that draw most players also only have TFC installed.

    With TFC development halted (critical bug fixes only) and TFC 2 not close to a stable release, a lot of players are moving on to other things. They may or may not return with TFC 2 but right now things are slowing down considerably. Keep that in mind when starting a new server. You won't get 30 players on each night if at all. I only mention this because you seem to be asking what's popular right now. In my opinion you should just go ahead and create the server you like to build. If that's TFC + extra mods, go do that. If you enjoy TFC only, do that. A server you enjoy running is a server that is likely to be run well. Just don't expect to gather a huge crowd right now. Each TFC server is different, even if it only runs TFC. And the more servers the better :)

    Player count isn't anything I'm worried about. I wouldn't expect it to be high with TFC. That said, I bring about half a dozen to a dozen friends to begin with. My VPS is already up and running, has been for a long time. I've just never made it available to the public. The only thing I'd need to invest is a bit of time. I've been playing around with the TerrafirmaPack on the AT Launcher, seems to have most of the addons available for TFC. I don't really *need* anything else. Other mods would be quality of life stuff, and honestly could be added later if there was interest.


    So, the next question would be what kind of seed to use? :) I have one I'm using for SSP that's forested rolling hills, plains, and swamp on a layer of rocksalt. Salt is a highly useful item! There's also one I just found that was grasslands on marble which wouldn't be too bad for a small starter/spawn town.


  12. I've found a seed with some rarities right at spawn. I call it the salt marsh. First layer of stone is rock salt, and who doesn't love salt? It's also in a swamp biome. What else could you want, peat? Well good because that's here too!

    Seed 804083469150386995

    There's salt well, EVERYWHERE. There's a plumb tree and exposed peat at -8 -9856, and more peat at the bottom of the ponds at -30, -9895. A lot of fruit bushes and trees in the area, and there was even an olive tree. There are also numerous large lakes in the area, two to the west of spawn, and one with a decent number of islands to the east. There's many ores in the area too it would seem, and I've even spotted kaolinite in more than one spot. I foolishly deleted the instance I was using though, and lost all the screenshots/locations. I'll try to gather them up again.

    The only bad part is the area around spawn seems to be plagued by sink holes and dead falls everywhere, so watch where you step!


  13. Can't use small boats sadly, not until the creator returns and fixes it. I think I noted in your thread about moving animals that the boats spam the console, bloating the log and eventually crashing the server. Otherwise I'd be all for it and already have recipes for it saved somewhere...I've used it since it was just the Punt, and even the large ship isn't excessively large.


  14. Hey OneWolfe, can you share what mod you used to get mobs to spawn, or how you managed to pull it off? I've been poking around with some of the spawn control mods and they don't seem to work. I also don't see any such mod listed in your pack, so I'm either missing something or you're working some sort of wizardry! :)


  15. 2 hours ago, cckcckcc said:

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere TFC's passive mobs all have a chance of respawning and despawning already by vanilla TFC mechanics.  On my current world, before taming some cows, they would occassionally disappear out of a fenced in area and be located 1000s of blocks away in the area they originally spawned, which leads me to believe they are despawning and respawning.  Having any familiarity with the animal seems to prevent despawning.  Its probably just not very noticeable that passives despawn and respawn in part because there is a very low chance and because they seem to respawn in roughly the same spot every time.

    I am pretty good with JAS, but I haven't used it with TFC yet.  You are going to be pretty limited on your spawning behavior if you are trying to do it by biome in TFC, and its not going to seem very TFC-like.  There is no way to check for temperature or precipitation values through JAS.  Your best bet would be to try some spawn tags that search for blocks located in only certain climates--trees perhaps.

    According to the Wiki ( passive mobs spawn on chunk generation only, and do not despawn or respawn. What I've personally observed is that when I thought something was despawning, it's actually a bear or wolf killing them. Passives seem to spawn pretty regularly along with wolves and bears, and sadly they tend to get slaughtered pretty quick by them. This fact I think leads to a lot of the "I can't find such and such a mob!" posts you see here once in awhile. Hostile mobs depopulate the area!

    Animals getting out of a fence is a common problem too, more so on TFC than I ever noticed on Vanilla. I saw a post explaining this not too long ago, because it bugged me too. When you leave your base, the chunks unload. Minecraft isn't great at keeping track of what side of the fence mobs are on, especially when they are all crowded in the corner. You come back, the chunks reload, and sometimes a mob is put on the wrong side of the fence. As far as I've noticed, they don't teleport back to where they originally started, but I have seen the little buggers wander off pretty far if you don't notice they are loose. The suggested solutions were to either make a double thick row of fences, or put them in a two block deep pit. I personally built a barn and stuck them all inside, which also seemed to solve the problem as the barn was solid blocks.

    Yeah I figured that JAS would be pretty limited, I know there's what, only a handful of actual biomes in TFC? I wouldn't use it to add much anyway, I was thinking Animals Plus and Mowzie's Mobs. Basically add three hostile mobs and a dozen or so passives to make the world seem a bit more alive. More fish in the sea, moths bugging you at night, swamps full of bugs and a monster plant, and some crazy head hunters to attack you on the plains. That is, if I can confirm that it doesn't touch TFC spawns one bit and it will actually work otherwise.


  16. 5 hours ago, Telpin said:

    If you check the configs, JAS doesn't even register animal mobs in the spawn list entries. It has no way of determining how TFC spawns these mobs.

    Try spawning in a mob using a summon command. That's what JAS will give you if you force it to spawn TFC animals. The nbt tags are borked and not worth bothering with. Hostile mobs are fine.

    I removed everything but TFC and JAS, deleted the configs and ran Minecraft. JAS is definitely capturing the TFC spawns. There's a separate config file filled with com.*mobname*TFC, as well as the one with vanilla mobs. I'm not saying it's actually doing anything with them, but it looks like it's trying. Honestly I hope it is leaving the TFC spawns alone, I only want to use JAS to spawn in mobs from other mods. The fact that it is creating configs for TFC stuff though worries me, so I'm going to have to experiment a bit to determine what it's doing.


    Alright, spent a few more hours testing JAS. While it does register the entities for TFC, it doesn't seem able to do anything with them. I tried making bears spawn everywhere, for example, and it didn't work. That's good. The bad is it also didn't seem able to spawn any of Mowzie's Mobs, although the killer plants still spawned under TFC trees.

    Of course I could be doing something horribly wrong too, might have completely failed at the configs...but I followed the examples on the JAS wiki. I'll have to go bug onewolfe to see if he can explain how he gets twilight forest mobs to spawn. :)


  17. Long time lurker, rare poster here. I've been kicking around the idea of hosting a public server for a few years. I've had a VPS up of various versions and mods, but most of my friends tend to get bored after the "Ooooh shiney!" effect of most mods wears off in a few weeks and head off to something else. When we aren't using the server for Minecraft or a different game, it mostly sits idle besides hosting our Teamspeak server.

    I'm leaning very close to starting a TFC public server,  I have been thinking about it and brainstorming/testing things since about December. TFC seems to hold people's interest a lot longer than things like FTB, and to be honest I just plain enjoy it. I thought I'd come and ask the TFC community if I were to open it up here, what mods/addons would you like to see? I can get most mods to work alongside TFC I think, as long as they aren't overly complicated. I'm mostly interested in mods that wouldn't change the general gameplay of TFC. Examples of what I'm leaning towards would be mods like Malisis Doors with the Big Doors addon, Mowzie's Mobs, and Animals Plus. Mods I'm up in the air on would be things like Archimedes Plus, Ships Mod, Smart Moving, or Rails of War. Most of these mods only add a few quality of life improvements, faster travel, or ambient life to the world.

    So what suggestions does everyone have? What has been tried and hasn't worked? I haven't looked into property protection systems in a long time, what's the best town or faction system out there now?


  18. Really? Hmm, I'll have to run some more tests. I had Mob Properties installed and I'm pretty sure I spotted horses spawning normally while running a few test worlds, among most of the other mobs. Maybe that issue is fixed?

    As far as JAS, it seemed to have taken over the TFC spawning, although my observations were few. I had spotted some mobs in places they probably shouldn't have been according to so I'll have to run some actual tests. Also why would the nbt tags need editing? Shouldn't that information be part of the TFC mob already, or were you thinking I'd be spawning in vanilla mobs and editing them?

    I'm just hoping to avoid spending three days testing it out to answer my original questions, if someone on here already did all the work before me. If it really doesn't touch TFC spawning, it'd be exactly what I'm looking for!


  19. 6 hours ago, ChunkHunter said:

    oh yes - those animal crates and tucker bags have a big drawback - you have to carry them on your back - so only 1 animal at a time.  On a long journey to find sheep or chickens that's a LOT of extra time.


    If only leads weren't so buggy...

    Well, if you aren't playing on a server, you can give the small boats mod a shot. It's a decent mod, although you'll need to make recipes for it. I used it to give burlap a purpose! The fact that the boats in the mod are slower than vanilla boats made it a lot easier to move my entire farm animal collection when I relocated. I think I was pulling fifteen animals at a time, made two or three trips. If you have the cage mod, you can probably even put the cages in the chests on the larger boats. Just don't leave the boats out in the world when you aren't using them and you should be fine. The issue on my server was boats being left out and the server constantly running allowed the logs to grow so large.


  20. I've figured out how to increase mod mob health to more TFC like levels with Mob Properties, and now I'm looking for something to help spawn mobs from other mods to TFC. The only place I've seen Just Another Spawner mentioned is in the Terrafirmapunk discussion. I muddled through that thread a bit, but didn't see an answer to the question I have. To anyone with some experience with JAS, does it seem to change the TFC spawning in any noticeable way? My specific concern would be that it might change tameable mob (cows, pigs, chickens, etc) spawns from only at chunk gen (with no despawn) to standard vanilla spawning and despawning.

    Also, now that I think about it, does JAS happen to change the way mobs spawn related to temp? I remember reading somewhere the TFC bases spawns on temp and biome. The further north you go the less tameable farm animals you'll see and the more wolves, deer, and bears you'll run into for example.


  21. I'll third that using boats to haul animals with leads is really easy. The Small boats mod is nice, but the boats are slower than vanilla. I think this was done to prevent chunk gen overrun and falling off the edge of the world.

    Also, the latest version has an issue where the creator left it in some sort of debug mode, and it will spam the console & log. He doesn't seem to be around any longer, so I'm not sure it's going to get fixed. Every boat that's left in the world basically spams the log with "Hey, I'm here" every tick. I've had this literally crash my server as the virtual drive on my VPS fills up with a single log file pushing 100G because someone left a boat floating in a bay. Yeah you heard me, 100G log file. Regrettably it's since been removed from our server.

    There's also an addon or two that have crates/boxes for carrying animals to make it easier to transport them if that's what you'd prefer.


  22. This probably belongs here. Not a common mod, one of the many that tend to fall through the cracks for one reason or another. The creator seems to have ironed out most of the problems related to vanilla terrain generation. There's no hard lines between biomes, snow is based on height, and the terrain in general is very realistic and produces procedural generated examples very much like the pictures of hand created terrain others have linked. That said, I have no idea if it could be of use with the proposed hex based system, and the last time I used it (before my delving into TFC) the tree placement on hillsides wasn't always the best. It didn't seem to check to see if there was terrain under the entire tree, only under the first block generated. So some of the large trunked trees might have the base only supported by one block. A minor complaint compared to the rest of what has been accomplished though!



  23. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes


    Two things I wish would have worked with TC1, that possibly could enhance TC2, were Realistic World Gen and mods that add mobs.


    Have a look at RWG:


    The terrain generation is gorgeous and very well done. Maybe it could give you some inspiration? :)


    Secondly, if I was going to request one single thing for TC2, it would be be some internal ability or api to bring in mobs from other mods. I always felt that TC was too empty...expect at night when you have to bar your windows and doors. There are a number of ambient animal mods out there, and others that do little more than add monsters to fight, and even a couple of dinosaur ones. If possible, could something be added to allow server admins and single players to add mods like these that will generate the mobs? Simple config file implementation would be fine, that way we can set up what biomes, what they drop, change their hit points and damage, whatever.


    Mods like:


    Others like Fossils & Archaeology or Mo' Creatures probably wouldn't be the best though, due to the fact that both those add a decent number of blocks, world gen, and equipment. Although...if I could get dinosaurs to work it would be great too! ;)
