Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Shurgent

  1. On 10.08.2016 at 2:51 AM, Powerman913717 said:

    Edit: For the record, I've tried block updates and those don't seem to be working.


    Try to call this methods in TileEntity:

    		this.worldObj.func_147479_m(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
    		this.worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);

    This works for me.


  2. 8 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    I did notice there wasnt a sound when the table was placed tho. 


    Yes, it is. I also think there needs sound. I think that's just use vanilla sound or record my own.


    8 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    A while back you mentioned the possibility of an Electric, or Powered Crucible. Has there been any progress or design ideas for this item?

    At the moment, no progress in this direction, as all my free time I was engaged in wire drawing bench.


    8 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    That table looks, and sounds, absolutely amazing! :wub:


    8 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Everything you have added to this mod has been super amazing and I just cant wait to see what comes out next :D

    Thanks! ))


  3. 2 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Everything is looking amazing so far :D

    Any chance of getting an update this weekend?

    Unfortunately no. Not so fast :)

    Yet much work remains on trifles. I do not have time to finish today.


  4. Good news! Finally I finished working on model animation.

    Wire Draw Bench is now work fine with soft metal wires. Now I got to make the Oil Can for oiling drawplates to draw hard metal wires like iron and steel wires.

    Overall progress is about 90%. Next update is coming soon, I hope ))





  5. 34 minutes ago, Leo05 said:

    You should integrate Mekanism. It's a great mod. I know that you don't have a lot of time for this but it's just a suggestion.

    Mekanism is too 'technologic' for TFC. For example, Digital Miner - device, that teleported ores... TFC and teleporting are not compatible things IMHO.
    Mekanism is a great mod, but not for TFC-based modpacks in my opinion.


  6. 9 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Any word on how the next update is coming along?

    Unfortunately, too little free time, and progress is relatively small.
    Added Wire Draw Bench model to the mod. Now I'm working on animation. Began making API, allowing modders to add own wire drawing recipes. Also, I'm working on TileEntity. Overall progress about 75%.
    Here's in-game video of Wire Draw Bench model with initial stage of animation:





  7. 22 hours ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    Oh and could you do more stuff with milk. Like I don't know... add the ability to drink it and gain dairy. Cause in TFC you can only make cheese. 

    It's strange, but I can drink milk in TFC by right-clicking with milk bucket in hand. You just have to be hungry and thirsty, to be able to drink milk.
    Try to right-click in air, not on block.


  8. 1 hour ago, Leo05 said:

    Hello guys! I added 3 mods in my "modpack" : TFC Tech, Immersive Engineering, Buildcraft and I spent a lot of hours making the recipes compatibile with TFC. After I finished I started playing and I found a weird bug. I found a vanilla water lake. Did you ever had this problem? Which mod is causing it ? Is there any fix? (Sorry for my bad english)

    Buildcraft generates vanilla water springs. Can be disabled in config file. What about lakes... I find it difficult to answer...


  9. 1 hour ago, OneWolfe said:

    The Hevea logs are not fitting into log piles very well.

    The reason is that line:

    To make it work as it should, I have to create my own Log Pile.
    Also, because of this line of code:
    Hevea Logs can not be used as fuel in Firepit.


  10. 15 hours ago, KsterNator said:

    For immersive engineering, do you plan on changing the miner? The multiblock digger of sorts. It give vanilla ore and i wonder if u will be able to change it to tfc ores?

    I will integrate Immersive Engineering as deeply as possible and as far as my abilities enough.


  11. 27 minutes ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    Well I imagine project red would be easier than tinkers

    Honestly, I do not like Tinkers Construct. I will integrate it, only if I absolutely would have nothing to do ))



    17 minutes ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    Please add tinkers construct integration

    Maybe even project red

    Tinkers Construct integration is not planned. Maybe one day...

    Project Red - partially. Perhaps wires, logic and lamps.


  13. 21 hours ago, KsterNator said:

    If you do that, maybe you could add in some sort of multiblock structure that heats stuff up with RF so you could add a bit of automation to it. Also, do you plan on adding in tool molds for the IE press?

    I have not worked through in detail all that is associated with the press. So I can not say anything specific about this yet. One can say that the most likely yes, I will add molds for tools, weapons and even armor.
