Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Shurgent

  1. 3 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    I just had a thought that it might be possible for you to include as part of the IE integration.

    If the IE Metal Press could recognize TFC metal temperatures and then only press items that had the "can work" state, or even "can weld" states.

    I thought about it too. I'll try to do it, if possible.


  2. 13 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    I am pretty sure the bench is for making the wires in Immersive Engineering, since that is one of the mods he is trying to integrate in this addon. But yes, I hope it is versatile enough to use for making any kind of wires. :D

    Yes, I try to make this device enough versatile.


  3. 9 minutes ago, OneWolfe said:

    What is your timeline for having this awesome feature ready for testing?

    Unfortunately, I can not predict anything. I'm working on the mod when I have free time.
    As I wrote, I'm currently working on the wire draw bench. When I start working on an induction furnace, I don't know. :(


  4. 27 minutes ago, Kittychanley said:

    I think it might have been a typo and they meant "New blocks"

    Oh, probably you're right ))
    Then I have already answered this question)


    8 minutes ago, OneWolfe said:

    An RF powered Crucible is something I would be VERY interested in working with :D

    Yes, it will be RF powered Crucible with BC pipes support for automatization.


  5. 15 hours ago, CALEBXD101 said:

    What is the next feature that won't be mod integration i.e. Jew blocks items functionality

    Sorry, I don't understand your question. What is 'Jew blocks'?

    13 hours ago, abculatter_2 said:

    Do you have any plans for a powered forge/firepit? Today I had an idea for a hotplate mod, which would be a block that consumes RF/EU to produce TFC heat, similar to a forge/firepit. It could also come in a few tiers of hotplates, with lower tier ones being more efficient, but having a lower max temp, and of course vice versa for the higher tiers.

    I plan to add an induction furnace. It will actually be a crucible with an inductor.


  6. 18 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    It just seems like the drop rates for Quartz are extremely high compared to other gems.

    I watched the stream, where you played the TFP and I also thought that you have quartz drops too often. I think it is necessary to reduce the drop rate is about 10 times. I do not think that the instrument is somehow affects the drop rate.
    You can write what 
    drop rates settings you used?

    Also note that the higher the number in the setting, the smaller the drop rate (1 in X).

    Try to set 1000 and test.


  7. 9 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    We did find one more serious issue in the stream today. Alot of the recipes are not working on a server. Specifically none of the pipe frames, any of the gears, the bowl mount or the rubber tree tap. All of the recipes work just fine but on the server they dont work at all. 

    This issue also should be fixed in 0.2.5-A10


  8. Hi!
    Work on the integration of Immersive Engineering gradually moves. I started with a simple - to adapt some recipes. Remade recipes of connectors, capacitors and transformers. Significantly increased the cost of crafting the capacitors, especially MV and HV. Unfortunately, as usual, I had a lot of work and the progress is quite small. But work on the mod is moving. Follow the news. And, of course, a few pictures for a snack :)


    Clay Plate


    Ceramic Plate


    Internal Capacitor Electrode (Nickel Sheet + Ceramic Plate)


    MLCC Block


    LV Capacitor Base (Tin Sheets (or Plates) + Copper Sheets (or Plates) + MLCC Block)


    LV Capacitor
    MV Capacitor Base


    MV Capacitor
    HV Capacitor Base


    HV Capacitor


    Clay Insulator Part


    Ceramic Insulator Part


    Connectors (LV, MV and HV)

    Ee8epm6llSo.jpg  deMin6_gocI.jpg





    Stay tuned. :) To be continued...


  9. How to create anvil plans:

    How to set weight and size:

    Just extend ItemTerra class and set these properties in constructor.


    Don't be lazy, see the source code, analyze and learn.


  10. 10 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Quick note: The Fluid Pipes do not connect to barrels, even if there are liquids in the barrels. Is this their intended behavior?

    Yes, barrels are not connected to the liquid pipes, only to transport pipesThis is not my fault :)

    I intended to use tanks for a liquid pipes. But maybe later I will come up with something. Maybe I will add something like the lid on top of barrels, which will be connected to the liquid pipes. Or, maybe, I will 'teach' TFCTech fluid pipes to work with barrels.


  11. Just now, OneWolfe said:

    That was all I was trying to ask.


    So the climate variables are the only way to determine what might be growing in the area? With nothing that says "Hey there IS a forest growing here," it makes the calculations difficult I suppose?

    Oh, I just do not understand the question))

    Yes, every tree has its own climatic conditions. Trees spawn only where the climate is suitable for them.

    All climatic conditions for trees can be found here:

    And yes, there is nothing that says "Hey there IS a forest growing here". Just temperature, rainfall and EVT. Tree types is determined by three tree layers. These layers can be seen on F3 screen, when TFC is in debug mode.


  12. 18 minutes ago, OneWolfe said:

    But that is definitly not correct at all!

    As far as I understand, the biome determines only the form of the landscape. And the climate is generated regardless of the biome.

    19 minutes ago, OneWolfe said:

    Deserts also say Plains.

    Because there is no Desert biome in TFC.

    As it is written in the wiki: The Biome determines the shape of the terrain and basic temperature and rainfall guidelines. Unlike in vanilla, it does not directly define tree and plant growth. For determination of trees, and animals see Climate.


  13. Updated to version 0.2.3-A8


    • Changed update checker
    • Changed Hevea spawn, added more spawn chance options in TFCTech.cfg

    Now you can set the base spawn chance value and spawn chance for every climatic conditions.

    For example, if you set spawn chance configuration like this:

        # Hevea spawn base chance. 0 = no trees. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0]
        # Hevea spawn chance increment in ideal climate. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 15]
        # Hevea spawn chance increment when EVT value within range 0-2. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1]
        # Hevea spawn chance increment when rainfall value within range 1500-2000. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5]
        # Hevea spawn chance increment when average biome temperature within range 25-30. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 5]
        # Hevea spawn chance increment when rainfall value within range 500-1500. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1]

    Then the Hevea trees will spawn only under ideal climatic conditions* and very rare.

    * Ideal climatic conditions - this is ideal temperature, ideal rainfall and ideal EVT together.
