Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Shurgent

  1. I'll try to explain how Hevea tree spawn works...

    Hevea tree spawn chance is calculated:
    1% + <ideal temp chance> + (<ideal rainfall chance> OR <rainfall 500 to 1500 chance>)
    'evt' value must be in range 0 to 2, otherwise trees will not spawn.

    Ideal temp: 25-30
    Ideal rainfall: 1500-2000

    The lower chance value you set, the more rarely will spawn Hevea. If set to 0, then this climate condition will not affect the spawn chance.

    You can set all three chance options to 0, then Hevea will spawn with chance of 1%.

    Probably later I'll make spawn chance settings more flexible.


  2. 1 hour ago, Bunsan said:

    So I'm curious about the logic for the change fixing the issue? I have the same problem and my code is the same to what your code was prior to fix.
    There was a bug in
    I lost sight of that moment when the getCoreSample method returns null. TileEntity for loose rock created, but when getCoreSample method returns null, nothing is placed into container and TileEntity remained empty. I've fixed it, and now if the method returned null, then TileEntity not set in the world.


  3. TFCTech adds Bauxite Ore spawning settings into the TFCOre.cfg file (bauxite and "bauxite surface" sections).

    Hevea Trees spawning depends on a climate (average biome temp, rainfall).

    Ideal conditions:
    Average temperature: 25-30
    Rainfall: 1500-2000

    Under ideal conditions, Hevea spawning quite often. Probably it is necessary to make Hevea spawn chance adjustable...

    As for the problem: I'll try to reproduce this problem as soon as I will have time for it. I'll try to figure it out.
    But I remind you again that the mod in deep alpha and requires thorough testing before adding it to the public modpack.


  4. 18 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Oh and someone added Cryolite to the game. :D I am not sure if it was from your addon or originally in TFC. Now I just have to see if I can crush and powderize it for use in the ARC furnace.

    Also thank you very much for giving the metal dust a variable option for units, this will really help out a ton when I get to crushing and grinding up ores.

    Cryolite is original TFC 'redstone' ore. Grind it in grindstone and you get redstone dust.

    I thought it would be useful for modpack makers and I add variable options for units in config file. You're wellcome )))


  5. 18 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    Ok it is working for me now :D

    Quick question, What are the plates and dense plates for?

    As planned, it should be used so as TFC metal sheets. So far, it could not craft and are not used. The plates are designed as a cheaper replacement of TFC metal sheets, but they can only be crafted in the machines. If creation of one single metal sheet requires two metal ingot, while only one ingot is required to produce a single plate. I plan to make a metal plates in Immersive Engineering Metal Press.


  6. 1 hour ago, OneWolfe said:

    I completely understand the issues with putting bad items in chests. I am just asking that the BC items not be HIDDEN from NEI, or at least have the option to hide them. TFC is already unfriendly enough ...

    There is an option in TFCTech.cfg

        # Set to false to show hidden items in NEI.

    Try this.


  7. 37 minutes ago, OneWolfe said:

    I also notice that you intend to include Logistic Pipes support at some point in the future, which I assume means that your pipes do not already support LP and thus are completely unusable for anyone who has LP in their pack :(

    My pipes extends original BC pipes and include their functionality. So, it can be used with LP. Also it can connect with original BC pipes existing in the world.

    But, again, I believe that LP can also put prohibited items in chests and barrels. Therefore, most likely, I will remake them too.


  8. The fact that my mod is not designed to add to the existing worlds, because it adds the generation of bauxite and rubber trees.
    As for the pipes, then I went on the way to improve the quality. My pipes are not simply changing the recipes and textures, they work properly with TFC chests and barrels.
    As I wrote, the original BC pipes can put prohibited items in chests, and my pipes does not allow to do so.

    Also do not forget that mod is still WIP and is not recommended for use on production servers. I published it only in order to allow people to test new features, find bugs, to express their wishes, etc.


  9. 14 hours ago, OneWolfe said:

    So I finally sat down and gave this mod a test run. Sadly its is just too incompatible with my pack in its current state. The key issue is that the mod Overwrites alot of the buildcraft recipes and would take me hours and even days to go through and clean up everything. For now the cost/benefit ratio is just too high.  

    It's a pity. Unfortunately, I can not make a crossover mod without changing the recipes.
    Especially it concerns of pipes, as I completely replaced the original pipes with my own.


  10. 10 hours ago, KsterNator said:

    Whenever i try to make nuggets with a chisel the entire chisel gets used :C. Idk if this is inteded but probs not


    3 hours ago, Bunsan said:

    He must not have included a TFC crafting handler. TFC does not use item containers and do have to duplicate the tool with the same NBT. 

    Yes, my fault, I forgot to add nuggets to TFC crafting handler. Thanks for bug report! ))




    Ever since I last played with IE, it got a lot of new stuff. I have yet to explore IE a little deeper, before I start to think how I would integrate it. Therefore, it is difficult to say now something concrete about this.
    I can only say that I want to make the process of machine processing of ore interesting and quite complex. But at the same time by machine processing should be obvious bonuses, otherwise why all these machines are needed ))

    Perhaps, in addition to dust, I will add more additional items that would be involved in the process of ore processing. Again, it is necessary to come up with an interesting way of refining bauxite into aluminum.

    As far as understanding what I want, I will share my thoughts here.

    Unfortunately, I can not allocate a lot of time writing mod, because I have to work hard to support my family. So I'm afraid you'll have to wait quite a long time until I write it :(


    By the way, did you look TFCTech.cfg? There are tuning of amount of metal in a dust, in nuggets etc. It can be useful for you.


  12. Hi!


    Build 0.2.0-A5 released! You can get it at CurseForge.


    How is your current progress on Aluminum processing?


    It looks like the Immersive Engineering's Arc Furnace is very close to the modern process, however it lacks one crucial component. What I believe is missing from the IE Arc Furnace in order to have any kind of Electrolysis is a dissolvent, or some kind of acid. Modern Aluminum processing uses Cryolite to dissolve the Bauxite ore but I believe it was originally discovered in the 1800's using Flourite or even potassium to break down the Bauxite first. 


    I think the Arc Furnace is must have for Aluminum processing, but in order to be more realistic and "believable" I really think some kind of dissolvent needs to be added to the machine. From what I have been told this dissolvent is never actually used up or burnt off, but I would leave it up to you to decide if its actually consumed in the process or not.


    No progress yet. Just melting of bauxite into aluminum. When I deal with Immersive Engineering integration, I will think, that can be done in this direction.


  13. Can your pipes pull ingots or filled ingot molds out of the Crucibles? That would be a huge step towards alloy automation, especial with something like Logistic Pipes :D


    Unfortunately, not yet. BC pipes extract from crucible everything in succession without an analysis. But I think about it, and, most likely, these functions will perform Striped Pipe that is currently disabled. But it will be in one of future builds.


  14. Even with all of the super awesome features included in this mod I am still somewhat hesitant to actually include it in my pack at this time. Most of the reasons are balance related and the time involved to crosscheck alot of the recipes I have already changed in Buildcraft and Immersive Engineering. However there are a couple of features that would make me immediately jump on the band wagon. I am not sure if these features already exist but I noticed that your Buildcraft status is up to 85% so I thought I would ask first. The two Buildcraft features that I am most interested in looking out for are if Buildcraft Item Transport and Liquid Pipes can interface with TFC "machine" blocks, specifically the Barrels and Crucibles.


    Of course all the work you have done on this mod so far is pretty amazing especially the recent addition of latex farming :D But I have been kind of holding out for more of the Immersive Engineering integration since I have already scripted alot of Buildcraft using MineTweaker. However if you already have a way to get the pipes (or even IE conveyor belts) to place and remove liquids and items from barrels and crucibles I would immediately plug this mod into my pack. I am considering adding more crafting automation and integration to the endgame portions of the pack, so being able to automate things like alloy smelting is going to be a huge selling point for me in the future.


    Thanks for all the awesome work on this mod so for and I really look forward to what is comming in the future :D


    Thank you for your interest in my mod!

    Regarding the status of 85%: most of the modules are already integrated, but I'm stuck on the integration of BC Robotics. I need, or to teach them to work with TFC, or to refuse to support them.
    As for the pipes, then there is a problem. Only the transport pipes can work with barrels and liquid pipes are not connected to them. However my pipes work properly with the chests and barrels. Original Buildcraft pipes can put forbidden items into chests and barrels, such as logs, weapons, tools, etc. But my pipes do not shove everything in the chests ))
    I do not see the problem is to use BC tanks instead of barrels for storing liquids with the possibility of connecting the pipes. But if there will be many requests from users, then I will add possibility to connect liquid pipes to barrels in one of future releases.
    In the near future I probably will release the next alpha build with integrated Bildсraft. I will appreciate if you will test it thoroughly and give me feedback.
    The next step will be the integration of IE.

  15. Is there planned support for professor flaxbeards wonderous steam mod?


    No, support of this mod is not planned. But I would not mind to add support for what some steam engines in my mod.

    Maybe I'll find a suitable mod, and perhaps add my own steam engines. I still think about it.



  16. If your adding technical mod compatibility, may I ask for project red to be on that list? Feel free t say no. Lol. Just figured I'd ask. :P

    Yes, I will add it. Probably not the entire mod, but only wires, logic and lamps.
