Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Shurgent

  1. Hi!

    Small report :)


    I finished work on a full cycle of production of rubber. Starting from latex obtaining from Hevea, finishing vulcanizing rubber compound.

    Now the Hevea can be a limited resource (can be enabled in the config file). You can not get latex from Dead Hevea, but it can still be cut down.






    For the production of rubber will need:


    Chalk Powder (Made of Chalk Rock in Quern)



    Vulcanizing Agents (Mixture of Chalk Powder, Graphite Powder, Kaolinite Powder and Sulfur)



    Next we need to put the agents in a barrel with latex.



    And we get the rubber mix. To get the rubber, it is necessary to heat this mix.




    That's all! ))


  2. I was just looking over your list of planned items again and I was really impressed to find a steel bucket for BC oil. Right now, in my mod pack, the Wooden Bucket is turning into a vanilla iron bucket when ever a player tries to pick up any liquid it dosnt recognize. I am hoping that the BC integration in your mod might be able to account for this bug?


    And I was also wondering if you would be able to add the metal Tungsten to the list? It is also commonly called Wolfram and found in ore deposits of Wolframite and Sheelite. Its commonly used as alloys for making steel and glass stronger, so it may have some uses here with some interesting applications. I primarily want to use it for Magneticraft which uses Tungsten heavily as Tungsten Carbide in all of it machines.

    Yes, I was faced with the problem of transformation of the bucket. And solved this problem in my mod.

    And I have plans to add new metals and ores, but it's not in priority.



    Latex tapping tileentity model test video:



  3. oh okay. what about electrical age

    I'll think about it. But first, I have to realize that planned.



    WOW! Those look amazing :D



    Oh my goodness. Sign me up!  :)


    Thanks! :)



  4. is there a download link and can you add Rotarycraft compatibility


    1. I added link to CurseForge page in first post.


    2. Unfortunally, no. The reason is - Rotarycraft author Reika does not welcome third party modifications. So if I try to make changes to Reika's recipes, Rotarycraft is likely crash.

    I do not want to waste my time trying to verify whether or not it crash. Sorry.



  5. Thought I would stop by today and see how things are progressing. I am very interested in using this mod in my pack since it offers integration with several of the tech mods I have included, but am still waiting for certain features to be ready and for my own pack to be a lot more stable before adding new features.


    Unfortunately, things are not moving as fast as I would like. Work and family occupy most of the time and is not always possible to allocate time for the development of mod. But some progress is still there. I am currently developing a process of obtaining a latex from a Hevea.

    Just keep in mind that the development of mod may take quite some time.



    Is it possible to provide a nice list of current and expected features on the first post?


    I have many plans and ideas about mod. I will try to write in the near future that I plan to implement in next update and about expected features.


  6. Kind of like the Tree Tap that IC2 or MFR has?

    No. IC2 Tree Tap allows to obtain latex simply right clicking on a tree. To obtain latex in MFR you need to just smashing Hevea logs. I do not accept either of these variants.

    I plan to create a "device" that will cling to the trunk of Hevea. On this device will be installed a special bowl, which will gradually drain the latex. To the latex began to flow, you will need a knife to scratch the trunk of Hevea.


    For me, I have never had any trouble getting Rubber for various mods. At first I was just smashing specific logs to get resin, but now I am using Slimeballs dropped from rare mobs, so it adds a bit of monster hunting to the pack.


    I want to make a close to real life obtaining of latex. Something like this:








    Have you looked into real world aluminum smelting and refining? So far I have not seen any Minecraft mods that come close. It would be very cool if a TFC addon could closely approximate modern methods, or even the old fashion methods. I think they would be similar to the low level Electrolysis that is used in the Udary mod []

    Thanks! Very interesting mod!

    Yes, I thought to make close to real world aluminum smelting and refining in future. Real world aluminum refining is: electrolysis and A LOTS of energy.

    At first, the aluminum is obtained simply by melting ore. In the future I plan to add a variety of machines, including electrolyzer.

    In the first stage of mod development, I want to integrate the technical mods, such as Buildcraft, Railcraft and Immersive Engineering.

    I changed concept of the mod. Now this is not a small add-on that just adds the dust and plates. I decided to create a crossover mod. Yes, I know, there is already a similar mods, but I want to create my own mod, with my own concept.

    At the moment, almost fully integrated Buildcraft. It remains to integrate BC Transport module. I need a rubber for Fluid Pipes and I stuck with Hevea :(
    I guess I'll have to make my Log Piles, but Hevea Logs will not burn in the Firepit...
    Some pictures:

    All items:
    Quarry and Mining Well recipes (using Drill Head instead of Pickaxes)
    How to make a gear:
    Crafting wrench (using invar double ingot)
    Hevea Log
    And so on...


  9. As stated on the home page, there will be no further updates to TFC1 unless a major crash is reported. So don't expect any changes being made to the code.


    You could always create your own log pile block that specifically lets you place your new logs. You just won't be able to mix and match it with vanilla logs.

    Thanks for the answer. I thought so, but I decided to ask just in case :)



    As Kitty said, you can make your own logpile. I would suggest using an event to detect when a logpile is intended to be placed then cancel that event and place your own logpile that extends the original logpile class with the overridden methods that you require to use your logs. It sounds like it is tough but it is actually somewhat easy and in some cases only a few lines of code. I've done this to replace nest boxes and hoppers in my mod and it isn't too hard.

    Thanks, I'll try.
    It's a shame that the Log Pile working as it should. The problem is only in the slot. Just one line of code, which negates all. :(

    But if Log Piles problem is solveable by adding my own Log Pile, then the problem with the Firepit remains without a solution. I can't put my Hevea Logs into Firepit.


  10. Hi.

    I trying to add new tree Hevea and I have a problem putting my Hevea Logs in Log Piles. I found that isItemValid method of SlotLogPile class has condition:"itemstack.getItem() == TFCItems.logs" :(

    This means that only wood from the TFC can be folded in a Log Piles... Can I somehow get around this limitation?

    Or maybe I can ask the authors to make some changes to code to make this possible?

    For example, to add an override method isItemLog() into ItemTerra base class and change conditions in isItemValid methods to "itemstack.getItem().isItemLog()". Or something like that so that you can freely add new logs and they can be folded in a Log Pile and can be putted in Firepit.


  11. Trying to use events:

    @SubscribeEventpublic void onHarvestDropsEvent(HarvestDropsEvent event) {		Random rnd = new Random();		// === Dropping Quartz =================================================		if (ModOptions.cfgDropQuartz) {"HARVEST DROP EVENT!"); //DEBUG					if (event.block instanceof BlockIgEx)			if (rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzIgExChance) == 0)				event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.gemQuartz, ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMinQty + rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMaxQty)));		if (event.block instanceof BlockIgIn)			if (rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzIgInChance) == 0)				event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.gemQuartz, ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMinQty + rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMaxQty)));		if (event.block instanceof BlockMM)			if (rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMMChance) == 0)				event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.gemQuartz, ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMinQty + rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMaxQty)));		if (event.block instanceof BlockSed)			if (rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzSedChance) == 0)				event.drops.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.gemQuartz, ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMinQty + rnd.nextInt(ModOptions.cfgDropQuartzMaxQty)));	}}

    This event fires only when I harvest cobble, bricks, smooth, sand etc. but not stone. Maybe I should use a different event?


  12. Just otu of curiosity. How stable is the initial build.

    Initial build has a few mistakes, like missing textures and recipes. I recommend to use the latest available version 0.1.4-A4. It is tested and stable on SSP, but not yet tested at SMP.


  13. I assume you are using substitution aliases.

    Yes, that's right.


    They seem to function properly in SSP, but not SMP.

    Sadly. It turns out, I only have one option - to add my own ore, such as bauxite? I will not be able to make kaolinite meltable other way?


  14. At first I thought to do so. But I do not understand how to create my ore, such as in TFC (which takes the form of the stone in which it is generated). I thought it would be easier to just make a cryolite and kaolinite meltable.
