Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Blazelink

  1. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): yes
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    there is already an idea for magic on the forums already (I know) but something that always struck me, is the fact, to me, Terrafirmacraft was a game all about the natural elements, so I always thought a mod, revolving about rituals, or some kind of natural aspect to the magic system I'd consider "better", and while my opinions may vary. I think, like the way much of the other features work, is having a kind of "tiered" system, so in the beginning, you find a convergence of ley lines (a good idea) or something similar, and build a ritual-like area, maybe like a stone circle or some such to amplify power levels, and then it becomes more artificial, so like the "gemcraft" idea, you may have to create some kind of gem, which the large gem described in the other post used to upgrade your ritual area, because rituals which require lots of work to elicit a changing effect in your enviroment, I think fits very well into a mod all about hard work. A later thing, like maybe you can use a "carving" (another use for a chisel?) system to carve runes into stones, so then runes get imbued with power, and so you can use your spell, so a symbol could represent "fire" and at the cost of some magic power (which would only be rechargeable in a kind of ritual, or in your ritual area) you could lob a bunch of sparks of fire, however, this wouldn't be anything particularly dramatic like summoning a thunderstorm, as that seems like a big complicated ritual thingy. Some kind of difficulty added to it, such as being unable to regenerate mana while spell-casting, and you have to perform a dedicated ritual. another potential use for the carving system, could be, if so decided, to create kind of runic talismans, to give a smallish buff


    There could also be another way to gain power slightly faster, like sacrificing an animal (which would just be killing it or something) or something to gain a small power buff, or for using it for power, but it could be an early game alternative if you can't find a ley line, to generate power, you could sacrifice a sheep or some such. Another feature could be in the inclusion of what we describe as "sympathetic magic" so using an object people have used for a while (like an old boot or something), to cast them with something in mind.


    (the rituals might need some kind of plant life, or prepared ingredients, so maybe some kind of magical knife?)


    any suggestions would be welcome to help the idea grow (and I apologize to the developers in advance if my idea is too complex to implement) (and thank you miner 239 for some of the ideas I "Magpied" off of you)
