Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. Haha, I was just going to post that channel here. When I saw that "This guy is awesome!" line, I got a little suspicious. :P

    Anyhow, nicely spotted. This is cool stuff for TFC fans.


  2. Might it be... smarter to just start developing TFC2 for Window 10's C++ Minecraft now, instead of gradually having to rewrite it for classic MC at every release? I may be operating from some incorrect info here, but I was led to assume regular MC would slowly be turned into C++ MC.


    Oh right. My bad, I asked this before over twitter. No modding API for C++, right?


  3. If people are eager to try something new there's a game on steam that was just released that's like harvest moon/animal crossing. It's called stardew valley; check it out.


    Damn, that's exactly the kind of timewaster I was hoping to find for Android OS.


  4. Just wanted to share some results. These will likely happen short term, so you might want to look out for them short term in any upcoming releases:

    • Chipping sounds to go with knapping
    • Scraping sounds to go with hide making
    • Chisel noise when smoothing stone

    As for long term, it entirely depends on my workload in the coming weekends and what Bioxx agrees with. We'll just have to see how it works out.


  5. That doesn't change anything. Now instead of taking the time to throw out the rocks you've picked up, you have to take the time to carefully only pick up the ore pieces. Either way you've got items that were spawned for basically no reasons that the majority of players will leave to despawn.


    Hm. Yeah, I see that. Trading one thing for the other like that makes little difference. And it would certainly not warrant coding a whole new ore picking up thingy.


    Oh well, was just a little thing that occurred to me. I should probably refrain from commenting until I at least manage to play TFC anyway. :rolleyes:


  6. OK. So one day we come to the Forum and there is a post about a new guy that will be working on the sound for tfc2. As we are all excited and anxiously awaiting for the new mod, any news like that cause a stir in the community. The natural reaction of all of us is to give suggestions based on tfc1.

    I do not want to antagonize Tricky, but also do not think is fair to ask players not to give suggestions or make requests, if that was his intentions, maybe he should not have said anything.

    Just stayed hide in the background working on the sounds until it was all done.

    Everyone that works on the mod is subject to suggestions and requests. Everyday I have players suggesting changes to my servers. Does that mean I have to abide by their suggestions? No, but the discussion is healthy, and in the end contributes for the betterment of my servers.

    One more time, welcome to the community, any and all help towards making this wonderful mod is greatly appreciated.


    I never said people couldn't make suggestions for TFC2. I'm just saying that there's just no point in bringing that up with me. It's pretty clear however where suggestions *are* meant to go on this forum and I invite everyone to do so there.



    Everyone that works on the mod is subject to suggestions and requests


    I think you're confusing my practical level of involvement with TFC2 with a condition *to* working on TFC2.


  7. Thanks Kittychanley.


    I should also point out that not all sounds I finish for TFC2 will always immediately be added to the current development build. I use recordings from both private and public domain sources, but even in the public domain it is considered a common courtesy to notify a foley artist beforehand that you are using their material, before re-publishing it in a different form. Sometimes they'll have it stated somewhere explicitly that you do not need to notify them if you want to use their work, or put everything they make under Creative Commons 0 (for instance if, like me, they are no longer recording new sounds and have withdrawn from the online community for some time). I will still send them a notification that I'm using their work, but I won't have to wait for a reply before I publish it to TFC2.


    This courtesy is mainly in effect so foley artists who release material in the public domain have some sense of where all their work ends up. On average about half the time it doesn't get in the way of republishing edited sounds immediately, the other half it can take up to a few weeks before I get a notification back. If the wait turns ridiculously long, which is rare but does happen, I'll find some other source sound to build from and start again.


    tl;dr - some delays are likely to happen.


  8. Bears in general are a bit misunderstood actually. Most are sort of peaceful and prefer flight over fight when encountering humans (though there's no question they would attack you back if you decided to wrestle one). There's this Norwegian survivalist called Lars Monsen who has had something like 100+ bear encounters over the course of his life, in Scandinavia as well as the Canadian wildernis. He always manages to scare the curious ones away and some of these encounters were filmed. He only had trouble with a polar bear who he killed after it tried to attack him while he was sleeping and a grizzly in Canada, who kept tracking him and wouldn't be shooed away until he heard a gunshot. Both subgenus are pretty known to be aggressive toward humans. Either way, Lars has a pretty strict policy never killing them.



  9. Winds whooshing noises at higher y cords?


    Just to clarify, I do not take requests from the community. I work directly for Bioxx. I am however open to feedback on sounds I made that have been added to the development build.


  10. Thanks, Terex. Yeah, MC can be a pretty quiet game. Some atmospheric sounds other than rain would have been nice. But hey, it looks like there are some Dutchies here. Hallo! I'm actually Dutch too, I just live in Norway. :lol:


  11. It felt a bit weird to be part of this community forum but not write in it, so here's an introductory post. My name is Tricky. I am a sound editor and I will be helping out with sound production for TFC2. I've done sound editing for many mods for different games in the past, going back 15 years or so. I'm just starting out now with TFC2, but if you have feedback about any of the new (or old) sounds in the TFC2 development build, I'd like to hear about it.


    Oh, one more thing. In spite of my best efforts, I've actually never been able to get the original TFC to run. That's OK though, I technically don't need to. I just want to help out because I greatly respect the type of gameplay TFC offers. Maybe I'll be able to get TFC or TFC2 to work at some point, maybe not. I just want to help out either way. But for the time being, it does mean that any questions about sound that relate specifically to gameplay should probably be directed at the devs first. Because I just don't... :wacko:


    That's all. ;)


    Important edit:


    I do not take requests for new sounds. Sound editing is time consuming work and I only have a bit of free time every weekend scheduled for Bioxx's requests. I am however open to feedback about sounds that were added to the development build of the game, especially since I cannot hear the endresult ingame myself. If you absolutely have to make a suggestion for a new sound, the suggestions subforum would probably be a better place for it. But I'm not going to read that because I'm not the one who decides what gets and doesn't get to be in the game. It's as simple as that. :lol:
