Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Anilo

  1. I would like to see TerrafirmaCraft2 actually very light as a mod more like API provider, most of the stuff defined in configs. If you do a very heavy mod and trying to figure out and add every item in the mod in the code directly, it will become not very manageable. Most of the stuff is already created, drawn or coded. The magic is to pawn a road to the community to add, create, enable, backport all sorts of mods to TFC without breaking logic. And if it will be easy enough it could create a more thriving world. TFC2 should add more logic to TFC1 existing items. Like forge, let melt custom ores.
    TFC won by adding mechanism and logic, like smelting in forge, clay forming, food preparation creates basics and let's community add what do with them.

    Let's add more stuff even for core TFC through configs.

    maybe in a structure like 

    configs/TFC2/custom/crops/crops.json (when the time they bloom, what are the pictures, what biome, what a chance, randomisation pattern etc)

    Similar for ores and foods (without staging)




    id: terrafirmacraft:naquadah_ore

    pattern of occurance:  rare (some logic as abdudance,very rare, normal, as_copper (pattern as copper, and next to copper veins etc))
    inventory_image: path_to_ore_in_inventory
    world_image: path_to_ore_in_world




    obtainable: { [{terrafirmacraft:naquadah_ore, value:80},{terrafirmacraft:silver_ore, value:20}]} //you will get ingot by smelting some ores by ID and thier percentage as amount

    inventory_image: path_to_ingot_in_inventory
    double_ingot: path_to_double_ingot_image
    smeltable_values: {is: boolean, yellow:integer,orange:integer,red:integer, liquid:integer}
    workable: { is: boolean, value: integer} 
    weldable: { is: boolean, value: integer} 



    I would add few more:

    Custom crops (for every type of bean, and let awful onion :) be pluggable through easy drag-drop config)

    Custom clay/knapping forming patterns: for more various stuff

    Custom food (like cakes, pies, cookies, soups, dishes of all sorts, what kind of combination of harvested food creating what)

    Imagine easy cauldron above firepit where you can actually cook an ordinary vegetable soup :), not just salads and sandwitches, oven for cakes, grill?

    Custom Ores and minerals, definitely custom ores as was mentioned (even for naquadah like Stargate/Lantanea mod) + custom ingots

    Custom armors: it would be nice to finally add some "survivalcraft" logic (it's ios/android game), to have some clothes and add basic environmental factors like cold, freezing, heat, heatstroke.
    You don't need to implement diseases if it too hard, just not let a player run naked in the snow biome, it will hurt if the warm index of the body is below some value etc.


