Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Rangendio

  1. All craft recipes have been made. 


    If you want a stargate you need at least $64,000 in game cash just because the parts take coins to make it. also cost you $500 per thing of fuel for it. So they  can be used but most will rather use the trains / boats / airship before using a gate.


    Everything else is going good. Everyone seems to be helping everyone else and already 4 ships built on the server.


  2. remove the minimap from your sever's mod folder.

    " cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lreifnsk/minimap/ReiMinimap "

    Says reiminimap right there is your issue.


    also you can see it says 

        UE  ReiMinimap{1.7.10} [Rei's Minimap] (Reis-Minimap-Mod-1.7.10.jar)

    the UE means it threw an error.



  3. Server's last and final mod pack is now synced with FTB launcher. Will be creating recipes for missing items in next few days. been playing legitly working on my new town place so been busy but one winter hits in game ill have nothing to do being I'm a farmer so I'll do it then. so should be in about 2 days. noticed seasons are lasting for about 2-3 days in game just now late summer. Hopefully this balances out the food not having decay.


  4. Greetings, So I want to make a custom addon for Waterhollow just I don't code anymore so figured I would put this idea out on the forums and maybe someone would make it and release to public. If this is the wrong section for this sorry and please move the topic to the correct area.

    Basic concept is players will have a chance to be randomly allergic to certain foods which will be selected when they first join the world. Eatting that food will cause an effect to happen depending on players allergy type.

    ====allergy type | Side effect====

     mild  - nausea debuff for 20 secs

    normal - nausea debuff for 1 min, slowness 1 min, weakness 1 min

    deadly -  wither type debuff 5 min, slowness 5 min, nausea 5 min, weakness 5 min


    Useful config settings:

    Min number of allergies per player

    Max number of allergies per player

    Chance to get an allergy 1 out of X

    Command for OP to add/remove/edit type allergies on a player either selected or just a new random one (would be a nice punishment for those who break some of the smaller non harmful rules on the server)



  5. Well I fixed the bugs I was trying to fix or at least  I think I have it fixed lol. No more duplicated items hopefully.... I'm removing a lot of stuff from the mod pack and adding some other things just to get this working how I like it.  Also playing with the TFC configs a bit like lowering the chasm and i'm liking the world a lot more this way.

    Server will have a new mod pack ill upload soon and once again wait for FTB to sync it to the launcher. This will be the final pack I'm making so please do not ask me to add any other mods.

    Things removed - to much to list just wait for new mod list to come out lol


  6. it was pvp but not raiding based. I was trying to set it up so only way to steal stuff was to find them in game kill them and take their inventory. So it's not as bad as losing your whole base. Just people started to go around the mod protection system or using glitches from other mods to exploit the game and raid / grief. When I tried my best to make it so this wasn't possible. Idk if i'll make another server or what. I might just go back to fallout 4 for a few months. 

     I don't like raiding even in Vanilla servers. The whole thing where you log in and people steal your stuff or destroy it without you having a chance to protect it is bull. I always preferred a system like I was trying to set up so you can only steal stuff by pvp and yet you could hide in your house and be protected from pvp. Just wasn't possible to have this set up right with pure forge. I might go back to a Cauldron server or Themos if I do make another TFC server. Just need left those because of some bugs that would duplicate stuff and a few other bugs that would just annoy me.



  7. the server is still staying up, just been having some pc issues and been busy a lot lately. The other server you are hearing about it just that another server that isnt TFC so i wont talk about it here. The TFC server will still be running. Also I'm working on getting the mods more powers it just a bunch of stuff i got a do and alittle time lol. Actually its far from being abandon new players are still joining it. 

    I'm also looking for some type of mod that i can blacklist clients with mods from a list from joining to help with hackers.


    also i keep turning fire spread off but it keeps getting back on some how...



  8. Hmm its working now people are using the launcher for the new pack.

    ------------------Server Update Log ------------------------------

    Due to major lag from animals plus, it and weather mod have been removed. You can remove them from your client or leave them it doesnt matter really, less buggy if you remove them. Follow list is the files that was removed after the pack was released (animals plus, weather2, coroutil,MobProperties,JustAnotherSpawner,Hide Names) 

    All of those mods are broken in some way with the current server and are now gone.

    What was added with mod pack

    Dynamic lights

    Hardcore darkness based on moon phase

    modtweaker and recipes for all items which needed recipes.

    Small boats mod (not sure if they are working or not they seemed broken to me but i could be using them wrong lol mod was requested by server players)

    smart moving 

    Also fixed streams which was broken just they only spawn in new chunks so gotta go far from everyone.



    So looking for people to come live near me off far to the east / south east of spawn around 10k away. found a nice area with streams and stuff. Just need people closer for trading lol. Closest person now is about 5,500 blocks away.






  9. 58 minutes ago, JustSoni said:

    Rangendio archimedes' ships will be nice here.

    To easy to grief with that mod. I've done it on other servers by making large enough balloons with a little arm that goes way out and land outside of someones claim make the balloon arm touch someones home recompile ship and then fly away with said person home. 

    We do have the airship from Traincraft just need to create a recipe for it and the other train stuff.


  10. Everyone please look at first post again. Major server changes about to happen. Server will be going down today for these changes and others will be able to join as soon as the mod pack is approved. Unless you want to manually install the mod pack then hit me up on the new server discord channel posted on the first topic and I can help you get all the files you need.


    Server has been changed those wanting to join must wait for mod pack to be approved. Also I'll just leave this here. 


    Physics test video


  11. 11 minutes ago, skinnyty said:

    I'm excited to try this out! It looks like you have put a lot of work into this, and based on the posts it is going well! 

    Idk if you are looking at the poll anymore or if it matters, but it looks like towny pulled ahead in the last minute. Not that it really matters. 

    I support those mods. Usually I'm not a fan of emotes because they seem gimmicky to me, but I suppose it could work on a server like this. If a culture kind of formed around them where certain emotes were signs of peace or respect, and others of challenge or warning.

    The parent mod is kinda weird, but so long as the other chores are discouraged I don't see how it could hurt anything. If nothing else it will make for a more realistic environment. 

    NPCs are unnecessary, but so long as they don't cause problems I don't see why not. Genders are fine, although we may be disappointed by our undiverse demographic. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. 


    Edit: The more I think about the family mod, the more I like it, especially in a political setting. It would be really cool if you could use the /tags system to make tags for "families" sort of like clans, so you could know even if they were in a different faction that person has a political/family connection to another family/clan. That it if there is some other plugin to add clan names. 

    Hope to see you in game.  

    I will admit the emote mod has some stupid emotes in it but I can see the wave and salutes being used also some of the dance ones due to the real radio streams in game via jukebox cart.

    And like I said I will disable all chores so only thing your kids can do is walk around and talk to the players. Also when you have a child you get to name it therefore you can give it a tag by just adding it to its name. Not sure if you can rename the grandchildren if 2 npcs happen to marry. Might check to see if I can disable it so only players can marry each other or the npcs children of other players. Not allowing npcs to marry other npcs the population kind of explodes when you let them breed on their own.

    Gender mod might surprise you. There are female players on the server already. I know this because of voice chat.

    --------------------------------- Another Server Update ----------------------------------

    Removing the /ah today and adding the coin shop(economy to coin / coin to economy) at spawn this will promote players to build Merchant stalls.

    Found a bug where factions claims have to be connected still. Going to look into this and fix it ASAP.

    Decided Players will be able to buy steam engines from the shop and other train carts and will be allowed to build their own rail systems.(found out default bucket makes all TFC water become default water which is needed to make the steam engines run)



  12. During the 5 hours my pc was dead today(from powercable short) wanting to get back on the server I was thinking about adding a few more small mods to the pack. Nothing large but I would think would add a nice addition to the server since some major changes are coming. But I will talk to players and let them decide.

    --------- Server Change Update----------------

    I have decided to keep factions for the claiming system and allow raiding, But MobGriefing and powderkegs are disabled. I am also going to disable fire spread too many forests/homes have been burnt already. Therefor the only way to raid now is to kill the members of the faction you wish to raid enough times and then claim over their land. What this means is in order to fully protect your stuff all you need is a room with default door that has a [Private] Sign on it. As long as your faction power is greater than the amount of land your faction owns your stuff will be protected.

    I will be making the Dynmap public at spawn

    I will be removing the /tpa and /tpahere commands, leaving /spawn, /home(1 per player), /f home commands.


    Mods might be added and what they are and my reason on adding. Need to talk to players about it first and get their ideas on it.

    Gender mod - Very simple mod that allows player to select male or female gender and set player model to said gender. Reason I would like it is because more realism.

    Custom Npcs - Very Complex NPC/Quest/shop system - I know most of you are against npcs in TFC. But I only want to use these npcs as the shop keepers and mail system around spawn. I will also be setting up a few small quest with them to reward the /tags we have in game. This way if you want the farmer tag you will need to bring a npc 1 of each seed or something. Just figured it would be a better way to do shops then just a sign on the wall. I might also build a large ship at spawn with a npc that will warp you for so much money to another Spawn town built in the southern hemisphere. also adds a few things of furniture I will sell at spawn.

    Emotes - It adds emotes like /emote wave. Reason I want it It adds emotes like /emote wave.

    A marriage/kids mod - You pick your gender once again on this mod and you select what you are into male or females or both. Then you can marry other players and have NPC children which can only be used as mules to carry stuff and follow you around. Since I will be disabling the rest of the children's chores. After a while they will grow into adults and marry either other players or other npc children who have grown into adults. Reason I would like to add this is I would love to see people use it as a Royal Blood line and use it in an RP way. Marry your daughter off to another faction leader to become allies. 

