Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by rhodance


    IGN: Sammeh48

    Age: 17

    Why this server?: Simply it sounds amazing, and also I just cannot find any other TFC server to my liking.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: 


    Interests: Gaming, sports and gaming with others if that counts?

    Something about myself: I am Sam however hard to piss off, if I do get pissed off I will be pissed badly.

    I like co-op play I am not too good at TFC and I hope that the community will help me get better.






    IGN: Dan456

    Age: 15 (yes i know this server is 18 plus, but i'm not a 12 year old Cod racist)

    Why this server?: I played on your Pvp server for a while, and although i really liked it but wanted to play with other people.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests:I really like to trade and build giant warehouses, I play TFC because it adds in resource scarcity which allows for more dynamic trade to occur. I also like to build houses and cave bases.


    Edit - If you want to know about me as a person i'm in high school and i like science and math ... A lot.





    IGN: benibond

    Age: 18

    Why this server?: Because I like TFC and SmartMoving and I've already met a few people on TS

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I would like to build a village with people and make a little community. I hope people will come, this mod is better with others





    IGN: tonniedekiller

    Age: 19

    Why this server?:  i want to play multiplayer to talk and enjoy the community of the server, i also want to join the server becouse i want to learn something from FTC.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I like to hang out with friends, i also like playing minecraft/tfc and watch mindcrack. 





  3. Thanks for the response. The activity might be a little too light for my taste (last TFC server I played on had 20+ players on at a time), however I bet a smaller more local group will more entertaining. And the teamspeak is a plus. ^_^This is the Dynamic Light mod: this update coming out, having a lit torch in hand helping guide you in the dark mines as you relight the old burnt out torches would have a nice feel to it. It's probably gonna be something I'll do.


    Also, mind putting a few links on the main page for the correct mod versions the server is using?But here is my info:

    IGN: defiler86Age: 27Why this server?: Looking for a calm mature server, that's not too modded from TFC.About me: A laid back person that enjoys sandbox gaming in my downtime. Besides gaming in my down time, a big fan of boardgaming, RPGs, and drawing.


  4. Thanks for the response. The activity might be a little too light for my taste (last TFC server I played on had 20+ players on at a time), however I bet a smaller more local group will more entertaining. And the teamspeak is a plus. ^_^This is the Dynamic Light mod: this update coming out, having a lit torch in hand helping guide you in the dark mines as you relight the old burnt out torches would have a nice feel to it. It's probably gonna be something I'll do.


    Also, mind putting a few links on the main page for the correct mod versions the server is using?But here is my info:

    IGN: defiler86Age: 27Why this server?: Looking for a calm mature server, that's not too modded from TFC.About me: A laid back person that enjoys sandbox gaming in my downtime. Besides gaming in my down time, a big fan of boardgaming, RPGs, and drawing.



    IGN: Vechora

    Age: 26Why this server?: I've been dabbling around in TFC again recenty, but it feels really odd without other players around to "trade" or "build" with. The mod itself seems very tuned to SMP. I've played TFC before also on servers but back then (lets say 1,5 years?) most servers didn't use a whitelist and almost all of them were pvp raid enabled monstrosities.

    Why specificly this server would have to be the fact that you have a whitelist and have a long running time, stability is nice to have in a server. Also having the only additional mod to TFC being optional is a bonus. 

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: For minecraft SMP I've always wanted to provide something for the server, wich in vanilla is "hard" to do given the simple fact that you can do anything within a few hours of playing. In TFC this is less so the case and would like to help out "supplying" whatever is needed or lend a helping hand with building/resource gathering. Other than that I am a pretty shy and calm person, after the ice breaks you won't be able to shut me up though.



  6. And why was it me how do you Dutch and Sugar know that is was me??? I love the server and i dont take anything it was just the first time i joined because of my brother but i dont take anything!!! I dont like anything that isnt on this server anymore because this server is the best one



    I love this server and i dont take anything i have a brother and i when i checked around 7.30 pm (German time) nothing was in my house then i wasnt online anymore



    I realy didnt take anything and my brother doesnt even get on my computer anymore and when he does i check every 5min that he isnt playing terrafirmacraft



    And let me at least check if this is right  just let me on for 5 min and go on the server with me so that you can see i dont have anything in my invetory and in my house



    dude. just chill. nothing is going to get resolved until i get home this evening. in like another 10 hours.



    IGN: Charismaticfly

    Age: 19Why?: I can not host my own server and i want to be able to play with others but at the same time be able to build on my own so that way i am able to show what i build and see others build. I got interested in the game after watching "EthosLab" on youtube and i have been looking for a good server to play on  since he started posting his videos, this being a server for an 18+ i feel that i would be able to build and communicate with others easier.




  8. Dear Rhodance,


    GeldscheinLp has stolen from us..again. This time he took my steel anvil, 19 copper ingots, 4 black bronze ingots, 3 steel ingots, 13 gold ingots, 2 rose gold, 7 silver, 4 sterling silver, 10 nickel, 5 tin, 8 zinc and not counting the amount or coal and charcoal thats gone. This guy has stolen what i have worked on for the past months. This isn't the first time that he has stolen. He takes ingots without asking or telling. He uses up all the coal, flux, ingot molds, and tools (hammer) without doing anything in return. Oh and surprise surprise..he now has 7 blue steel ingots in his house and who knows what more in his inventory and tools. He has stolen from us continuously and it is now too much.


    Apart from the stealing he does more. He keeps annoying everyone by commanding them and asking for this and that. He never takes no for an answer and completely screws up the landscape that we have been working on. Just a reminder, this was the same guy that stole about 10 steel ingots in the beginning, claiming it was his brother, even though he doesn't have one. (he told us that a couple of times)


    If this isn't enough reason to remove him from the server (or town) then I could ask my friend, patriotic_sugar to make a forum account and reply to this too.

    What we want is him to be banned and to get a refund of the things that are missing as this just isn't fair and very frustrating.


    Sincerely, DutchMitchell & Patriotic_sugar



    im sorry to hear that. I have removed him from the whitelist. please drop me a pm with the coords of your base, and i will drop the stuff off for you.


  9. I was lagg free this morning, so I decided to test my luck and go to the city again.... Now I have the lagg again and I cant actually move anymore, everytime I walk I away, I dc and get ported back to that same spot in town... ohhh the frustration......='(

    ---my administrator, Tobias, asks that you join the enjin site so he can message you there.

  10. I think it will be awsome when you can do that and i want to ask if you can make a plugin so that you can lock your dorrs and then nobody can break the blooks of your house when you do a command 



    *points at self* not a chance of me making a plugin.


    i have an awesome admin who is helping me install that type of thing on a test server right now, so we will see how it goes.


  11. Rhodance thank you for the present in the town and i have a idea for a plugin on the server so that you have some kind of money so that i can rent the house that i have for money like copper coins are the worst then comes iron coins and then gold coin wich are the best and someone only is alowed to make them (like you) and everyone gets like 50 copper coins 10 iron coins and 5 gold coin and you can sell things so that you get more money like a bank 



    i will think about the economy plugin. right now, you can always take it in trade. it would be hard to enforce anything without a land claiming plugin, like factions or towny, to define the areas.


    i hope to see even more builds soon.


  12. This entirely


    TFC used to have a large PvP base, but since minecraft itself has changed to mainly 9-12 year olds,It has lost all of it's popularity. PvP just makes them screech and cry, which pisses server owners off to no end, and having 50 autistic kids screaming that everything is too hard, or the guy who killed them is a "Haxxor" is something nobody wants to see or hear, which murders any true community that comes into existence. Some PvP servers do start and get decently popular, but over time the older players grow bored and play other games, leaving only the autistic children who then cry to remove PvP, and it becomes yet another shithole. It's a sad fact of minecraft now, and mods are not spared, I feel there's no point in multiplayer, unless it's with friends or family.


    i will probably be standing a new pvp server up with the new version... so if you want to wait that long...


  13. No problem no problem as long as Im able to play in the future , It might be a problem on my end though, I just deid because of that lagg, and I have the same problems at my home now... so strange, I played a lot this morning and everythign was okay till I went to town :P now my home is ifected aswell!


    that sounds like it is a client issue... have you tried restarting your computer/reinstalling minecraft?


    when i get home, i can copy your cords from you player file and try it out on my own computer to see if i get it too.


  14. Still the same error, It only started happening this bad as soon as I entered a town for the first time, are some of the towns known to make people crash?


    they shouldn't be. the only TFC items that cause that are things like flower pots and armor stands, and you can only get those in creative (which i am the only one with, and have thoroughly learned my lesson at spawn). it could just be we have a bad chunk right there that will need to be fixed.


    im at work right now, and i do not have the ability to fix things like that on my phone :/


  15. Hmm I am having soem trobule conencting to the server today, it allows me to log in, but I am unable to chat or openchest and after 45-ish seconds I get trown out with the message connection lost end of stream.


    Any thing I can do?




    im looking into it now. i will let you know.



    try to log in. i just did the easiest of the fixes for your issue. buffer.overflow errors have a LOT of causes. :/


  16. I think my house got nuked in the server problems last night.  I had a comfy little hobbit-hole at 14644, -14723.  Now it's just...gone.  All my handiwork and possessions just vanished, and the terrain looks like I was never there.  But the giant sequoia I accidentally cut down is back, so I got that goin' for me, which is nice.


    Or maybe it was all just a dream....submit your conspiracy theories and we'll have a contest.  Winner gets a half-eaten loaf of barley bread.


    sorry about that. i didnt think anyone built that close to spawn. that is only like 100 blocks from where most people drop in.
