Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. Destroy the picture above you

    Well let me see you destory-ing infinity (this is proof you can't destroy time ) (and yes mister bean is still alive )
  2. Ask the person below you

    42 Well i do... (IDK about amrcans ..xD ..) What is a read boat?
  3. Ask the person below you

    I don't know the man/woman behind the name ..(sorry) (Well its most likeley tat cavemen used functions first then numbers ,its confusing ....because functions are the things that modern people know the least ...and functions are the thing cavemen knew the most .. it just shows that math isn't just about calculating and numbers but also thought ...the real thought ...not the thought people see in it like five times five is 25 so 25 divided by 5 is 5....but well....real......thinking ...math is brain building ...if you know how to think not how to expect...) What evs...xD What is the capitol of Russia? (read cavemen as the folowing) cavemen=first sensible human beings that had reached a certain technological level(cattle, bronze...) This post is to long and goes past the forums (especially of a game) so i won't continue writing about this ...if you are interested do your own research..or something xD....i just keep asking awkward questions and correcting the answers ..i hope i'l stop ;D XD XD IDK IDK IDK xD xD xD xD
  4. Destroy the picture above you

    Now you know nothing can harm this guy so why even try
  5. Poetrey section

    A page about Poetry who is the wiser ? I proclame this a fun energieser ..... Poetry everyone come get your poetrey .... Alright post <poetry> of anything of the sort (jokes , riddles , universal thoughts , what he said : ) And so on ... this is a page in witch you wrrite the things that fall to mind , for your fun and ours , lets not root our brain , lets have some creative world play .... (this might fail miserablly)
  6. Ask the person below you

    no ... there are worms , and ants and elephatnts ,bannanas.... What did the caveman use first ? Functions(math functions (relations)) or numbers ?
  7. Poetrey section

    The winds are breaking the thought , The shivers go to my timber's The weather changes at midnight the tide comes and goes the thoughts die and live again just to die this is a lost soul, what happened and happens to give such a soul so much panic that one does not know if his hearth and head are in his body or at his toes? Well .. have you ever danced with the devil on monlight....? The silence is there it might break but it will come back , and gone and back to the soul? This will end. The soul will move on , he is the prisoner of his own mind he has the choice , he can forget ,his mind is his warden..... (ty ) (This is just something for fun , of course you can make joke poetrey and " what-not " i didn't mean the IRL poetrey , but you can if you wan't , im not stoppin' xD)
  8. Ask the person below you

    sorry , don't know .. cows or flying pigs
  9. Name Me!

    You should inded !
  10. Ask the person below you

    Anything that happens in nature a part of nature being a part of nature it follows the laws of nature ... even thought it might not be thinkable now it will be in the future ..Magic is advanced technology!There could be an accident and people could mistake the cause ....cmon now we know that objects have a chance of passing through walls ! We know many things that were once unthinkable....but we still don't know everything .Natures laws can change thats why the universe evolves ...from space to space...making everything possible everywhere at any time over the wast space! xxxxxx it . Alright moving on! Beer or vine ?
  11. 7 word story

    Plates : we shall not fail you master! (TY! for me to figure out....why do i even have them..xD)
  12. Ask the person below you

    Anime Lets create an overly complicated post for no apperant reasson! Kilster for your upper question : Well our brains can comprehend it and our brains use the mathematical engine a way... and everything else in the wold can be described using physics engines (that use mathematics) so everything ur brains can describe a persona then you can described a persona... our brains are like computers right ? Computers use math , we use math in a way (we use it by pshysical proceses ,but the math is still hidden in the hemical reactions and protons and electrons that create our body and brain that cause us to think ..probably...) to describe things ,so folowing that we can intern describe everything ,as i said in some way... our brain procesess that lead us to conclude what is "add subject of investigation here" using math some thanks to that we can describe the persona by describing every single atoms possition in the time from the begining(the beginging is because we judge some cases thanks to our lifes experience) of our life to the phase when we comprehended what a persona is .... so that is the answer to mine and your question So my previous question stand... How do you know Mathematics cannot describe the process of summoning a Persona ? (Dead end Huhg ...xD) or ...if you don't know... Butter or Chease...
  13. Name Me!

    What do you do when the cops come for you ? (Necro gank cmon lets drag it atleast to the next page and then lets make it a grave at the 20th page!) Necro zombie police pigmen! and shoot lasers out of my eyes at everyone!
  14. 7 word story

    because the plates are in the sky! (just a quick question !please! answer (what are these magical warning points i have ? i noticed them just now ...xD i am so sorry im interupting this game!)
  15. Ask the person below you

    No How do you know Mathematics cannot describe the process of summoning a Persona ?
  16. Crack a joke

    Le me joining internet chat... Me :Hello!Me :Who's there!Server: DiscoMe :Disco who ?Server :Disconnectedle me procede in ultimate rage ..... Its a little corny ,i know....
  17. Destroy the picture above you

    Nothing beats Mother Russia....
  18. Last comment wins

    Live long and prosper ...! Now let us devise an ingenious plan!
  19. Ask the person below you

    Why ? (mathematical answer is needed (please describe every path to that formula you devised))
  20. 7 word story

    Where are mountains born and also die?(poetrey aproach ... you don't have to answer it ,for the sake of the game (don't wanna kill it xD))
  21. Last comment wins

    Why does a french perssone cook them ? Anti-fry activated, preparation of frying everything ,except moi, engade ! Fry all the people!
  22. Last comment wins

    Who likes potatoes?
  23. Last comment wins

    Word y'all!
  24. Last comment wins

    Nice try obvious try is obvious ... i''ve read the rulles The last comment wins , but ill gladeley accept victory if there was a new rule in this topic that says that Krski wins
  25. Last comment wins

    I've heard that you don't know what to type ......