Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. Name Me!

    Will there bee a sixth age ? I do not know ...and that's confusing , but what is more confusing is why are people scared to comment . I myself would write a couple of threads that (ofcourse) i think should happen in TFC , but the main problem is time , i am just too busy to create a thread ... maybe ill just post a thread with some ideas ..... Sorry all , with the dissapearence of the "veterans" TFC forums haven't had a decent topic (excepting some relatively nice ones) and the "necromancers"(who aperantley lost they're touch... )haven't succseded that much in " CPR "... We shall see what happens next , but till then ......well just have to breath on our gills for now.... *Krski fires the anti-depresive coated rocket preppeled bunny at the forums water supply .....
  2. 7 word story

    went and killed a zoo with " marzapan "
  3. 7 word story

    a joke , you shall die in the
  4. Name Me!

    Look!He is doing fllips ! YAY ! ¬Derail Derail Derail Alarm ¬Derail Derail necromancy Alarm ¬ Derail !!!!!!!! The thread is alive!!!!!!!(Or are those just nerves thingling xmmmmm.........) (This beauty of a derail deserves to keep going ! It has been entertaining .) (¬Krski out ..... For now .....)
  5. Monopoly Card

    You used dinosaur DNA to create "Nano Bill Gates"(logic gates using DNA ,with the scientist humor addon ) Create the internet !! And write your name in the book of history as the man ressposible for mass addictions and the economic crisys , also help the cow to get to the bottom of the ocean , where it can eat every fish in the sea From all of those things you gain the nickname of : SirLunatic
  6. 7 word story

    (me evil ? NOOOOO!!!! I should never had touched that crystal orb!) with a maniacs laughter , he was
  7. 7 word story

    story that started like this : once upon
  8. Last comment wins

    Right ?
  9. Dreams and Farewells

    *Sigh Farewell.... S.
  10. Last comment wins

    Why do you think you would win ? We wouldn't want that now would we xD
  11. Last comment wins

    Feels like he can do something creative with the fabric of time , he cuts every part of the universe away from him by disconecting a thread of the fabric of time surrounding him so that he cannot be bothered for ethernity , no one can get to him in any time past or present he exists but cannot be seen or sensed t , the one writing in the the story of space and toying with his peons ... for eons ... Makes the guitar of time and playes the song of ethernithy hypnotizing every living being to do his will , you sshallll obey ..... Finally stfu and lets empty space go its way...
  12. 5 word story

    Killed the story , the end .
  13. Last comment wins

    Krski > Becomes time , and slowely starts freezying everything in the dark void of space such as nothing except him exists . Sda , no you haven't erased logic itself some universes have different laws of nature (also diferent dimesions) .... since we don't know in witch one this is taking place ..... I'm back P.S. in ours zero divided by zero is zero...
  14. Whispers #1

    10,000 aardvarks manly tossed ants with a giant slingshot
  15. Ask the person below you

    I like things ! But my coup might be half empty .... What do you prefer sciece or literacy ?
  16. Name Me!

    Why has this been raised from the dead so much to be killed again we need a "random trainwreck" topic in here or the forum games xD
  17. Quantum computers

    What are your guys thoughts on quantum computers ? I am afraid that someone will code them with a base program for true human inteligance and they might evolve beyond us ,,,, I really hope that we have a future .... So what are your thoughts P.S. one is in production by GOOGLE and the other one in some canadian company , while the U.S. scientists have created a network 2 years ago. So don't have to search if you are too lazy http://computer.hows...a-computer3.htm Also what about DNA computers ? Are we them ?
  18. WOW Bioshock

    JUST wow .... ive played it recently (it and the infinite) and i just got stoned when i saw the multyverse theory xD have any of you played this game and what do you think of the scenario plausible or not and how do you explain it ?
  19. Vegetarian TFC

    Well the water idk if it is considered but the food is just the grass they eat of the dirt , protection for cattle and domesticated animals from wild ones will be necesary with the ongoing wild predators if i hear it right for the Dunk . The domestication of animals will alow you too breed them only when they are domesticated , they will reproduce but only when they want to and you could have no control over them except mating seasons , also they would attack the player to protect they're self and their chilldren if not tamed , the taiming will be a long proces , if i am not mistaking i thinks that they already said that somwhere on some posts . Sorry for writing erors and non logical sentances im really tired xD
  20. 1up

    Wow you showed my cousin Sherley the true meaning of terror , too bad so sad xD *Tazers kilster and sets up an airplane crash into the sea with him tazered and aboard .
  21. Ask the person below you

    No wrong , wrong , wrong xD (But still not bad for the music you provided i like it xD) The music of life is the music your atoms give away as vibrations and heat throught the air , when you are dead then you are cold when you are cold and then you are dead , after death the music silences , when you are active the music blooms and brightens , everything according to you're life and taste xD
  22. 1up

    Still alive you pesky Tortoise xD You can't ever get rid of me xD Drinks invisibility pot xD
  23. 1up

    Well then it is very fortunate i am not affected by space of this dimension in any way ... hmhmhmhmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh
  24. Quantum computers

    I guess the brain is not a quantum computer ,we have a binary way of thinking that we use to define things and remember and make the trought that is common sense using other parts of our brain not one single cell to remember , and this would work on the quantum scale but the neurons and matter in our brain seems not to be coded in such a way , we really don't know , we might have uncovered a new subject or i am stupid ..... In either way canging your brain would lead to a different person if the brain was modified in many regions .
  25. Quantum computers

    No you missunderstood , and i just can't explain ....