Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Darvin

  1. Very interesting idea, but in TFC there are no corresponding problems for which these ideas could be implemented. It follows that, in addition to ideas about innovations, it is necessary to work out problems. What is MineCraft? Sounds like a game about a mining craft, and with almost no displayed problems associated with mining operations. And if TFC barely realized the collapse, then there is everything else. Namely:

    - Filling the mines with dust and gases, forcing the hold ventilation. From the use of natural draft (which did additional vertical holes in the course of the mine) to the use of fans. What dangers threaten in the mine without ventilation – fire, explosion of gas and dust. Health is also very harmful or deadly.
    - Filling the mines with groundwater, forcing to install pumps for pumping. If this is not done, the mine will be flooded quickly. 
    - High temperature. The deeper the mine, the higher her temperature. This leads to further cool the supplied air. 
    - Lighting. The game has this problem, but the solution in a fireproof torches doubtful. In TFC there are lamps, but their service is time-consuming. You need to enter other types of lamps operating on different fuels. This will give us an alternative choice.

    This is a real problem and, even in simplified form, but they can be implemented in the game. You need to think like. And if there are problems, then you will need the input of various devices, items, and communications to solve these problems.

    While the game does not have the difficulties with the transportation of rocks. The character in your inventory (count in your pocket) can carry tons of rock. It would be so in reality :) But limiting it, will be a need for wheelbarrows, carts, conveyors and rail transport, as well as the strength that is set in motion.

    Another issue that is poorly represented in the game, but is one of the main is the strength of the rocks. With a pick of course you can dig, but only soft rock. For example, coal, chalk, rock salt you can still dig, but such as granite, quartzite, basalt and the like will be problematic. In TFC poorly implemented mining method using explosives and implemented other ways. Yes, there is a barrel of gunpowder. Use it with a small amount of gunpowder, ineffective and time consuming. With the maximum amount of gunpowder is the destruction of rocks from the explosion of the atomic bomb. In this case lost a significant portion of this breed. For fun might be okay, but for production is not effective. In addition, on servers it is often prohibited. Of course, servers don't want it used against players. But it is impossible to put an end to drilling and blasting method of development of the breed. Its objective should be to facilitate fracture of rocks when laying long tunnels and mining. At least by using a directed explosion (not effective) or blast hole method.


  2. How to adjust damage on the server? Now damage from burning, floodings, falling, etc. as in vanilla. Or it is a bug?


    Problem only on the server, in single everything is normal


    TFC 79.22 Forge v10.13.4.1448


  3. To add opportunity to combine some different blocks in one, with possibility of their detailed processing. It will allow to create interesting and realistic designs. In an example on the picture, width of a wall turns out in two blocks is a lot of. At the same time it is impossible to place the corresponding home decoration near a wall. 


    To add opportunity to process glass also as a stone or a tree.


    Posted Image


  4. Please remember to follow rule #3 of the servers forum and update your topic title to contain the version of TFC that the server is currently running. You can do so by editing the OP, and then clicking on "Use Full Editor."




    здарова,я не много говорю по рускии,Могу  я играть на ваш сервер?




  5. 1. Wick.

    To add a wick for activation of barrels with gunpowder. The wick lights up from an flint, firestarter or a torch. Each block of a wick burns certain time (for example, 3 tics) then sets fire to the next blocks of a wick. It is created from paper and gunpowder. To remove Redstone.



    2. Change of a Minecart.

    To add to a Minecart visually and functionally two levers. One for a speed set, the second for braking. To make a Minecart transferable only on a back (as a barrel or an anvil). To remove power rails.



    3. To add creation of a barrel with gunpowder for the directed explosion (a new subject). Creation from a barrel and sheets of metal a special barrel in which it is possible to place only gunpowder. Its explosion has to have the certain direction specified by a marker on the party of a barrel.


    I don't speak English, the translator used. 


  6. Запущен сервер



    Сервер на 60 слотов. Регулярно делаем обновления.

    Ссылка на наш сайт:

    Ссылка на нашу вики:Заглавная_страница


    Вход свободный, игра свободная. Ломать чужие постройки не приветствуется. Играйте с друзьями, объединяйтесь с другими игроками, стройте города, используйте инструментарий TFC и создавайте грандиозные постройки.


    Сервер работает с 10.2012. Мы стремимся чтобы карта существовала как можно дольше, но некоторые Build не поддерживают предыдущие версии. Однако, мы используем одно зерно генерации мира, поэтому рельеф местности остается прежним (если на это не влияют изменения в новом Build), также остаются прежними рецепты блюд.


    Тут можно посмотреть наши постройки на предыдущей карте



    The server is started



    The server on 60 slots. Regularly we do updatings.

    Link to our site:

    Link to ours of wiki:Заглавная_страница


    Free admission, game free. To break others constructions it isn't welcomed. Play with friends, unite with other players, build the cities, use the TFC tools and create grandiose constructions.


    The server works with 10.2012. We aspire that the card existed as it is possible more long, but some Build don't support the previous versions. However, we use one grain of generation of the world therefore the relief of the district remains the same (if it isn't influenced by changes in a new Build), also there are former recipes of dishes.


    Here it is possible to look at our constructions on the previous card


  7. one more mistake, it isn't clear because of what.

    the player traveled all over the world and at an entrance to this chunk crashes the server.

    2013-01-23 19:51:21 [sEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception t

    t: Exception getting block type in world

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(

    at ho.r(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(



    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenCaveDecor.generate(

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(

    at im.a(

    at zz.a(

    at im.c(

    at im.d(

    at yc.e(

    at yc.a(

    at yc.g(

    at TFC.Blocks.BlockGrass.b(

    at in.g(

    at in.b(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(

    ... 4 more

    2013-01-23 19:51:21 [sEVERE] This crash report has been saved to: /var/TFCraft/./crash-reports/crash-2013-01-23_19.51.21-server.txt


  8. When cutting Sequoia occurs crash. Help.

    MC 1.4.6


    TFC 75

    2013-01-20 22:35:36 [SEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception NoClassDefFoundErrorjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: lat a.<init>( a.a( yc.m( yc.h( yc.f( yc.e( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.scanLogs( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.ProcessTree( TFC.Blocks.BlockLogNatural.a( ir.b( ir.a( iv.a( ei.a(SourceFile:46)at cg.b( iv.d( iw.b( ht.b(SourceFile:30)at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( ho.r( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( 22:35:36 [INFO] Stopping server2013-01-20 22:35:36 [INFO] Saving players2013-01-20 22:35:36 [INFO] Saving worlds2013-01-20 22:35:36 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'world'/DEFAULT2013-01-20 22:35:36 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'world'/Nether2013-01-20 22:35:36 [INFO] Saving chunks for level 'world'/The End2013-01-20 22:35:40 [INFO] Stopping server
