Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by psychocannon

  1. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    OMG I KNOW RIGHT!! Sorry that sounded ...well but it's what I thought too when I first heard it, amazing As I was on the shore line as well with the woods across the shore I actually popped my head up to check I wasn't being invaded by indians or something lmao.
  2. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    Zan Minimap
  3. So I found a bear....

    I was searching for Flux when I heard a growling much like a bear....I searched about and sure enough found a sloth of bears! Are they just flavour at the moment or can I tame them? I didn't want to kill any but may pop by later and see if I can err...experiment...on an isolated bear to see if they give drops...
  4. So I found a bear....

    lol thanks for the heads up, maybe I should cage a couple now before they get full featured
  5. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    Ahh Thanks for the sanity check I assumed that must be the case as the world was identical bar I had far more resource much closer to home but they were all still present regardless making for a good starter seed imho Only a week of play in the evenings and I'm getting ready to enter the Bronze age . I assume after that you have to go mining deeper for the higher tier stuff? I think I'll focus on farming next and getting a proper home built rather than try improve the stone age hovel I've got at the moment
  6. RealCraft Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.4.7

    Looks pretty impressive!
  7. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    It's an alternative to wood in the camp fires and the abundance here is a huge boost as your wood supplies go so much further when you don't need to cook with it I've just rechecked my SMP and oddly I have Huge Peat and Clay deposits in the ponds next to spawn that are absent in the single player map I just rolled with the same Seed...
  8. Anyone seen Peat lately?

    My latest seed is swimming in Peat =p As soon as I get home I plan to extract the seed and take some screen shots to post up it's a perfect starting seed for B75
  9. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    Hah I actually tried to throw my sword at a skellie in Vanilla >_<, seriously you've destroyed minecraft for me you bastards, you wonderful wonderful bastards Thanks for the welcome It's been at least....10 years...since I was last on IRC...need to look up how to use it again >_< Maybe pickup my anime streams again! hehe, gotta rebuild the old library after I lost my backup harddrive WHILST formatting my live drive ...>_> My laptop is a crappy old thing off Ebay for work while on the move and chosen for it's ability to use web based applications and spreadsheets =p Windows 7 Pro 64 4GB Ram (I don't know the speed or type without opening it up =p) Intel Duel Core 2.5GHz (P8700) Mobile Intel Series 4 Graphics (onboard and latest drivers basically) 1 HDD 5.4kRPM 100GB partitioned into 60 and 40. It's old and probably in need of a reformatting and has taken some beatings (someone appears to have used it as a target for an air rifle at some point....) but it does the job bless it. It runs about 2GB Ram used and swings between lows of 60%cpu and 100% when running TFC =p Oddly it seems to have settled down since I started posting on the forums and is playable now even full screen =p Go figure. (not hugely mind, very slow to update block changes and fighting hostiles just isn't a good idea ,I have a hard time spearing the teleporting pigs, Ender pigs!!)
  10. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    Cycrow.....why do I know that name...... *Edit: You in the X-Universe community by chance?
  11. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    I'm pretty sure it's CPU yes Ironically I've just found (by accident) that running it windowed in a small window seems to help...I was messing about with seeds on SSP to find a good one for the server and I've actually been able to play as long as the game is windowed to like a 8" window....XD Not ideal but means I get my fix while I'm travelling or stuck in a hotel somewhere until I get a proper gaming laptop =p
  12. If you want to edit the wiki.

    as a newbie to TFC I've noticed some bits in the WIki that need adding or ironing out but I'll apply once I'm 20 posts in and a bit more experienced myself I'm pretty anal about documentation so on one hand really want to add everything...on the other I'm so hooked on TFC I don't want to time out to stop playing to document XD! *Edit - actually I've found what I needed by searching but couldn't simply "follow links" to what I needed, but after finding out what I needed from Youtube I could seach the info on the Wiki =p, so maybe indexing needs sorting out a little =p (IE Support beams needs to be searched - Sluices needs to be searched- Technical info on Spawn protection seems to be absent etc etc =p) The rest of reading failure on my part (IE Re-lighting firepits took me a while to figure out even though it's written on the wiki, I just missed that bit somehow =p)